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#1 |
Inner Circle
Foreign (non English speaking) Members
Or possible members.
As an idle, New Years Day thought (not that I have been, another hard day at the office, er, working in the garden, and please say if you've got here before me) it occured to me just how many non English (as a first language) speaking members there are on DVinfo. From there I got to wondering just how many members DVinfo actually does have in what countries across the planet? I know you're up to about 26,000 odd (some of them very odd indeed. What, who, me?) but where are they? From there it was but a small skip and jump to, hmm, there seems to be a big discrepency in observed posters between the English speaking and non English speaking parts of the planet (You don't say!). Now, considering the roaring success of the Google Search function added a while ago (brilliant idea, why didn't I think of it myself?) and as an aid to DVinfo's march to take over the known Universe on the topic of, er, DV, I thought, can DVinfo be married to Googles translation system and become almost universal? You'all must be familiar with this: Language Tools The question is, can it be married to IP addresses to automatically translate posts/ searches for the countries destination if required or switched off for a comfortable ESL* member? I don't think you'll need to worry too much about the Elmer Fudd (that could grow on you tho'), Pirates, Bork etc, Hacker or Klingon translations, especially the latter, tho' you never know, there's some strange creatures lurking on this site. The remainder (quite a few, actually) may well open a new door for DVinfo. Nope, I have no idea how succesfull the system is, as the only languages I speak are Strine, Kiwi, Canuck and Pom, all of which seem to be mysteriously absent from the list - hmm, there's a conspiracy theory buried in there somewhere. And no, this isn't a back door dig about regional codes (intesting subject that it is) just a complete "think out of the box" moment (and the first one to come up with "New Years Day = Out of Tree, not Box, wouldn't be too far off....er, ahem!). Have a good one, Chris H. and all you DVinfo'ers. CS PS: This is not a drill. PPS: *ESL = English as a Second Language Last edited by Chris Soucy; December 31st, 2009 at 11:58 PM. Reason: Whoops. |
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#2 |
Major Player
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: British Isles
Posts: 415
Well, in my blog stats I am seeing more and more different translators as well as Google. Chinese seems to be a big one.
I do believe that the European members (where English isnt their primary language) on this site learnt to speak and write better than some English folks and dont actually need a translator. Happy New Year! |
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#3 |
Inner Circle
Hi Paul............
Funny you should mention about the standard of English (here), it did subsequently occur to me that this would be where the whole thing could fall at the first hurdle.
If I can't wade through the appalling spelling, grammar, txt type shortcuts/ truncations and "I know what I mean, but I'll let you guess" efforts and make some semblance of sense out of a post (which is about a 1 in 10 occurance) what on earth would any non - human translator make of them? Any bilingual members out there who'd like to try the experiment with a random sampling of posts and measue the hit rate? By which I mean, how often a translated post actually makes sense in both languages. Use any translator that takes your fancy. I'd ask for some input from non - English speakers, but if they don't................................. CS PS: Now, here's a thought! What say Chris Hurd write a banner post in his usual perfect English and have it translated into the top 5 non - English languages represented by the membership numbers (loosely). Something along the lines of "would you be interested in a (insert language here) version of "X" DVinfo content etc" and either let non members post to that particular thread (hmm, maybe not) or send him an e - mail via the Contact US button? At least it would be testing the waters. PPS: Chinese has got to be worth a try. They're the most avid shutter bugs on the planet and what with the economic revolution there and all.......... PPPS: Coo, look what I just found: http://translate.google.co.nz/transl...ayout=1&eotf=1 Don't half go out of their way to make it easy. Good, but don't think it's going to hit the spot: going to get exceedingly tedious clicking the button for every page (if you're speaking foreign, that is), gives English readers a bit of a problem if same person actually posts in foreign, then there's the small problem of those 1,169,606 odd posts going back to the beginning of time to take into account. Nope, think there's going to need to be entire "parallel universes" of DVinfo, with each new post in one being mapped to the others but translated "on the fly" and the historical stuff deciphered and stored in foreign for each one. Think you might need to put in a bulk order for servers there Chris. PPPPS: While you're at it, as an aid to getting clearer posts all round, you could always park a Spell Checker/ Grammer Corrector as options in the "make a post" page. Should be a doddle. Last edited by Chris Soucy; January 2nd, 2010 at 08:09 PM. Reason: light bulb = on |
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#4 |
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4,477
About the quality of our spoken English as our first language and our slackitude in not learning a second. - I got a wake-up call in 1994 when I went to Daruba Morotai in the backblocks of the Republic of Indonesia and there met a local middleschool teacher who knew more about my language and spoke it more correctly than I did.
