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Old August 30th, 2006, 09:49 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Rant On!

Rant on:

Ok, this has been brought up before, but maybe one more time. If you are going to post your movie for us all to see, try to use a format that almost anyone can view. I downloaded two different new video players in attempting to watch all of the films, and still could not see a couple. I'm sure others had the same problem but just don't want to admit it. Well, I admit it, I guess I'm just too stupid to figure some of them out. If you are trying and or using that latest-greatest version of whatever, be prepared to lose some votes from those who just can’t see your film. Remember that we are Mac and PC users, and there are probably a half dozen or more browsers being used. If you can post your movie in a simple format such as QT or Windows, almost anyone will be able to watch it. I think one movie was listed in 6 different formats or ways, and personally I don’t think that is necessary. There are 30 people here who “have” to see your movie in order to vote on it. If you wish to post it for your friends and the entire world in the latest-greatest format, fine! But, for us the simplest is the best.

We are all spending a lot of money on our equipment, how about spending about $65.00 a year for your own web space? No advertisements, no pop-ups, no losing the rights to your own movie, no searching through numerous pages for your film, and then maybe not even finding it. Web hosting has gotten pretty cheap, and you don’t have to build any site or anything. Just upload to your public HTML folder and post the link! Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can!

How about some of us, one of us, or one of the sponsors who help us out donate and or run a single website where we can post our movies? I know there are people here who would know how to do it. Each entrant could get his or her own private link code or something for upload, that would be terminated or expire after our movie is posted? As I said, we don’t even need a real site, just a place to post!

And lastly, and tying in with the two points above, post your movie in a format that allows us to save it to our computers for viewing multiple times. As I was downloading multiple movies, some took nearly half and hour. Believe me, I won’t download them twice.

None of this is directed at anyone specific, I would just like to see us all simplify and organize this much better.


OK, rant off:

Now, I must congratulate all who entered a film in DVC#6. There are simply too many to post individual feedbacks anymore. So consider this as praise to all. The quality of the movies is getting sooooo much better each time. It is getting tougher to try and even compete with you all. We are obviously learning a lot from each others efforts and applying them to our own movies, and that is exactly what we should be doing. We are learning and having fun! Videography, lighting, sound, stories, they are all getting better! DVC#7 should be a blast. I look forward to it already!!!!!!

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Old August 30th, 2006, 10:01 AM   #2
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I've always said, "it is your responsibility to make sure I can watch your movie" and if I have to install the latest cutting edge whatever... I'm simply not going to bother.

Fortunatly, I was able to watch every DVC this time.

I was happy with the Youtube and Yahoo video submissions, they loaded faster than anyone elses, which makes me happy! ANything I have to click multiple links for, wait for advertising delays, or get pop-ups from, makes me unhappy.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 10:55 AM   #3
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Just a question...

How about MySpace? (Film Section)
Does that work for you guys? I'm just asking because I plan on entering the next challenge.

I have a link in my signature if you need to have a look.
I believe they allow for up to 100MB per clip.
(And it's free!)
My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old August 30th, 2006, 10:59 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Mike Horrigan
How about MySpace? (Film Section)
Does that work for you guys? I'm just asking because I plan on entering the next challenge.

I have a link in my signature if you need to have a look.
I believe they allow for up to 100MB per clip.
(And it's free!)
You and 40 million others to look at, and don't you give up rights to your film? Not for me! You want to post your family pictures there for all to see? I also see many news items about things on MySpace that I personally do not want any part of.


Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:00 AM   #5
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I had a whole thing written out here, but I like you guys, and I want to remain friends with the people in this community, so I'll just say this: I agree that webspace is cheap, and I also prefer files I can download.

Drives me crazy when I'm forced to watch a film on someone's website (can't always pause, can't watch it fullscreen, can't watch it when I want), and I think it's bad for filmmakers, as well. If I decide to watch your film again, I have to go back to the site, and waste your bandwidth a second time. Maybe the film's in my cache, but maybe not; seems like a big chance to take. Not to mention the simple fact that if you ever remove the film from your site, I can no longer watch it. A downloaded copy stays around as long as I want it to, and your film can be enjoyed for generations to come.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
You and 40 million others to look at, and don't you give up rights to your film? Not for me! You want to post your family pictures there for all to see? I also see many news items about things on MySpace that I personally do not want any part of.


