Gear stolen from NAB 2012. at
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Old April 24th, 2012, 12:41 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Gear stolen from NAB this year .. keep an eye out on Ebay and other lists ..

QTY Model SN SN SN SN Notes
1 WM-20 104 body pack
1 WM-19 102 body pack
1 WM-22 108 body pack
1 WM-23 110 body pack
2 LMA-23 9509 9348 body pack
1 LMA-26 9449 body pack
4 UM400A-21 12265 12266 12267 12268 body pack
2 SRA5P-21 61631 50323 Portable receiver
2 SRA5P-24 65101 61676 Portable receiver
2 SRA-26 100637 100639 Portable receiver
2 SRA-21 105118 100282 Portable receiver
4 UCR411A-22 20182 19927 19928 19929 Portable receiver
4 UCR401-25 5046 5047 5048 5049 receiver
2 UCR100-21 10920 10826 Portable receiver
2 UCR100-22 10901 10902 Portable receiver
4 D4R 208 209 210 211 Digital wireless
4 D4T 190 193 194 195 Digital wireless
4 R400A-21 3353 3563 3564 3565 desk top receiver
4 IFBT4-24 5478 5504 5505 5506 base station
4 IFBR1A-25 2313 23783 23784 23785 belt pack receiver
4 M4R 128 177 123 139 belt pack receiver
4 M4T 101 108 161 162 base station
2 Octopack-L 10149 60119 Portable dock
1 SPNTRIO 5400191 DSP
3 VRMWBL 1501041 1501042 1501043 Rack receiver
1 VRS-22 8146 Receiver module
2 VRS-23 8157 8156 Receiver module
2 VRS-25 8172 8171 Receiver module
1 VRS-19 8134 Receiver module
1 MM400C-19 1566 body pack
1 MM400C-23 1563 body pack
1 MM400C-25 1608 body pack
1 MM400C-26 1522 body pack
4 HM-25 4153 4189 4190 3776 plug-on
4 SMV-21 1680 1907 1908 1909 body pack
1 SMQV-25 5981 body pack
2 SMQV-19 5849 6408 body pack
1 SMQV-22 6380 body pack
1 HH-19 ? handheld
1 HH-20 ? Handheld
1 HH-21 ? handheld
1 HH-24 ? handheld


STA042 #00756
STA042 #00791
STA150 #00792
ERX1TCD #0530
ERX1TCD #0531
Nomad 6 #10253
Micplexer #1032
mix8 #1090
Mix8 #1091
RX4900 #114
QRX100Q #1170 B26
QRX100Q w/QIFB #1224yB21
ZFR300 #1325
ZFR100 #1326
ZFR200 #1327
QRX100Q #1
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Old April 24th, 2012, 03:51 PM   #2
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Allan, Sorry to hear this.... I hope it all gets found pretty quick and the culprits are dealt with...
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Old April 24th, 2012, 04:24 PM   #3
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Wow, that sucks . . . bump this, so people are aware.
Hoping the culprits get there's.
Mark Ahrens
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Old April 24th, 2012, 06:35 PM   #4
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

wow didn't realise so much stuff could get stolen at nab :/
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Old April 24th, 2012, 07:03 PM   #5
Obstreperous Rex
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Happens every year, unfortunately. The sad part is, usually it's not
a grab & dash from the booth... it's an inside job that occurs after
show hours, or during set-up or breakdown.

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Old April 25th, 2012, 04:08 AM   #6
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Sorry as well to hear about this.

The folks in the Shape booth told me a new product was stolen and then discovered-- in the booth of another exhibitor. Additional stolen goods were found in that booth. It is my understanding he was arrested on the show floor (perhaps Wed afternoon, but I wasn't clear on the time).

Ned Soltz
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Old April 25th, 2012, 07:45 AM   #7
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
Happens every year, unfortunately. The sad part is, usually it's not
a grab & dash from the booth... it's an inside job that occurs after
show hours, or during set-up or breakdown.
Inside job, huh? I suppose that's what you get for depending on cheap immigrant workers (educated assumption) to do the setup and take down of the show floor, they end up knowing all the nooks and crannies better than anyone else. You keep an eye on that guy in the lot you paid $20 to move unmarked boxes of stuff for you to the show.

The folks in the Shape booth told me a new product was stolen and then discovered-- in the booth of another exhibitor. Additional stolen goods were found in that booth.
Here in Russia, there is a fairly common method of stealing goods involving shifting the hot merchandise around, where the person doing the stealing ends up empty-handed if caught.