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#5 |
Inner Circle
Hi Bob.................
Yeah, the English linguistic laziness is and has been a constant over the years, has to be something to do with the culture, I guess.
In the absence of any further movement or comment, I've been conducting some tests, this is my opening post in Swedish, courtesy of Google: Utländska (icke engelskspråkiga) ledamöter samt eventuell members.As en sysslolös, tänkte Nyårsdagen (inte att jag har varit, en hård dag på jobbet, er, jobbar i trädgården, och säg om du har här förut mig) slog det mig hur många icke engelska (som första språk) talar ledamöterna finns på DVinfo.From det måste jag undrar bara hur många medlemmar DVinfo faktiskt har i vilka länder i hela världen? Jag vet att du är upp till ca 26.000 udda (vissa av dem mycket underligt. Vad, vem, jag?) Men var är de? Därifrån är det bara var en liten hoppa och hoppa till, hmm, det verkar vara en stor diskrepans i observerade affischer mellan engelsktalande och icke engelskspråkiga delar av planeten (Du behöver inte säga!). nu ser till den brusande framgång med Google Search funktion lagt ett tag sedan (lysande idé, varför jag inte tror av det själv?) och som ett stöd för DVinfo i mars att ta över universum på temat, er, DV, tänkte jag, kan DVinfo vara gift med Googles översättning systemet och blir nästan universell? You'all måste känna till detta: Språk ToolsThe fråga är, kan det vara gift med IP-adresser för att automatiskt översätta tjänster / söker efter destinationsländer om det behövs eller stängs av för en bekväm ESL * medlem? Jag tror inte du behöver oroa sig alltför mycket om den Elmer Mudd (som kan växa på dig Tho '), Pirates, Bork etc, Hacker eller Klingon översättningar, särskilt den sistnämnda, tho' man vet aldrig, det finns några underliga varelser som lurar på denna site.The återstoden (ganska många, faktiskt ) kan väl öppna en ny dörr för DVinfo.Nope, har jag ingen aning om hur bra systemet är, som enda språk jag talar är Strine, Kiwi, Canuck och Pom, som alla verkar vara mystiskt frånvarande från listan - Hmm , det finns en konspirationsteori begravd där inne någonstans. Och nej, detta är inte en bakdörr dig om regionala koder (intressant fråga som det är) bara är en komplett "tänka utanför boxen" ögonblick (och den första som kom upp med "New Years Day = Out of Tree, inte Box, skulle inte vara alltför långt borta .... er, ahem!). Have a good one, Chris H. och allt du DVinfo'ers. landstrategidokumenten: Detta är inte en drill.PPS: * ESL = engelska som andraspråk Senast redigerad av Chris Soucy, 1 januari, 2010 kl 06:58. Orsak: Whoops. Russian: Иностранные (Non Английский говоря) Члены или возможных members.As простоя, Новый год День мысли (не то чтобы я был, другой тяжелый день в офисе, ER, работая в саду, и, пожалуйста, говорить, если у вас есть здесь раньше меня) мне пришло в голову, сколько именно, не английский (в качестве первого языка), выступая Члены есть на DVinfo.From там я получил на интересно только, сколько членов DVinfo действительно имеет в каких странах по всей планете? Я знаю, ты до примерно 26000 нечетные (некоторые из них действительно очень странный. Что, Кто, я?), Но где они? Оттуда оно было небольшим, но пропустить и перейти к, гм, как представляется, будет большая расхождения наблюдаются в плакатах между английской речи и без Английский выступивший