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Old September 11th, 2012, 07:25 PM   #16
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Re: How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge

I joined DVC12 back in 2008, with "Metamorphosis" as my first foray into real narrative filmmaking. I was a huge lurker around these parts before I joined. (By the way, Dick's been bugging me for a while to get that film back up -- I'm gonna get it back online soon!) Anyway, since then, I've made a lot of new friends, and learned a hell of a lot when it comes to both the artistic and technical side of filmmaking.

Dylan & Lorinda -- I can't tell you how valuable the DVC is, along with its 'shut up and just shoot something, and get it done' mantra. I always love seeing how others create their work, and getting feedback for my own. Dylan -- I posted in another thread about how you always pushed me to make my work better... how to give dimension to flat lighting, how to improve sound, and I've spent countless hours experimenting and scouring the boards because of that. Lorinda -- thank you for being the gears that keep this machine well oiled and turning, always offering encouragement... oh, and thanks for also not letting me forget about my acting roots, hehe *blushes*.

Guy -- you are the icing on the cake. Your generosity certainly does not go unnoticed! Some of the toys you've offered us continue to be a part of my repertoire today, and is still one of my go to places when I need some new equipment and first hand reviews!

And of course...
Chris Hurd -- your site is an INDISPENSABLE resource for the sharing of knowledge and opinions for filmmakers of all kinds. This is truly one of the best things about the internet, and I thank you for keeping this site up and running!

When I was younger, a master magician had passed onto me a lifetime worth of knowledge. One day, I told him that there wasn't any way I could really repay him. "Just share the knowledge with others," he simply said. Here, I offer the same -- to continue sharing what I've learned here.

Again, my sincere thanks... and see you on the boards!
Joseph Tran, student of DVinfo by day, touring entertainer by night:
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Old September 12th, 2012, 10:43 PM   #17
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Re: How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge

I couldn't agree more. You guys did and fantastic job! Thanks for making this possible!
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Old September 13th, 2012, 05:35 AM   #18
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Re: How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge

The real prize to me, is not the generous gift provide by Guy, but the opportunity to present your work to an informed audience who will give you valuable feedback, with a minimum of ego. I am one of the people who still put a little bit of ego into my postings, but for the most part, the DV Challenge community is the most generous, warm spirited film competition anywhere.

We all want to make good films, but the truth is, when we start (except for ,maybe Josepeh and Toni) there are a lots of areas for improvement. Getting this feedback in a constructive manner, form a supportive community, is critical to making better films. I have improved a lot as a filmmaker and these challenges are one of the main reasons.

Other competitions let audiences vote, or support online voting in a way that encourages filmmakers to turn out friends and family, leading to a self promotional environment which encourages celebrating mediocrity instead of encouraging valid feedback. Voting from only the fellow filmmakers is the key to a reward system that consistently celebrates the top entries.

Personally, I have evolved a lot over the last five years. I started challenges being all about "winning," but to me there is no greater win than seeing more first time filmmakers join the challenge and also seeing a fellow filmmaker knock the lights out with a production so good that it inspired me to make my films better. There are several really beautiful entries in this challenge.

The Challenge almost died, with a lack of interest from long time participants. Guy's incredible generosity is probably responsible for the better turn out this time, but I was personally hoping for 22 entries for DVC22. We could grow this competition into the best online, if we all work to promote it.

Some of the films should make their way into festivals. Some festivals don't want the films online when they are submitted. It might be, that people are avoiding the DV Challenge, once they believe their films are good enough to submit to festivals. I think we can change this. I consider this community a development incubator for films, not a public festival.

I plan on reshooting the bottle being poured out, ripping off Toni's shoe closeup, and changing music, and adding scenes, and then think I have a festival worthy short film. I'll make the DVC link private, and include the line "Developed as part of The DV Challenge film project".

We can all work to turn out fellow filmmakers and promote Guy's DVestore with our dollars and recommendations. Yesterday, I was using the Diva light ring for a taped audition, and was asked where I got it, and gave them the link to Guy's online store. I hope we can give back to the group as much as we have received, and help to grow this competition into a resource with international recognition.

The feedback forum, is the real prize of the competition. There is so much valuable information there, and a minimum of ego based distractions. I am still working to remove the ego from my feedback entries, but that will continue to be a lifelong project for me.

And yes, we all owe our thanks to Lorinda, Dylan, Guy, and Chris!
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Old September 13th, 2012, 02:56 PM   #19
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Re: How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge

Originally Posted by Dick Mays View Post
The real prize to me, is not the generous gift provide by Guy, but the opportunity to present your work to an informed audience who will give you valuable feedback, with a minimum of ego. I am one of the people who still put a little bit of ego into my postings, but for the most part, the DV Challenge community is the most generous, warm spirited film competition anywhere.
Please keep your egotisical remarks coming, they're really funny.

Originally Posted by Dick Mays View Post
We all want to make good films, but the truth is, when we start (except for ,maybe Josepeh and Toni) there are a lots of areas for improvement. Getting this feedback in a constructive manner, form a supportive community, is critical to making better films. I have improved a lot as a filmmaker and these challenges are one of the main reasons.
I feel like I just took a free month long filmmaking class. I'll definitely be back next semester.

Originally Posted by Dick Mays View Post
Other competitions let audiences vote, or support online voting in a way that encourages filmmakers to turn out friends and family, leading to a self promotional environment which encourages celebrating mediocrity instead of encouraging valid feedback. Voting from only the fellow filmmakers is the key to a reward system that consistently celebrates the top entries.
If the DVC had the usual online traffic generating mass voting system, I would never have made a film.

Originally Posted by Dick Mays View Post
Some of the films should make their way into festivals.....
"Developed as part of The DV Challenge film project".
This is a very cool idea. And I'd love to be informed if anyone does this. I feel invested in all of these films now, and it'll be cool to see them win more awards and be enjoyed by millions!

Originally Posted by Dick Mays View Post
We can all work to turn out fellow filmmakers and promote Guy's DVestore with our dollars and recommendations. Yesterday, I was using the Diva light ring for a taped audition, and was asked where I got it, and gave them the link to Guy's online store. I hope we can give back to the group as much as we have received, and help to grow this competition into a resource with international recognition.
Whoever wins should make Guy a nice DVeStore thank you video or something for sure!
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Old September 14th, 2012, 02:57 PM   #20
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Re: How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge

I'm sure we all echo Dick's sentiments -- the feedback from this audience here, along with all the other countless threads, have been an invaluable resource for me. I'm extremely glad the DVC hasn't died off!

For me, it certainly wasn't a lack of interest. I personally had to leave the arts for a little bit -- I found myself living in Argentina for a time -- before I was able to come back with full force and newfound energy. The next couple of years, I found myself performing my magic show aboard cruise ships. Last summer, I realized that my crew hadn't done much with the equipment I left them (guess it really IS hard to get a project done!) So, I took back the reigns with my return... and 5 or so missed DVC's later, it feels really great to film again, starting with the last DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge.

It's an even bigger treat to see familiar names again, along with new faces. I miss hearing from guys like Robert Martens, who always brought laughs and good cheer to the boards!

So, it comes with no question -- I'll be using the DVInfo & DVeStore plug again soon!

P.S. Dick -- you're becoming a too much of a diva these days. Even Mariah Carey and Michael Bay are urging you to dial it back a little.
Joseph Tran, student of DVinfo by day, touring entertainer by night:
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