Originally Posted by Joseph Zorzin
Just curious, Chris, if you could comment on how you built the site- are you a programer or did you purchase software to build the site?
Hi Joseph, the message board part -- what you're looking at right now -- is without a doubt the best forum engine commercially available that isn't priced high up in the "enterprise" class (in other words, it's not outrageously expensive). It's called vBulletin, and these days it's by far the most commonly used commercial (not freeware) forum software on the web. DV Info Net was the first online community in this particular market to use vBulletin, and a lot of other community sites have since followed in our footsteps by copying us and transitioning over to vBulletin. I knew I had made the right decision in choosing this software when I saw that happening again and again.
The other part of the site, all of the articles pages such as
http://www.dvinfo.net/articles/camsu...linvestarm.php were coded by yours truly using the best web site editing program in the world... Windows Notepad. I'm not a programmer though. HTML isn't programming, it's just markup.