Judging - DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge #2 at DVinfo.net
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The DVC / UWOL Charity Challenge
Our contest series unites for a common cause...

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Old January 15th, 2010, 11:56 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Judging - DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge #2

Here we go with the judging! If you’re like me you’re thinking this is going to be a tough one to call.

If you submitted a film or donated to the charity pool you are a judge! You have from now until midnight PST on Sunday, Jan. 17 to vote. The winner will be announced on Monday.

Filmmakers, sorry, but you can’t vote for your own film. :)

Go to http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/dvc-uwol...finalists.html to watch all the films again.

Pick your top three films, and email your #1 #2 and #3 choices to thedvchallenge@gmail.com

Please include both the filmmakers name and the film title.

So how do you pick your top three films? Voting should be weighted 50% for production quality, and 50% for use of theme/story. If you need help, here is a system Dylan has used almost since the start of the DVC. In his words:

Each time I watch a film I give it two ratings out of 10. One for how well it uses the theme, one for overall production value. I write them down in order as I go, and if I find that they stack up better or worse to other films, I move their points up and down a little bit.

For example:
________Theme/Story ______ Production
Film A________9_____________ 9.5
Film B________8______________9
Film C________7______________7
Film D________5______________7
Film E________8______________3

By the end I find I have a list that represents fairly accurately what I would have chosen anyway, and no films get forgotten. I will go back and rewatch my top 5 just to make sure they are as I remember them.


That’s it for the regular portion of the contest, but there’s more! Remember, Guy Cochran of dvcreators.net put up a LitePanel Micro for the filmmaker you vote as Best Newcomer! So, newcomers to the DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge are:

Ben Robbins & Cole Seidl “Merry Christmas, Craig!”
Ken Diewert “Li Wu (The Gift)”
Clint Harmon “it’s the little things”
Graeme Hay “Gift of Seeds and Carrots.”
Bill Thesken "The Miracle"

Send your vote for Best Newcomer along with the one for Best Film.

There you have it! If you’ve got any questions just ask!

Last edited by Lorinda Norton; January 15th, 2010 at 01:18 PM.
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Old January 15th, 2010, 12:13 PM   #2
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Location: White Bear Lake, MN
Posts: 39
I had a quick question regarding the voting.

We pick our top 3 for best film, but do we also pick our top 3 for best newcomer or just a single film?
Old school Xl-1, Redrock micro, vintage 55mm 1.4 nikkor, Final cut pro, bits and pieces around the house.
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Old January 15th, 2010, 12:29 PM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Southwest Idaho, USA
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Hmm...there are only five...but yeah, go ahead and give us your top three--might as well calculate it the same. And again, no voting for your own film on the newcomer award. :)


Last edited by Lorinda Norton; January 15th, 2010 at 01:34 PM.
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Old January 15th, 2010, 01:05 PM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Votes are already coming in and everyone is just picking one for the newcomer award. So strike what I said about choosing the top three on our newcomers! If there's a tie we'll make our toppest head judge Dylan break it.

EDIT. Like "MAJOR" EDIT.... I left Bill Thesken off the Newcomer list by mistake!!! So for those of you who voted already...

So sorry, Bill!
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Old January 17th, 2010, 01:48 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Southwest Idaho, USA
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Still waiting on a few voters. We've got us a horse race! It's driving me crazy so to those of you who haven't voted yet, hurry up! (Actually, you've got until midnight PST tonight.) :)
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