One could intentionally move the merchandise (to another booth in this case), where the people might not even be aware of it's presence, and "ping-pong" the stuff from place to place until it's out of the gates. If he thinks someone has caught on to the fact that something's stolen, he leaves the stuff with someone else and is safe from suspicion. This can be done both with dead drops and changing hands with others if working in a group.

It's an interesting psychological effect of how ignorant people are of new things that weren't there before, but immediately know when something's missing.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 05:23 PM   #8
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Originally Posted by Konstantin Kovalev View Post
I suppose that's what you get for depending on cheap immigrant workers (educated assumption) to do the setup and take down of the show floor
That assumption is wrong.

I said the problem usually occurs after show hours, and during set-up
and breakdown. The larger exhibitors rely on very well-known and fully
vetted exhibit service companies such as G&S, MC2, etc. and those
folks do an outstanding job... they move a mountain. They're not the
problem, and they most certainly are not "cheap immigrant workers."

The folks you're referring to are the "flippers" lining the sidewalk outside
of the LVCC. Those of you who have been to NAB, CES, etc. know who
I'm talking about. They're not the culprits either. And there are fewer and
fewer of them each year... a sign of the economy, perhaps.

No, the perpetrators of these trade show thefts sometimes are other
less scrupulous fellow exhibitors, as Ned points out above, or they are
of a much more "organized" variety that seems to operate out of Las
Vegas much more brazenly than other major trade show cities that
I'm familiar with, such as Orlando for instance. Go figure.

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Old April 25th, 2012, 08:52 PM   #9
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Originally Posted by Konstantin Kovalev View Post
Inside job, huh? I suppose that's what you get for depending on cheap immigrant workers (educated assumption) to do the setup and take down of the show floor, they end up knowing all the nooks and crannies better than anyone else. You keep an eye on that guy in the lot you paid $20 to move unmarked boxes of stuff for you to the show.
With all due respect I think this is an UNeducated assumption. I was there at NAB and was there when they closed and I know the group setting it up and taking it down are union. When its union, its not "cheap" and whether they were immigrant or not should not even be brought up.
Ted Ramasola
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Old April 25th, 2012, 09:17 PM   #10
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Security was a serious concern to me in the run up to NAB as my business partner Richard (Davidson) was taking 3 complete sets of CB100's with him to show to various interested parties.

I had images of all sorts of grief getting them in and then again getting them out.

It occured to me that the entire event must be a security nightmare of the very first order, with all that gear and all those people, especially after event hours.

How the heck do they keep track of anything without creating an (inter) national incident if they get it wrong?

In the event, nothing, nada, zip, not one word said about hassle either getting in or out with all that gear.

I'n not saying there wasn't any, just it wasn't mentioned, though I find it staggering there wasn't a blip at some point.

If there really wasn't a blip, I can see how just about anything could have gone "walkies".

"Organised" individuals would probably know "every lock that ain't locked when no ones around" forwards and backwards, so have the run of the place.

Suprised the full list is that short under the circumstances.

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Old April 26th, 2012, 10:55 AM   #11
Obstreperous Rex
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Originally Posted by Ted Ramasola View Post
... whether they were immigrant or not should not even be brought up.
Sadly, there are some folks that are unfamiliar with DVi to
the degree where they think that's actually an appropriate
topic here.

Allow me to assure everyone that it most certainly is not.

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Old April 28th, 2012, 01:19 AM   #12
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

I'm ignorant about this, perhaps it exists, but would it be worthwhile having a section here as a dedicated database of a list of stolen equipment and relevant serial numbers to check against?

Cheers Alan
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Old April 28th, 2012, 07:33 PM   #13
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

Knowing that the odds of it actually providing a match are almost nothing, I'd still appreciate a list of stolen equipment /w serials I could check whenever I buy used gear.
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Old April 29th, 2012, 12:39 AM   #14
Inner Circle
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Re: Gear stolen from NAB 2012.

That's deep in the too hard basket, too difficult and costly to keep current. Not seeing it listed as stolen on a list here or anywhere, buying it and
finding it is .. you couldn't blame anyone.

The best course of action would be to run a web check on the serial numbers of ALL the used gear you intend buying, see if they pop up on any forums
even to asking the seller where he bought it and check with them. You could maybe ask on the forums, whether has anyone had stolen a XXXXXX
serial no. xx xxx xxx

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