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EOS Crop Sensor (APS-C) Sample Clips Gallery
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Old October 29th, 2009, 04:37 PM   #1
The Garrison
Jeff Reagan Jeff Reagan is offline October 29th, 2009, 04:37 PM

The actual video starts at the 1:37 mark. This is my first-ever "real" video shot with the Canon 7D and my first effort trying to produce anything in Adobe Premiere Pro.

For someone who had never shot video before, I was faced with a very steep learning curve--both in terms of the actual shooting, and the very beginning of learning a very complex piece of software. I've also only had the 7D for a couple of weeks. I still have much to learn. I volunteered to shoot a friend's band, and I had no idea how dark it would be inside this neighborhood club. I brought my 10-22mm F3.5 Canon zoom, thinking it would be fast enough. But after some quick test shooting it clearly was not--even at ISO 6400!

So, I was forced to tighter composed shooting with my longer Canon 85mm F1.8, shot wide-open with manual focusing throughout (also shooting at ISO 6400). I also had to position myself nearly on top of the band in order to get clear footage, due to crowd interaction. That made for very narrow depth-of-field, which made manual focusing even more challenging! The original red lighting was a bit too overpowering, so I decided to desaturate the actual footage of the band to produce a black and white video. I might try another version with a manipulated color temperature output and see how that looks...

Jeff Reagan
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