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Old August 26th, 2008, 10:06 PM   #1
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DVD Studio Pro 4

Why is it that I can import any other format into DVDSP4 expect HDV. I can import the DVCPRO HD Files just fine with the Markers!!! If I use the AIC HDV Preset it imports just fine what it the deal with Just HDV using the HDV 60i Preset in FCP. Every thing else works but that preset do I have something messed up or what. It the past I just used compressor and it was good but time consuming. I am looking for some thing faster.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:09 AM   #2
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I don't believe dvdsp encodes faster or better than compressor. HDV just takes a long time to encode and dvdsp probably doesn't accept the format because it doesn't decode well for real time viewing. Besides DVD-HD future is dead, not sure why you'd want author dvds for it?
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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:32 AM   #3
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Sorry I should have said this is a SD DVD. I was going through Larry Jordan's Tuts on lynda.com and he was talking about how his DVCPRO HD timeline goes right into DVDSP right out of FCP. So I took a 1 minute clip and exported it out as DVCPro HD and it went right in PROrez went right in. My HDV 1080i Preset timeline was an unsupported format in DVDSP4. The only thing that gets me is the DVCPRO HD File is 82 Gigs. while the HDV codec is only 18 gigs. So naturally I want all the function with out the big files sizes. It is just taking so long to encode the file to Mpeg2 I would like it if it could happen in the background and let me get to work.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:40 AM   #4
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Matt - this is a dangerous dynamic. My unwritten rule is never use a dvd authoring program to do the heavy lifting of a compression application. I've had a nightmare with Toast Blu-Ray encoding my DVCPRO HD footage into a smash of pixels. However, when I use compressor, it looks great. Speed is one thing but quality is everything.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 01:17 AM   #5
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Chris, you are right quality is everything. Just wanted to know why all other presets in fcp will go right in and the hdv 1080i 60 will not go in? I guess I will continue to do it the same way as I have always done it.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 01:18 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Matthew Pugerude View Post
Sorry I should have said this is a SD DVD. I was going through Larry Jordan's Tuts on lynda.com and he was talking about how his DVCPRO HD timeline goes right into DVDSP right out of FCP. So I took a 1 minute clip and exported it out as DVCPro HD and it went right in PROrez went right in. My HDV 1080i Preset timeline was an unsupported format in DVDSP4. The only thing that gets me is the DVCPRO HD File is 82 Gigs. while the HDV codec is only 18 gigs. So naturally I want all the function with out the big files sizes. It is just taking so long to encode the file to Mpeg2 I would like it if it could happen in the background and let me get to work.
Export from final cut as a sd quicktime then let compressor encode it to a mpg2. while its encoding whats preventing you from doing other things like authoring your menu?
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Old August 27th, 2008, 08:53 PM   #7
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Pete nothing is stopping me from doing that I am just trying to figure out if I have an install problem. To take it a step further Mr. Jordan says that you do not even need to use compressor for HDV due to the fact that of is HDV is already mpeg2!!! He is definatly talking about an SD DVD. Also DVDsp does not stop working just because I am having dvdsp4 doing the encoding in the background.

Last edited by Matthew Pugerude; August 27th, 2008 at 09:58 PM.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 11:31 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Matthew Pugerude View Post
Pete nothing is stopping me from doing that I am just trying to figure out if I have an install problem. To take it a step further Mr. Jordan says that you do not even need to use compressor for HDV due to the fact that of is HDV is already mpeg2!!! He is definatly talking about an SD DVD. Also DVDsp does not stop working just because I am having dvdsp4 doing the encoding in the background.
Its irrelevant that HDV uses a mpeg2 type of compression it isn't compatible with a SD DVD so you need to down convert it to SD and re-encode it, no matter what Mr Jordan says.
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Old March 20th, 2009, 12:54 PM   #9
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ok, I just started using DVD SP 4 yesterday and have run into this brick wall. I exported a an HDV (1080i60) Quicktime reference movie from FCP, it's around 10gb for a 45ish min. concert video. I am trying to burn an SD 16:9 dvd with the aformentioned footage.

When I go to import the video asset to dvdsp, I get the "incompatible format" error. I did some research in that dept. and it looks like I'm S.O.L. cuz dvdsp won't import it.

My question now is what is the workaround?
I take it I need to export through compressor, but what settings should I use for DVD? I know there are multiple DVD defaults in Compressor, but which one is best suited for my scenerio (HDV to SD 16:9, 45 mins. of video) and what tweaks need to be made to the presets? anyone have a custom preset for this application? any advice would be much appreciated!!

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Old March 21st, 2009, 11:58 PM   #10
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OK HDV and DVD Studio Pro

1st do not export out a ref mov. it has to be self contained.

then take it to Compressor and then drop the DVD Best 90 min Preset to the compressor project.

Then go to the inspector and go to the geometry icon and make sure that the Dimensions are set to NTSC (16:9) and hit submit.

It works for me is should work for you.
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Old March 22nd, 2009, 01:48 PM   #11
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Here's the low down on HDV.

HDV is recorded as an MPEG transport stream (1 file) not in MPEG elementary streams (2 files) that DVDSP recognizes. DVDSP takes elementary streams and "mux" them into a VOB file for smooth playback from a DVD pLAYER but they are still elementary streams. All DVDs use muxed elementary streams. Transport streams are used in broadcast transmissions and digital delivery.

It is confusing that you can import most other FCP movie formats and Apple should make this clear in the error message but Compressor is easy enough to work with and can be configured to utilize more processor resources than DVDSP can.
William Hohauser - New York City

Last edited by William Hohauser; March 23rd, 2009 at 09:01 AM. Reason: Clarified some information
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 07:37 PM   #12
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cool, thanks a lot for the update guys!!
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