WOW! First off, there is a film section, no family photo's for me. Secondly, how is it ANY different than Youtube? You upload your film for ALL to see.

Lastly, you can make a clip PRIVATE and ONLY the people you send a link to can see it, and it's FREE.

EDIT: They also stream instantly.

I'm new here but you're coming off a little harsh.

My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:12 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Mike Horrigan
WOW! First off, there is a film section, no family photo's for me. Secondly, how is it ANY different than Youtube? You upload your film for ALL to see.

Lastly, you can make a clip PRIVATE and ONLY the people you send a link to can see it, and it's FREE.

EDIT: They also stream instantly.

I'm new here but you're coming off a little harsh.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but did I say I liked Youtube? Speaking of FREE, you get what you pay for!!!!!!! :)

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:16 AM   #8
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Well, your cable probider may offer free benefits you may not even know about. For example, my website is off the eastlink server, which gave the space for me to use for free. No commercial use, no domain name, but it's a great place to upload large files when you need to. Check and see if your cable provider offers free space.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:21 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
I'm not trying to be harsh, but did I say I liked Youtube? Speaking of FREE, you get what you pay for!!!!!!! :)

Yup, free private web space if you choose it to be. ;)
I have 10 clips stored on a second account, some are private, and they can be up to 100MB each. Not too bad for nothing.

BTW, I never said you liked You tube, I was going by this as being accepted...
Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
I was happy with the Youtube and Yahoo video submissions, they loaded faster than anyone elses, which makes me happy! ANything I have to click multiple links for, wait for advertising delays, or get pop-ups from, makes me unhappy.
It is virtually the same.

Take care,

My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:24 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Justin Tomchuk
Well, your cable probider may offer free benefits you may not even know about. For example, my website is off the eastlink server, which gave the space for me to use for free. No commercial use, no domain name, but it's a great place to upload large files when you need to. Check and see if your cable provider offers free space.
Mine does, unfortunately they limit every upload to 20MB, with a cap at 100MB stored.
My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old August 30th, 2006, 11:42 AM   #11
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Still, it's better than nothing. Especially if you create short films.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 12:08 PM   #12
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Hi Fellas,
Like Dylan, I was really impressed with the quick response on some of these movies, plus the fact that I could go back time and again and not have a problem, or have to wait. So, I asked Sean how it was done. Seems like a perfect compromise to me:

Originally Posted by Sean McHenry
Lorinda, just hit the "video" button on the Google home page. You have to go through some details but there is a button allowing you to upload your own videos. It used to be you had to download an uploader application from Google but you don't have to anymore. Just render it out to a really clean wmv file (they accept several formats but the wmvs seem to convert really clean). It used to take from 2 hours to 2 days to show up on Google but the last short, Cat Fight was up and running as soon as it uploaded.

The wmv or whatever you send is converted on the fly to Flash 8 whish is what Google uses. From there, you can embed the video in your own web page. See my Portfolio page for examples of how it looks. This is a great thing they offer.
I think I'll try it next time, yet also provide a download link for any old schoolers like myself who like to save them for later viewing.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 12:08 PM   #13
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Justin Tomchuk
Still, it's better than nothing. Especially if you create short films.
You might just be missing the point, it does not cost much to have your own site----cheap!

Nice that we are talking about this.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old August 30th, 2006, 12:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Justin Tomchuk
Still, it's better than nothing. Especially if you create short films.

Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
You might just be missing the point, it does not cost much to have your own site----cheap!

Nice that we are talking about this.

I agree, but you might be missing the point that what some of us are using is free. The clips load instantly, and they can be linked to another site as Lorinda explained. Easily viewed, over and over again, instantly.

Cheap is nice, but you can't beat free.

I agree that MySpace is generally for young people to hang out and hook up with friends, but the Film section is quite useful.

My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old August 30th, 2006, 12:25 PM   #15
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Mike Horrigan
Cheap is nice, but you can't beat free.

Obviously you ARE missing my point. You can beat free! And, it doesn't cost much!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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