Video of a 68 Convertible Camaro at
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Old February 21st, 2010, 01:15 AM   #1
Video of a 68 Convertible Camaro
Chuck Spaulding Chuck Spaulding is offline February 21st, 2010, 01:15 AM

Recently I posted some test footage of a car mount rig, "No Rain in Hidden Valley, here is the first part of a video I'm shooting using that rig. I love cars and photography so several years ago I decided to combine those two hobbies, but the 7D wasn't out yet, now that it is I'm making a more serious effort at it...

Anyway, I'm looking for advice how to proceed with this video, what do you think of the shots so far and what shots would you like to see? At the end I'd really like the viewer to just want to really get in this car and drive it. I'm not trying to make a statement, I would really like to engender a feeling of nostalgia, an appreciation for classic cars, actually I'm not sure. So I thought I would post this before finishing it in hopes that some of you would have some suggestions.

Hopefully most of all you enjoy this. Also, please keep in mind that with the exception of my wife driving I do this by myself and often don't have the time for another take even when I know I might need one.

This video is also very challenging for the 7D, the roof on the barn is corrugated tin, the grill in the Camaro has fine louvers in it and a lot of different angles on fences etc.. For the most part it did quite well but there is some moire in the grill in a couple of shots. Since I do this for a hobby I left any short comings of the camera in the video. Hopefully it will help others trying to shoot in similar circumstances.

Thanks for watching and for any suggestions.

Chuck Spaulding
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Old February 21st, 2010, 08:38 AM   #2
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As the proud owner of a '67 convertible Camaro, I was totally taken in by the subject matter...and the music. I didn't even notice the things you pointed out.

Fun video! The only thing I really noticed was the car that got behind the Camaro during the driving down the road scene....Seems like that ALWAYS happens!

I liked it.

Tom Dickerson

Added comments: Just had my wife watch it with me and we have some ideas...

1. Closer shot of the Camaro body during the opening.

2. Closeup of Camaro wheel - depending upon how that would look...any reflections?

3. Low shot of wife walking out of barn door.

4. As the car starts to take off, a close, ground level shot, front tire going by to the right or left of the camera - or perhaps a closeup of the rear of the car showing the "SS" emblem as it pulls away.

5. Perhaps a more fluid shot of when she turns onto the street.

6. A POV shot from your wife's perspective.

7. A shot going down the road from the side of the camaro's body showing the front fender and the road ahead.

8. A shot (could be from your camera vehicle) of the Camaro passing you.

Of course we need a cool destination for the Camaro to go....that would help us to think about additional fun footage.

Like I said....I really like it!

Last edited by Tom Dickerson; February 21st, 2010 at 09:04 AM. Reason: add comments
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Old February 21st, 2010, 09:06 AM   #3
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Hey Chuck,

Great looking car, very clean.

You've got a great mount there. Try experimenting with different angles around the outside of the car. Try getting creative with the inside as well, I'm sure there's some great details inside that could help make some great shots. There's no limit to the possibilities, except well maybe room to mount the suction cups.

Here's a picture to get you thinking.

- Mike
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Old February 21st, 2010, 10:47 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Tom Dickerson View Post
As the proud owner of a '67 convertible Camaro, I was totally taken in by the subject matter...and the music. I didn't even notice the things you pointed out.

Fun video! The only thing I really noticed was the car that got behind the Camaro during the driving down the road scene....Seems like that ALWAYS happens!

I liked it.

Tom Dickerson

Added comments: Just had my wife watch it with me and we have some ideas...

1. Closer shot of the Camaro body during the opening.

2. Closeup of Camaro wheel - depending upon how that would look...any reflections?

3. Low shot of wife walking out of barn door.

4. As the car starts to take off, a close, ground level shot, front tire going by to the right or left of the camera - or perhaps a closeup of the rear of the car showing the "SS" emblem as it pulls away.

5. Perhaps a more fluid shot of when she turns onto the street.

6. A POV shot from your wife's perspective.

7. A shot going down the road from the side of the camaro's body showing the front fender and the road ahead.

8. A shot (could be from your camera vehicle) of the Camaro passing you.

Of course we need a cool destination for the Camaro to go....that would help us to think about additional fun footage.

Like I said....I really like it!
Thanks Tom, thanks to your wife too. I have some of the shots you recommend, a great one from ground level over the car of my wife coming out of the barn. My wife's a bit self conscious about here appearance on camera and didn't want to use it.

Hopefully we'll have another break in the weather soon and I can finish this one up.

Thanks for your suggestions.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 11:04 AM   #5
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Nice shots, fluid motion and beautiful car & scenery.

One thing that I miss the most is the sound of the car. I was very eager to hear how the old engine sounds.
I know that the 7D is very tricky with audio but there are workarounds.
It doesn't have to be all the time, but I would definitly like to hear the engine start and pull away.

My 2c,

Canon 5D2 & 7D, Canon XH-A1, Senn. G2, Steadicam Merlin, Glidetrack, Sony D-50, Edius 5
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Old February 21st, 2010, 11:20 AM   #6
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Mark, couldn't agree more. This is a big block 396 and it sounds great. I have tried to capture audio but have not been very successful at getting good audio.

I'm pretty much doing this by myself and trying to figure out cost effective ways to make this as good as I can considering this is a hobby.

But I agree, thats just something I'm going to have to figure out to make these better.

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Old February 22nd, 2010, 10:11 PM   #7
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Nicely done.... loved the moving camera shots. I agree that the engine sounds would have been a nice touch.

A "caution" about using copyrighted music. I loved the accompanying song but it *is* a copyright violation as used. Some sites will pull anything with a copyright violation in it.
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