Definately a stupid question... at
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The DV Challenge
An organized theme-based competition where Content is King!

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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:01 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Perth Western Australia
Posts: 38
Definately a stupid question...

...but it might be worth making a sticky, because, you know, it might make it easier for people.

Um, how do I get involved? What is it about?

*ducks the inevitable flung rocks*
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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
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You're an Aussie, so we'll just throw cans of Foster's at you. :)

Check out the website, for most of the details, but as for getting into the next one, you have to wait until the next dates are announced.
Probably late July, early August.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #3
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I can see what you mean, now that I think about it; I've been hanging around since this all started, so it wasn't an issue for me, but I'd never considered what it's like for new members to try and get involved and not see any threads that seem to offer the necessary info. Not at all a stupid question, we're happy to have your interest. The more people who participate, the merrier!

There's a website for the challenge,, but all actual sign ups, discussions, and contest-related notes are handled here on the forums. You just check back regularly, to keep an eye on what's happening, and when a contest is about to start, Dylan (Couper, the one responsible for starting the DVC) posts a sign up thread, wherein we all announce our intention to compete.

When it's time to go, we are all given a theme and time limit, and we have about a week (I think it's ten days, actually) to make short films based on that info. It's usually a broad topic, something simple, past themes being "Secrets", "Cameras", and "The Sun", among others, and a time limit of three minutes. That has been extended in the past on certain occasions, and there's another thread around here somewhere discussing the relative merits of permanently increasing said time limit, but one way or another, the films are SHORT shorts.

Interpret the theme however you like, compress your film for the web, upload it somewhere (another topic being discussed is Youtube, and whether we'll be using it in the future), and submit the links to the appropriate email address (, changed recently from Hotmail). Once the deadline passes, and Dylan has reviewed all the films, made sure the links are working, and all that other good stuff, he posts them for our review. A few per day, for however many days it takes to showcase them all. Everyone who entered a film makes note of their favorites, and sends their votes in to that same email address. There is no guarantee prizes will be offered, but in recent competitions, the viewers' favorite film has won a little something. Of course, the spirit of the contest is simply to get out there and shoot something; to use the theme and deadline as kick-in-the-pants motivation to get it done. It's a friendly competition, to be taken as an opportunity to practice our skills, offer each other advice, that kind of thing. The chance to win swag is always nice, though.

Previous films are linked in the sticky threads at the top of this forum, one for each previous competition, and if you look to the very tippy-top of the board, you'll see a subforum entitled "DVC Feedback!", where all of our individual films' threads are located, providing centralized discussion of each movie.

I hope that helps answer your questions, but please feel free to raise any other issues you'd like addressed.
Robert Martens is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 20th, 2007, 07:52 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
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Simultaneous post with you Robert, but you did a much better job of answering. Thanks!
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Dylan Couper is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 20th, 2007, 07:55 PM   #5
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Posts: 820
No prob, Bob!

Incidentally, however, I see you have the wrong email address listed on the official site:

I know you want to revamp the whole thing, but if I may be so bold, that might be something to tackle sooner rather than later.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 09:38 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
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Originally Posted by Robert Martens View Post
No prob, Bob!

Incidentally, however, I see you have the wrong email address listed on the official site:

I know you want to revamp the whole thing, but if I may be so bold, that might be something to tackle sooner rather than later.
Whoops. Thanks.
Yeah, I'd like to do a ground up redo of the site before the next DVC.
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Old June 21st, 2007, 07:38 PM   #7
New Boot
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Perth Western Australia
Posts: 38
Fosters? *snort*. We export that (expletive deleted) because nobody here will drink it. I think about it, it does make it appropriate to throw.

Thanks for the links, guys, look forward to becoming involved!
Jasmine Marie Adams is offline   Reply

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