частях планеты (Вы не говорите!). Теперь, учитывая оглушительный успех в функцию поиска Google добавил некоторое время назад (блестящая идея, почему я не думаю, его себе?), а в качестве помощи по март DVinfo завладеть известной Вселенной на тему, ER, DV, я подумал, может быть DVinfo браке с системой перевода Googles и стал почти универсальным? You'all должны быть знакомы с это: Язык ToolsThe вопрос, можно ли в браке с IP адресов для автоматического перевода сообщений / поиска для стран назначения, если необходимо или выключены для комфортного ESL * Член? Я не думаю, что вам нужно слишком беспокоиться о Элмер фадд (что может вырасти на вас Tho '), "Пираты, BORK и т.д., Hacker или клингонский переводов, особенно последний, Tho' Вы никогда не знаете, есть какие-то странные существа скрываются на эту site.The остальная часть (довольно много, на самом деле ) вполне может открыть новую дверь для DVinfo.Nope, я понятия не имею, насколько успешно система является, как только я говорю Языки являются Strine, киви, канадец и ПОМ, все из которых, как представляется, таинственным отсутствуют в списке - Хмм , есть теории заговора похоронены где-то там. И нет, это не двери назад DIG о региональных кодов (интересно тем, что он является) просто полный "думать" из коробки "момент (и первый, кто пришел с" New Years Day Out = деревьев, Не сейф, будет не слишком далеко .... ER, гм!). имеющими хорошую, Крис Г. и все, что вам DVinfo'ers. КСО: Это не drill.PPS: * = ESL Английский как Второй язык Последняя редакция Крис Soucy; 1 января 2010 в 06:58 PM. Причина: Whoops. French: Étrangers (non anglophone) les membres ou members.As possible, un ralenti, New Years Day cru (non pas que j'ai eu, un autre dure journée au bureau, ER, travaillant dans le jardin, et dire s'il vous plaît si vous avez ici devant moi), il m'est apparu ā quel point de nombreux non-anglophones (langue premičre) membres de langue il ya sur DVinfo.From lā, je dois me demandais juste combien de membres DVinfo n'a réellement dans ce pays ā travers la plančte? Je sais que vous ętes ā environ 26.000 impaires (certains d'entre eux trčs étrange. Quoi, Qui, moi?) Mais oų sont-ils? De lā, elle n'était qu'une petite sauter et sauter, hmm, il semble y avoir un gros un écart dans affiches observées entre les anglophones et non partie anglophone de la plančte (Tu ne dis pas!). Or, étant donné le succčs grondement de la fonction de recherche Google a ajouté il ya un certain temps (idée géniale, pourquoi n'ai-je pas penser de moi-męme?) et comme aide ā mars DVinfo de prendre en charge l'Univers connu sur le thčme de, euh, DV, j'ai pensé, peut ętre marié ā DVinfo Googles systčme de traduction et deviennent presque universel? you'all doivent ętre familiers avec celle-ci: ToolsThe est question de la langue, peut-il se marier ā des adresses IP de traduire automatiquement des messages / recherches pour le pays de destination si nécessaire, ou désactivée pour un confort ESL * Membre? Je ne pense pas que vous aurez besoin de trop s'inquiéter la Fudd Elmer (qui pourrait croître sur vous Tho '), Pirates, Bork etc, Hacker ou traductions Klingon, surtout les derniers, quoique on ne sait jamais, il ya des créatures étranges, se cache sur ce reste site.The (pas mal, effectivement ) mai ainsi ouvrir une nouvelle porte pour DVinfo.Nope, je n'ai aucune idée de comment le systčme est réussie, comme les langues