Canon 7D and Sony EX1 intercut example at
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Old December 20th, 2009, 12:43 PM   #1
Canon 7D and Sony EX1 intercut example
Carlo Zanella Carlo Zanella is offline December 20th, 2009, 12:43 PM

This entire show (The Santa Fe TV Show) has been produced using 2 EX1s and a 7D. I think that these two cameras work great together. 7D used for "beauty" shots and close-ups...In the next episode I will be adding the GH-1 (just arrived) to the production.

Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show

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Old December 20th, 2009, 01:22 PM   #2
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Ex1 and 7D intercut example direct link

I forgot...This is the direct link to the video. And, as Chuck Spaulding says in a post below, learning how to use the 7D made me became a better EX1 user. The reason is that sometimes I simply like the "color" of the 7D better. That made me try different things on the EX1 to "emulate" that look with the advantage of the superior detail of the EX1.
As my work pholosophy, I try to shoot "clean" most of the times...But the 7D is a very "expressive" tool, and that makes you get more creative with other videocameras too.
Direct link:

Carlo Zanella
Santa Fe TV Show
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Old December 20th, 2009, 08:06 PM   #3
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Nice, quickly looking and I couldn't really tell them apart - possibly in a couple areas. I've got a couple pieces that are in edit right now blending both. One project I used the superflat curves on it and had a heck of a time matching up due to how far it pushes skin tones towards a weird yellow. How was color correction for you? Did you try to really match closely with the EX to 7D or 7D towards EX?
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Old December 20th, 2009, 10:53 PM   #4
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Hi Carlo, I checked out your website and first episode, very nicely done. You certainly make me want to visit Santa Fe.

Looks like your having fun. Thanks.
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Old December 21st, 2009, 03:04 AM   #5
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Well done Carlo! Did you find the detail in the EX1's were too good compared to the 7D? What types of things did you do to match the footage?
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Old December 21st, 2009, 12:17 PM   #6
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Good artists develop a style. One could say that Tim Burton does the same look over and over, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old December 21st, 2009, 12:28 PM   #7
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Very true. I know a lot of my stuff looks similar. And I'm definitely not saying I could do any better. But I've seen several projects go through DHP. The project has potential, then they do their thing to it and it goes no where.

I don't know their history, maybe they've had great successes.
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Old December 21st, 2009, 01:51 PM   #8
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A lot of Philip Bloom's stuff looks the same too, good.

Graham, what else don't you know about DHP? How much was their budget? How long did they have to finish this project? How many people did they have to produce it?

If they got paid $500 and they had a day to complete it I'd say that what they've accomplished is amazing, if they had $500K and five months, well maybe not so much. But it doesn't all come down to money nor does it all come down to art.

There are so many variables and Carlo was kind enough to share his work with us. It would be nice if we supported one another in our efforts to improve our usage of the 7D, sometimes that involves constructive criticism. But I'm not sure what you expect Carlo to do with "looks the same, kind of annoying?"

I'm sure there are members who have moved beyond this level of experience and might share some feedback with him, there are probably a lot of people who are inspired by his work and hope to improve to this level. Whatever the level we all gain something by sharing our experiences - its kind of the point of this forum.

Carlo thanks again for sharing and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
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Old December 21st, 2009, 06:55 PM   #9
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7D to match up

Originally Posted by Jeremy Hughes View Post
Nice, quickly looking and I couldn't really tell them apart - possibly in a couple areas. I've got a couple pieces that are in edit right now blending both. One project I used the superflat curves on it and had a heck of a time matching up due to how far it pushes skin tones towards a weird yellow. How was color correction for you? Did you try to really match closely with the EX to 7D or 7D towards EX?
Well, I can say that it can be a problem sometimes...I shoot with contrast all the way down on the 7D, and with some de-saturation to start with (on the 7D). Then I have to work on the EX-1 to match it. Not easy, but I don't worry too much about it because most of the time I use the 7D NOT as a B cam, but for shots that purposely LOOK different from the EX-1.

Hope this helps.

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Old December 21st, 2009, 07:01 PM   #10
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Thank you all for your support

Thank you all for your comments! I always appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and I look to my peers to always keep me excelling. That's what makes me so passionate about this field--the ability to always keep pushing yourself and to keep learning from people in this forum.

Afterall, I feel that A LOT of what I have learned and what I will learn is because I get valuable information and tips from this forum (Chuck, I just got the matte box from India and it works rather well!! -- Thanxxxx)

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Old December 21st, 2009, 07:17 PM   #11
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7D Ex1 match up

Originally Posted by Mike Calla View Post
Did you find the detail in the EX1's were too good compared to the 7D? What types of things did you do to match the footage?
I see the detail of the Ex-1 to be superior to the 7D (I hope, I paid so much more for it!....)

but not to a point that would discourage me from using both of them... I just select the shots that will intercut better (close-ups with shallow DOF - "artistic" and "expressive" shots). The 7D tone and beautiful contrast make some shots so different and "attractive" that I think the viewer's attention will not focus on the "lesser" detail but rather on the beauty of the shot.

When I watch Phil Bloom's work, I'm just amazed by the filmic and expressive tone that he can get out of these DSLRs!!

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Old December 21st, 2009, 08:09 PM   #12
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Your Elevate demo reel

Originally Posted by Jeremy Hughes View Post
Nice, quickly looking and I couldn't really tell them apart - possibly in a couple areas. I've got a couple pieces that are in edit right now blending both. One project I used the superflat curves on it and had a heck of a time matching up due to how far it pushes skin tones towards a weird yellow. How was color correction for you? Did you try to really match closely with the EX to 7D or 7D towards EX?
BTW, I just checked out your reel (at the "elevate" site)...AMAZING WORK!!!!
Did you shoot all of that with the EX-1??

Thank you.

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