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Old October 2nd, 2007, 04:41 PM   #1
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Export to DVD disc

Okay I've searched many forums and tutorials and had a number of attempts to export my final video to DVD. One thing I did was when I built the project in Premiere CS3 I exported it to Encore DVD 2.0 but it didnt work. So instead I exported the project to a DV avi file and then I placed it into Encore and built a project with that timeline and then clicked "buid DVD" it went through good with NO errors... I waited almost 5 hours for it to encode a 1.5 hour file... it seems like it just doesnt want to finish so I canceled it.

Now my question is simple. Can someone please tell me step by step procdure to put a video file onto DVD... are there programs i can purchase? I have Encore but its not working!!!

please help... I have a tite deadline.
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 06:29 AM   #2
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Come back with details please

David, you are not specific enough for us to tailor an answer. Depending on the computer you're working with, the 5+ hours might be just fine, encoding DV to MPEG2 is no easy task. There are faster encoders (CinemaCraft for example) but I don't know if you're willing to spend another $2K on that.
Ervin Farkas
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 06:54 AM   #3
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David, you might want to try picking 'transcode now'. That will at least do the conversion step separately, and then the file is all set whenever you want to build the disc. That might narrow down where the problems lies.

Also, try making an ISO file or folder, rather than an actual disc. I've found Encore CS2 doesn't always work right on my machine when I try to make a disc directly. I then burn the iso image with a regular dvd burning app, anything will do, as long as it can burn iso files.

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Old October 3rd, 2007, 07:12 AM   #4
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In Premiere CS3 you can export straight to a DVD. It'll have no menus or anything but its a one-click option.
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 07:14 AM   #5
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Just like CS2 ;)

You can do menus too, but they're all preset things.. It'd be good to track down where the problem is though.
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 07:15 AM   #6
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What? No menues???

PremPro 2.0 was exporting to DVD WITH up to two layers of menues, did Adobe actually go backwards on this feature???
Ervin Farkas
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 06:55 PM   #7
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not sure they went backwards with CS3... it now includes a full version of
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 08:53 PM   #8
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You'd need to supply more details for anyone to

provide a viable solution.

You say you exported the whole project from PPro 2 as DV avi.

I've never exported a project that way; I try to equate sequences to acts or chapters, then export each sequence from PPro, then import each into Encore.
Did you export from PPro as uncompressed avi?

If you made a custom preset by changing transcode settings and you're not letting PPro transcode automatically, you may have used a setting that contributed to the lengthy wait. For PPro, I've had more luck using "Automatic" transcoding. It's worked well for me, despite all my (failed) attempts at "tweaking".

One other thing to check for is, in PPro, did you use the Auto Levels video effect AND changed Temporal Smoothing to some high number. (Read the Help on Auto Levels in PPro to get a sense of what that does). The scale is only 0 thru 10, but I'm pretty sure it can have a big impact, (though that may be limited to render time and not transcode time), and if the number is high, you may actually end up with worse-looking footage..

Those are situations/errors I've made that taught me a lot about how PPro and Encore work.

Search the forums here for other tips on importing and transcoding. If you don't find a fix, or a hint of one, provide more details, and someone may be able to give you the help you need.
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Old October 6th, 2007, 02:52 PM   #9
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Still Need Help.

Thanks everyone who submited a reply I really appriciate it.

Eric Sheperd: I did what you told me to, to "transcode now" and it did transcode the whole thing w/o any problems (it created a folder with .m2v files) But after it transcoded the footage was I supposed to import the .m2v file back into encore or find a program to convert it to DVD? I tired importing it back onto encore but it starts importing but seems like it just keeps going in circles, so i canceled (i'm actually testing all this on a 3.5 minute video instead of the 1.5 hour video to save time.)

Denis Danatzko: As we speak I am exporting the Sequence to an uncompressed AVI file like you suggested *(earlier I exported it as a DV AVI). A 3 minute clip will take 3 hours for uncompressed (is that normal???) I never messed with the transcode setting so it should be set at default.

I'm sending an attachment of what happens when I try to BUILD DVD in encore DVD 2.0. IT seems to stay at this window for hours and looks like it just keeps doing the same thing (I also tried building a dvd on this 3 minute video and it gives me the same story. It doesnt show how much time is left for the project... is it all okay? Anyone ever have this problem... maybe it a file error?

I'll Let you guys know what happens, if anyone can advise me further it would be appriciated.
Attached Thumbnails
Export to DVD disc-helpencore.gif  
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Old October 6th, 2007, 06:46 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by David Kovalev View Post
Eric Sheperd: I did what you told me to, to "transcode now" and it did transcode the whole thing w/o any problems (it created a folder with .m2v files) But after it transcoded the footage was I supposed to import the .m2v file back into encore or find a program to convert it to DVD? I tired importing it back onto encore but it starts importing but seems like it just keeps going in circles, so i canceled (i'm actually testing all this on a 3.5 minute video instead of the 1.5 hour video to save time.)
Hey David, Encore will just use the files after transcoding. It's only really so that you can do it once and forget about it. I wasn't sure if your problem was happening during the transcoding stage, so I figured if you get that out of the way as a separate step, then it's been eliminated as a problem.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 09:25 AM   #11
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David, you're overcomplicating very simple things. There is absolutely no reason for exporting as uncompressed.

Just export as DV-AVI and follow one of these tutorials:

Ervin Farkas
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Old October 8th, 2007, 10:15 PM   #12
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Thanks for all your help. Everything works great now.
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Old October 9th, 2007, 05:55 AM   #13
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Great! Care to fill us in on what resolved it? Then others finding this thread will have an answer too. :)
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Old October 9th, 2007, 04:57 PM   #14
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Honestly I never really detected the problem. All I did was uninstall and reinstall the software and works great now. I guess there was somthing wrong with the installation part that it kept looping in circles.

Thanks again for all your help. Really appriciate it.
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Old October 10th, 2007, 12:42 PM   #15
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Ah computers are fun and that's why we love them! :)
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