que je parle sont Strine, Kiwi, Canuck et POM, qui tous semblent ętre mystérieusement absent de la liste - hmm , il ya une théorie de la conspiration enterré quelque part. Et non, ce n'est pas une fouille porte d'en arričre sur les codes régionaux (intéressant sujet que ce soit) juste une complčte "think out of the box" moment (et la premičre personne ā arriver ā "New Years Day = dehors de l'arbre, pas fort, ne serait pas trop loin .... euh, hum!). Have a good one, Chris H. et tout ce que vous DVinfo'ers. EFPC: Ce n'est pas une drill.PPS: * ESL = anglais comme a Second Language Last edited by Chris Soucy; Janvier 1st mai 2010 ā 06:58 PM. Motif: Oups. German: Ausländische (nicht Englisch sprechenden) Mitglieder oder mögliche members.As eine müßige, dachte New Years Day (nicht, dass ich gewesen bin, einen anderen harten Tag im Büro, er, die Arbeit im Garten, und bitte sagen, wenn Sie hier mußt vor me) fiel mir ein, wie viele nicht Englisch (als erste Sprache), spricht Mitgliedern gibt es auf DVinfo.From Dort lernte ich fragen, wie viele Mitglieder dvinfo tatsächlich in welchen Ländern auf dem ganzen Planeten haben? Ich weiß, Sie sind bis zu etwa 26.000 ungerade (einige von ihnen sehr merkwürdig. Was, Wer, ich?), Aber wo sind sie? Von dort sind es aber eine kleine überspringen und direkt zum, hmm, es scheint eine große Diskrepanz zwischen den beobachteten Plakate Englisch sprechen und nicht englisch sprechenden Teile des Planeten (Was du nicht sagst!). Nun, angesichts der durchschlagender Erfolg der Google Search-Funktion hat vor einiger Zeit (geniale Idee, warum ich nicht glaube, es selbst?) und als Hilfsmittel zu marschieren dvinfo's über das bekannte Universum zu dem Thema, äh, DV nehmen, dachte ich, kann dvinfo zu Googles Übersetzungssystem verheiratet zu sein und werden fast universell? You'all müssen vertraut sein mit dazu: Sprache ToolsThe Frage ist, kann es zu IP-Adressen verheiratet werden, um automatisch Beiträge translate / Sucheinträge für die Länder Bestimmung, wenn erforderlich oder für einen komfortablen ESL * Mitglied ausgeschaltet? Ich glaube nicht, müssen Sie sich zu viel Sorgen machen die Elmer Fudd (das sich auf Sie tho 'wachsen zu können), Pirates, Bork etc, Hacker oder Klingonisch Übersetzungen, besonders die letztere, wiewohl man weiß ja nie, es gibt einige seltsame Kreaturen lauern auf dieser flagranter Rest (nicht wenige, tatsächlich ) kann auch eine neue Tür geöffnet für DVinfo.Nope, ich habe keine Ahnung, wie erfolgreich das System ist, wie die einzigen Sprachen Ich spreche Strine, Kiwi, Canuck und Pom, die alle scheinen auf geheimnisvolle Weise fehlen aus der Liste - hmm sind gibt es eine Verschwörungstheorie dort irgendwo begraben. Und nein, das ist keine Hintertür dig über regionale Codes (interessantes Thema, dass es sich handelt) nur ein komplettes "Think out of the box"-Moment (und der erste, der kommt mit "New Years Day = Out of Tree, Box nicht, wäre nicht zu weit weg .... äh, hm!). Have a good one, Chris H. und alles, was Sie DVinfo'ers. CSPS: Dies ist kein drill.PPS: * ESL = Englisch als Zweitsprache Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chris Soucy; 1. Januar 2010 um 06:58 Uhr. Begründung: Whoops. Hindi (India): (गैर अंग्रेजी भाषी) के सदस्यों या संभव members.As एक बेकार, नई सालों दिवस (मैं नहीं गया है कि एक और कड़ी दिन दफ्तर में, एर, बगीचे में काम कर रहे, विचार और कृपया विदेश