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Old April 27th, 2007, 08:03 PM   #166
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I had a similar problem with .psd stills in videos that I edited in Premiere Pro if I didn't check "optimize stills". This is probably a problem with the AVI file that you are importing into Encore not an Encore problem. Make sure that you watch your exported AVI not in your Premiere Pro timeline, where it will look fine even if you didn't check optimize stills, but in Windows Media Player. You will likely find that your titles are screwed up in there and you just think that they are fine. Make sure that you optimize all stills if you use any stills. You may also want to add any titles to your main video track 1 as opposed to an overlay track before you expert and add the video to Encore.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 12:18 PM   #167
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encore wont let me .......

encore wont let me go from the movie while playing back to the menu by pressing the menu button on my remote even though in the timeline settings it is told to do this, while previewing it in encore it works but not in the finished DVD, any ideas of what I might have changed as all of my other ones worked alright.

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Old May 8th, 2007, 12:36 PM   #168
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Have you tried "check project" before burning? Most of the time it provides with good info on what is not set correctly.
Ervin Farkas
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Old May 8th, 2007, 01:54 PM   #169
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Thanks I got it sorted, the fault was in the DVD player, it worked fine in my other 2 dvd players.
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Old June 15th, 2007, 11:45 PM   #170
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Encore 2.0 and hardware compatibility

Anyone know where in the Adobe site I can find about which hardware (specifically dvd burners) are compatible with Encore 2.0?

I'm looking around the site and can't seem to find it! Please help!

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Old June 16th, 2007, 04:35 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by Jeff Anselmo View Post
Anyone know where in the Adobe site I can find about which hardware (specifically dvd burners) are compatible with Encore 2.0?

I'm looking around the site and can't seem to find it! Please help!

If your main concern is compatibility with DVD Burners, then you could always try the following:

1) use Authoring program of choice to create DVD Folders (or DVD Image File) on your hard drive
2) burn the DVD Folders (or image) using secondary burning software such as IMGBURN or CopyToDVD (I use IMGBURN myself)

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Old June 17th, 2007, 10:12 PM   #172
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Hi George,

I've actually done the two things you suggested--burned an image file using Encore 2.0, then used Sonic to burn the dvd. Unfortunately, it isn't the most reliable way (I think it's the Sonic program), as the burned dvd doesn't play in all dvd players.

The best way for me was burning an image file using Encore, then using Encore again to burn the dvd. And that seems to work 99 percent of the time.

But my Pioneer burner is on it's last legs, and I want to know what other brands are compatible with Encore 2.0 or CS3.


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Old June 18th, 2007, 03:50 PM   #173
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Finally found the PDF file from Adobe for burner compatibility for Encore 2.0

Just wondering which dvd burners are "working" for you guys?


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Old July 17th, 2007, 01:25 PM   #174
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Encore 1.5 mystery....

Hi All,

Just curious about Adobe Encore 1.5:

I want to go from 1 timeline to the next without having it skip and freeze for 5 seconds in between... is there a way to have them move seemlessly... for example....

I want to create a menu with a video background... when I click a certain button, I want it to go to a little AE animation and then to the next menu, however right now, the only way I can do it is to link it via the properties, and does the little freeze and hold with a black space in between... thus, I would like to click a button and it goes straight to it... is this possible?
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Old July 17th, 2007, 02:58 PM   #175
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Exporting Ppro2 Sequence Markers to Encore?

I've got hundreds of short clips (~1h:20m long) organized in a Ppro timeline/sequence.

