Taking a vote - a new "HDV Discussion" forum? at DVinfo.net
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Old November 4th, 2003, 12:45 PM   #1
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Taking a vote - a new "HDV Discussion" forum?

Let's request a new forum on here from the owner entitled:

"HDV Discussion"

I believe that HDV is larger than:

"JVC High Definition GR-HD1U / JY-HD10U"

Who agrees that this forum here should only be focused JVC cameras? I think it's time for a new forum focused on "HDV".

There wouldn't be any changes on this forum! Including Steve as moderator - it;s his forum and we shouldn't discuss trying to get him off. That's really not cool.

It's a new forum titled "HDV Discussion" that I am looking to get votes for - so, cast them now. The owner of this forum will see it.

If you agree -reply!!!!

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Old November 4th, 2003, 01:06 PM   #2
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If sony releases HDV on Blu-ray, what will they call it? And Pana that didn't sign up for HDV.

We could be dealing with multiple low-end HD formats.

So we MAY need a name other than HDV. But, if it isn't HDV, no one today will find us. If it isn't JVC we may not be found.

We WILL need to make a change when we see the next product. That may give us a clue to the name.
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Old November 4th, 2003, 01:08 PM   #3
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But, why did they (Sony, Canon, JVC and Sharp) create this website?


If we call it HDV we're following the same name as them via press releases. If they call it that - I bet we're safe for a while. (IMHO, of course)

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Old November 4th, 2003, 04:00 PM   #4
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Mr Mullen gave me the hammer a couple of times. I probably deserved it, though. I'm still here, and reading the JVC HD posts. Let's just try and get along and not jump the gun. Steve is trying to do a job. It's called moderating.
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Old November 4th, 2003, 08:48 PM   #5
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You missed yesterdays mind numbing thread Frank, and you can't read it now, it's been deleted to protect the obvious.

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Old November 4th, 2003, 11:52 PM   #6
Obstreperous Rex
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<< it's been deleted to protect the obvious >>

Actually it's been partially deleted because we don't allow that sort of content here, ever. When it does happen, we get rid of it, and we don't refer back to it after it's gone. It's simply removed from the permanent record as if it never existed.

Chris Murphy:

Quite some time ago, I registered hdvinfo and hdv-info .net and .com, long before Sony took the leftover domain name of hdv-info.org. So the plan has always been that DV Info Net will in fact morph over into HDV Info Net, when the time is right.

I'm very much open to an HDV discussion forum, but the thing is, there isn't a whole lot to discuss, is there? Currently there's only one HDV camcorder and we have a lively forum about it. If and when a general HDV discussion area is deemed neccessary, it will be entirely separate from the JVC HD1 forum we already have, and with all respect to Steve, I really prefer to have separate moderators for these things.

The current format for starting a new forum here at DV Info is that we need to have an existing body of threads and posts to move into it... preferably ten or twelve threads or more. I'm interested in knowing if there's a broad appeal for such a forum here within our community (and not elsewhere on the web), if there's enough viable material to discuss to keep things going (considering that there aren't any HDV camcorders out yet except for the JVC), and finding the right person or people to lead it and keep things interesting. That's pretty much all it boils down to.

If there are threads that can be moved in right away (I hate empty forums), then a new area can be set up in about an hour or less. Hope this helps,

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Old November 5th, 2003, 11:06 AM   #7
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I believe a new forum "HDV Discussion" would benefit everyone. I'd like to throw my hat into the ring - I'd like to be a "Wrangler" for a new forum. I understand that in the future - changes will occur and I might be moved out, so something larger could happen via a new domain and forums. That's fine with me.

In the meantime, I'm interested in getting a forum happening where people can post happily and within the proper guidelines.

I can send my resume and a letter (email) expressing interest if that would help my chances? I'm very interested!

Thanks and if you look at any my posts - I'm sure you'll see that I'm a pretty good candidate. If not, I hope you'll still consider making an "HDV Discussion" forum right now anyway with someone else as a "Wrangler". I still want to participate!

Thank you!

Chris Murphy
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Old November 5th, 2003, 05:26 PM   #8
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I think Chris [Hurd] hit the nail on the head here. Seems a little premature for a forum.

BUT, from the very little I know about it, HDV might be useful to some of us even without a camera. I do 3d animation and would love to be able to edit and playback at resolutions higher than 720x480. I've posted a couple questions about this in the JVC group and the Mac group here but there have been no takers. But this is to be expected since HDV is such a new thing, my use for it is somewhat unconventional, and my posting didn't really fit either of the groups in question.

So as I get the time I'll just experiment on my own using Pixlet (or whatever). Anyway, just thought it was worth pointing out that not all video involves a camera...
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Old November 5th, 2003, 06:09 PM   #9
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How can it be premature when a few people have requested it - and there is a forum that is based on a HDV camera!

If we want the people building the next HDV cameras to truly understand what we want - let's start an HDV forum.

If you build it they will come.
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Old November 8th, 2003, 08:25 AM   #10
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There is plenty to discuss. HDV has a potential for same or higher picture quality than Varicam and curent 1080i broadcast, although optical systems will replace it soon; blu-ray will be the first. DV will be just a mode on HDV camcorders, nothing more. HDV will soon cost 10% more to make and the profit will be a lot higher. Who will be making DV only camcorders? Not even Samsung. Maybe Mattel, and we may see it in a Disney line. It's good bye crap. Hello 21st century and a camcorder that will be able to produce image approaching that of a $99 Kodak Super 8 mm camera. Its back from deacdes long dark ages where JVC took us with their VHS junk. Now JVC is taking us to see the light again, only not very successfully. Canon will lead the way.
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Old November 10th, 2003, 09:16 AM   #11
Obstreperous Rex
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The HDV revolution is still just a little ways off, but I think we have enough threads to split our existing body into one forum for the JVC camcorders and another for HDV editing. Perhaps a third for news, etc. We're still talking about it at the admin level but once we're in agreement on things then we'll probably implement that change within a day or two, assuming all of our admins are for it.

Some of our former regulars from that forum have strayed away recently, but we're looking to rebuild and expand that area. I'm thinking that we can attract enough new folks to develop a stronger core in there. From that process, the right persons for the moderator positions will emerge. This is a pattern which continuously repeats itself here at DV Info, and it's something that I always look forward to eagerly.

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Old November 10th, 2003, 01:09 PM   #12
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I would not call it HDV forum but MPEG2 HD, Prosumer HD, or Low End HD. That would cover both Blu-Ray and HDV. Or you could call it High Efficiency HD, Economy HD, <50 Mbps HD, etc.
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Old November 11th, 2003, 09:22 AM   #13
Obstreperous Rex
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Christopher Toderman, several attempts to contact you by email have failed. Please respond via private email from a valid, working address. Thanks.

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Old November 13th, 2003, 12:19 AM   #14
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There's the Open DV Discussion, but there's also specific boards for specific cameras.

I say leave it as is, then post up new boards when the new HDV cameras come up, ie Sony, Canon, etc.

Eventually I can see an Open HDV Discussion, but until then...

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Old November 17th, 2003, 12:40 PM   #15
Obstreperous Rex
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Well, we do have a new category now for HDV, with a new forum dedicated to HDV editing. Hope this helps,

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