कहना है अगर तुम यहाँ है पहले मुझे) यह कितने गैर अंग्रेजी मुझे हुआ (एक पहली भाषा के रूप में) बोल वहाँ सदस्यों DVinfo.From पर हैं, मैंने बस कितने सदस्य DVinfo वास्तव में ग्रह भर के देशों में क्या होता है सोच के लिए है? मैं जानता हूँ कि आप के बारे में 26,000 (उनमें से कुछ अजीब वास्तव में बहुत करीब तक रहे हैं. क्या, जो? मुझे) लेकिन कहाँ हैं? वे वहाँ से था, लेकिन एक छोटे से छोड़ और कूद, हम्म, लगता है वहाँ पर बहुत बड़ा अंग्रेजी भाषी तथा गैर अंग्रेजी भाषी ग्रह के भागों के बीच मनाया पोस्टर में विसंगति (आप कहो! नहीं है). अब, गूगल खोज समारोह का गरजना सफलता पर विचार कर थोड़ी देर (प्रतिभाशाली विचार, पहले कहा कि मैं क्यों नहीं किया था लगता है इसके बारे में? अपने आप को) और DVinfo मार्च के लिए एक सहायता के रूप में के विषय पर ज्ञात ब्रह्मांड, एर, डीवी पर लेने के लिए, मैंने सोचा, DVinfo Googles अनुवाद प्रणाली के लिए कर सकते हैं शादी हो गई और लगभग सार्वभौमिक? You'all से परिचित होना चाहिए इस: भाषा ToolsThe सवाल यह है आईपी पते से शादी कर सकते हैं स्वतः पदों अनुवाद / देशों गंतव्य यदि जरूरी हुआ तो या एक आरामदायक ESL सदस्य * के लिए बंद? मुझे नहीं लगता कि तुम बहुत अधिक के बारे में चिंता करने की आवश्यकता होगी के लिए खोजें Elmer फ़ड (कि तुम अगरचे पर जाना), आदि हैकर या क्लिंगन अनुवाद, विशेष रूप से बाद, यद्यपि पता है 'कभी तुम बोर्क समुद्री डाकू, वहाँ सकता है कुछ अजीब इस site.The शेष पर गुप्त जीव (बहुत कुछ, दरअसल ) अच्छी तरह से DVinfo.Nope के लिए एक नया द्वार खोल सकता है, मैं कोई कैसे सफल प्रणाली है पता नहीं है, के रूप में ही भाषाओं में मैं बात Strine, किवी, Canuck और पोम, जो सभी के लिए सूची से रहस्यमय तरीके से अनुपस्थित लग रहे हो - हम्म हैं , वहाँ एक साजिश कहीं वहाँ में दफन सिद्धांत है. और नहीं, यह क्षेत्रीय कोड के बारे में पीछे के दरवाजे खुदाई (दिलचस्प विषय है कि यह है) एक पूरा "बॉक्स पल" से बाहर लगता है (और पहली बार एक अप 'के साथ नए वर्ष = दिवस ट्री में से नहीं आ रहा है, बॉक्स नहीं, नहीं होगा भी दूर .... एर, अहम!). एक अच्छा, क्रिस एच. और सभी DVinfo'ers तुम ले लो. CSPS:: यह एक drill.PPS नहीं है * ESL = के रूप में अंग्रेजी एक दूसरी भाषा पिछले क्रिस Soucy द्वारा संपादित; 1 जनवरी 2010 06:58 पर. वजहः वूप्स. Anyone want to comment on the accuracy? This is getting a lot of hits, but very little input, anyone want to chime in? CS |
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#6 |
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Belgium
Posts: 9,510
Hi Chris,
I just translated your openingspost to Dutch and if I would have read the translated part only I wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about. :) The google translator puts many sentences in the wrong context and the result is actually quite funny but it hardly makes any sence to me. It often translates words very literally and in my language the sentence gets a totally different and weird meaning then. Googles translator is certainly not up to the task to make a good translation |
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#7 |
Inner Circle
Thanks, Noa...........
So now we know.
Hmm, anyone got any better suggestions? Or am I asking the impossible here? If it can go that badly wrong with one of my less impenetrable posts, what hope for the average? Back to the drawing board, I think. Onwards and upwards. CS |
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#8 |
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 1,546
I would anticipate that the automatic translations would fall apart on the more technical posts. Translating technical documents is an expert job.