I can't stand the DVD-menu templates that premiere offers, and I have Encore but no clue how to get my work in to it. So far I've discovered that the markers that Ppro creates basically don't exist in an exported (avi or transcoded m2v) file. So I'm ticked about having to go back through in Encore & re-locate all of my chapters. Is there a better way? I just want to make a nice custom DVD menu for this collection of clips, and of course burn the output to disc.
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Old July 17th, 2007, 04:32 PM   #176
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You have to click on the markers(sequence) and insert either a chapter name or number for each marker. Then the markers will be recognized as chapter points in Encore....
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Old July 17th, 2007, 04:36 PM   #177
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I am trying to remember since I haven't used 1.5 in a while, but the little freeze, your going to get. The key with creating your animation is to make sure that the animation begins and ends exactly the way and the exact placements on the static or motion menu. Once you do that and specify the transition(your animation), your going to get the pause, but the pause will be from your menu to animation with the same menu and it will appear that the menus are simply sitting still. I believe 1.5 has the option for the transition within it and I haven't done it in about a year or so, but that is how I used to do it. You have to play with it a few times to get the feel of how it looks and goes, but once you do, you will see what I mean and it works well..

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Old July 18th, 2007, 08:12 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by Damon Gaskin View Post
You have to click on the markers(sequence) and insert either a chapter name or number for each marker. Then the markers will be recognized as chapter points in Encore....
That's what I've read...thanks for the reply.

What I tried last night was using numbered-markers (which the help 'implied' should work), I just page-down-ed through my Ppro timeline and inserted a numbered marker at each cut...I still get no chapter marks in Encore. Are Ppro's numbered-markers different from unnumbered-sequence-markers with added text/digits (per Damon's Suggestion)?

Is it that I'm exporting via MPEG-2? Is there a more sophisicated way to make Ppro & Encore interact?

I gather that Encore can't detect scene changes automatically, or any other such helpful tricks, so I'm stuck manually re-locating my cuts once I get into Encore. I will be writing a nastygram to the Adobe company before too long.
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Old July 18th, 2007, 08:30 AM   #179
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Encore cs3

Yesterday I received premiere pro cs3 with encore cs3 as a bundle, I was mostly interested in encore to see how it would perform. I have been using version 1.5 untill now and encore CS3 really doesn't look that different (Not counting the added flowchart which allready had been included in version 2.0)

I was a bit surprised about the encoding quality. I first took the high quality dvd 2 x vbr preset with an average of 7mbs and a max of 9mbs, strangest thing was when I tried to change the max bitrate to 8 encore changed it into 8,8 and there was no way for me to get it to 8mbs. I have had some playback problems in the past on some older dvd players which might be the result of a too high bitrate, that's why I allways lower it.
It took more then 2 hours to encode a 50min movie on a singlecore 3,2gig pc and I wasn't pleased about the result, the average image looked OK, only were there artifacts in the dissolves as they looked quite "rough".
I used "bitrate viewer" to read out the bitrates from the mpegfiles and I had peaks up to 9,4mbs and an average of 6,8mbs. The 9,4bitrate worries me the most, my dvdplayer could handle it but I'm not sure how older players will handle that.

Then I tried a constant 8mbs one pass bitrate which took about an hour to render and that allready looked better, the cross dissolves or also fades from black to an image were much smoother. In bitrate viewer I again had a peak of 9,4mbs and an average of 7,8mbs.

In the past when working with encore 1,5 I allways choose the highest quality 2 pass vbr were I lowered the max bitrate a bit and those encodes allways looked fine. Anybody any ideas what could be wrong with cs3's high quality preset and should I consider 1 pass CBR encodings instead but with a max bitrate of 7mbs? (In case of dvd's less then an hour long)

Anybody any idea's?
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Old July 18th, 2007, 09:13 AM   #180
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Noa ...

I've also upgraded from 1.5.1 to CS3. I have used Encore, but not to encode video - I always encode in Premiere Pro.

So far I've done a CBR encode at 7mbs and a 2 pass VBR encode at 7mbs peaking at 8mbs, both from the same 75 minute HDV timeline. The quality of the CBR was good but the VBR was excellent - easily the best I have seen from HDV.

I'd be surpised if Adobe were using different render engines in Premiere Pro and Encore, but you could try encoding from Pro to see if you get different results. The Media Encoder in CS3 seems to have fewer ready-made presets and more parameters to set than in 1.5.1, so I guess we are back on the learning curve for a while.

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