Mysterious DVD audio problem at
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Old February 24th, 2011, 01:32 PM   #1
Major Player
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Mysterious DVD audio problem


I'm mastering a DVD and have one final peculiar problem that I'm not sure how to fix or even whether it is worth trying to fix. The problem only occurs on one brand of DVD player (a decent make - Cambridge Audio) and is replicated on different machines of that make but so far no others I've tried. It also only occurs on one of the films on the DVD.

The problem film begins with a few seconds of credits and silence then the audio and image begin together with a rapid fade in of about 0.25 secs on the audio but instead of fading in smoothly the audio cuts in, chopping off a small portion of the onset of the sound. It occurs every time the DVD is played. The audio file itself begins at the very beginning of the film (with the credits) but is simply silent until the images commence. The audio is 16 bit PCM (this is important and won't be changed). The problem also occurs on one of the menus when it loops though I'm less concerned about this.

The original audio file is fine and when played in the simulator in DVD Studio Pro it is also fine, so even if I wanted to fix it I have no idea what i would do. And as I said it is fine on every other DVD player I have tried (2 other makes) and when played on a computer.

Is this just a quirk of this particular brand of player? How would I fix it or should I just ignore it? The DVD is to be commercially released with a modest run of 500 so I'm keen to get it as perfect as possible.

Any thoughts wold be appreciated.

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Old February 24th, 2011, 03:00 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Mysterious DVD audio problem

Call Cambridge Audio, they'd be likely to help and try one of your DVDs.

I wouldn't release the 500 till you sort this out, could be major trouble ahead.

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Old February 25th, 2011, 09:41 AM   #3
Major Player
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Location: Huddersfield, UK
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Re: Mysterious DVD audio problem

OK solved the problem. It seems that certain players don't like digital silence so I dithered the audio file(added inaudible noise) and everything now works fine. A lesson for the future.
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