I actually did go as far as to download the pdf manuals for my Canon XH-A1 in a number of languages with a view to using the translating tools to translate some of the more arcane sections into English, then see if they made any sense and compare them with the official Canon English version. But unfortunately the pdf manuals seemed to be locked and wouldn't let me copy bits of text to paste into the translator. I didn't have the time to type them in myself as I find typing unfamiliar languages accurately is a slow job. Perhaps somebody else could have a shot at this as it might be an interesting experiment. |
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#9 |
Inner Circle
Hey, Paul................
You mentioned other translators.
Any of them have names? I'll do a Google on the subject but if you've got names it would sure make things easier. CS Aha, now this looks more like it: http://www.systransoft.com/translati...ons-comparison http://www.translationsoftware4u.com...enterprise.php Of course, had to check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_translation Last edited by Chris Soucy; January 4th, 2010 at 08:14 PM. Reason: ++Update |
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#10 |
Inner Circle
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Atlanta/USA
Posts: 2,515
Google translator is totally unusable! Here is a Hungarian translation of the first post's first 4-5 paragraphs - please note, could not even translate such simple a thing as New Year.
"Mint lusta, New Years Day gondolta (nem, hogy én már egy újabb kemény nap az irodában, ööö, a munka a kertben, és kérem, ha már itt van előttem) eszembe jutott, milyen sok nem angol nyelvű (mint az első nyelv) beszélő tagjai vannak a DVinfo. Onnan kaptam, hogy csak kíváncsi, hogy hány tagja van DVinfo valķjában milyen ország az egész bolygķn? Tudom, hogy ki kb 26.000 páratlan (némelyikük valķban nagyon furcsa. Mi, akik engem?), De hol vannak? Innen már csak egy kis ugrás és ugrás, hmm, úgy tűnik, hogy egy nagy discrepency megfigyelt plakátok között, az angol anyanyelvű és nem angol anyanyelvű részének a bolygķ (Ne mondd!). Nos, figyelembe véve a tombolķ siker a Google Search funkciķ egészíti ki, míg ezelőtt (zseniális ötlete, miért nem arra gondolok, hogy magam?), Valamint a támogatás DVinfo menetelés átvenni az ismert univerzum a témához, ööö, DV, gondoltam, lehet DVinfo férjhez Googles fordítási rendszer, és már majdnem univerzális?" Just to have fun, I translated it back with Google - this is what came out: "As a lazy, thought New Years Day (not that I had another hard day at the office, er, working in the garden, and please, if you are already here in front of me) I thought, how many non-English language (as a first language) speaking with members of the DVinfo. From there I was, just curious, how many members are in fact what DVinfo country around the planet? I know that up to about 26,000 odd (some very strange indeed. We, who me?), But where are they? From there it is only a small jump and go, hmm, it seems that a large discrepency between the observed posters, the English-speaking and English-speaking part of the planet (do not tell!). Well, given the raging success of the Google Search function is complemented by a while ago (brilliant idea, why did not I think of that myself?), And the support DVinfo march to take over the known universe to the topic, uh, DV, I thought, maybe DVinfo married Google translation system, and is now almost universal?" Note that it lost something so basic as English speaking and non English speaking (lost the NON word) - how can you trust such a translation??? And this is all simple, general talk - I won't even try anything remotely technical... |
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#11 |
Inner Circle
Oh dear...........
This is not looking promising at all.
Hmm, there's Dutch and Hungarian shot down in flames. The really scary thing about it is that according to the Wiki article linked to in my previous post, Google used to use SysTrans (also linked) but have developed their own system which is supposed to be better. Thanks Ervin. CS Hm, on reflection, and having re - read it with translation in mind, I think I/we may have set too severe a challenge for any system with that text. From memory, the difficulties in translation compound severely with increasing sentence length, and a couple of the ones in that test are nearly two and over two lines long - that's too long and doesn't, I am certain, correspond anywhere near to the average post sentence length here on DVinfo. Some stats would be really usefull about now - what is the "average" post sentence length used here on DVinfo? Is there any way to find out? Automatically? Without getting out the pencil and paper? The average total post length would be usefull as well, as I believe that has a bearing on translatability (any chance Chris/ Jeff?). Length aside, I really don't think many posters construct such gramatically tortured missives, either. I know from personal experience that if I'm posting to a member who has ESL, I deliberately keep the sentence length short and keep the grammer as simple as possible. I don't think it would take too long to train oneself to keep it that way when writing posts (with a bit of reminding from the system perhaps, a red flag once a certain sentence length was exceeded maybe). No, disastrous as the tests to date have been I don't think that's the end of the story, by any means. Of course, all to no avail if Chris doesn't want to go there, heck, it's not like I'm suggesting changing the door mat, this is serious stuff to do properly, and there could be a myriad of reasons it doesn't fit in with his business model. Heck, who wants to take over the Universe anyway! Onwards and upwards. Last edited by Chris Soucy; January 4th, 2010 at 10:06 PM. Reason: ++Update |
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#12 |
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Philippines
Posts: 253
"Ca un idle, Anul Nou Ziua crezut (nu că am fost, o altă zi grea la birou, er, care lucrează în grădină, şi vă rugăm să spun că dacă aţi ajuns aici înaintea mea), aceasta a avut loc la mine nu doar câte English (ca o prima limbă) de membri vorbind nu sunt pe DVinfo.
De acolo am ajuns la întrebam doar membri câţi DVinfo de fapt, are in ceea ce de ţări de pe planeta? Ştiu că sunteţi de până la aproximativ 26,000 impar (unele dintre ele într-adevăr foarte ciudat. Ce, Cine, eu?), Dar în cazul în care sunt acestea? De acolo a fost, dar un mic skip şi sări la, hmm, se pare că există diferente mari în postere observat între vorbeşte limba engleză şi care nu vorbesc limba engleză părţi ale planetei (Nu spun!). Acum, având în vedere succesul hohotitor a funcţiei de căutare Google a adăugat un timp în urmă (idee stralucita, de ce nu cred că nu de-o eu?) Şi ca un ajutor pentru martie DVinfo de a prelua Universul cunoscut pe tema, er, DV, m-am gândit, poate DVinfo fi căsătorit cu Googles sistem de traducere şi a devenit aproape universal?" That is in Romanian and it's a mess :) While one could grasp the basics of your post, it would take more than your average Joe to do so. It is mostly translated ad literam and so it becomes a funny text. However I believe these translation tools were meant to be an aid rather than provide a perfect translation, given that true AI is not here yet.
Lost signature, if you find it, please return it to me, thank you. |
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#13 |
Inner Circle
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Atlanta/USA
Posts: 2,515
A bettery way
Chris, this is going to end up the way good old missionary stories used to end: they found that it's easier to teach the isolated tribes English than to translate the Bible into their language.
Here's a suggestion: there are quite a few of us who speak both English and another language at mother's tongue level. The forum might want to post a sticky with a list of members willing to translate for those who need help in some other language. I myself speak Hungarian and Romanian, and I'm willing to help. But honestly, my experience is that those shooting for excellence in videography have usually no problem understanding and expressing themselves in English. |
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#14 |
Inner Circle
Check out the update to my post #11, I think we may need to come at this from another angle, but point taken Ervin.
Thanks for the try, Mugurel, as I said, I think any system would fail with the text as written. I'm not hoping for any better results with any other system/ language till I've investigated what the system would REALLY have to work on in a "real world" situation - there aren't too many gasbags like me on DVinfo, so it isn't a fair test at all. If I have to resort to taking random (average) posts and running them through the translator, I might need to dragoon you guys into checking the results of the Hungarian and Romanian (& Filipino?) tests. CS |
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#15 | |
Inner Circle
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia (formerly Winnipeg, Manitoba) Canada
Posts: 4,088
A very interesting thread and some very sincere and thoughtful offers to assist here. I love this forum.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster www.roaddogmedia.ca Blog: http://roaddogmedia.wordpress.com/ |
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