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Old December 5th, 2005, 11:27 AM   #1
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DVC4 How you guys doing?

Thought I'd take a general poll on how everyone is doing?

I did some shooting yesterday, but getting what I need for mine has proved much more difficult than I thought. Although I'm not giving anything away, I just don't think it's going to come off as I hoped it would. Oh well.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 11:44 AM   #2
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Did my first scene today. Will do the last scene tomorrow. Then it's just editing and music. I am most scared that only I will understand the spirit in my short... but... I guess next week will judge if I succeeded or failed...
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Old December 5th, 2005, 12:02 PM   #3
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I have about 80% done if not a little more. Did most of the shooting about 2am Saturday morning. Edited most of the morning Saturday. Have converted the midi files I found, the ones from the site mentioned in the other thread, using Sony Acid, into wav files. They still sound like midi files. Someone with Cakewalk or similar might get a better sound by changing the instrumentation.

I have 1 indoor set of quick flashback scenes and one longer outdoor scene. Still need to find some crime scene tape. I think I have about everything else I need at this point and, unfortunatly, I am going to need almost every second of the alloted max of 4 minutes.

I think it's perhaps too complex for the length of time I am trying to effectivly fit it into. I'll post the original script on the web site when I am done as well as the usual shooting notes.

Surgery is still planned for dawn on Friday so I have until Thursday evening to finish and "adjust" it into something understandable. I don't have a lot of faith in this one. For some reason it seems like a great idea for a script but I don't think I am giving it the best treatment. I have nobody in this one except me so right off the top, I apologize for the lack of acting.

Hope you are all doing well. For those still wresteling with the topic, I know what you're going through.

Title so far, unless I change my mind at the last minute is - "Off the Radar"

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch

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Old December 5th, 2005, 12:37 PM   #4
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It took me 4 days to pick out a story that I could do with the crew of me and two kids... The first few stories where too much like a christmas special. Then there was the extremly ambitious ideas... Finally, I decided to cut back a little and just do something a little fun... Wrote up a script in all of 10 minutes... Started the kids practicing the script. I shot the first of 5 scenes last night, hopefully get the rest done tonight. It is going to be tough to even hit 3 minutes this time around... Although, my dvc3 entry was barely 3 minutes... :)

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Old December 5th, 2005, 02:10 PM   #5
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Hi. I'm glad everyone is doing well with the challenge. I am stuck on writing an end to my script.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 02:18 PM   #6
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Not so Good

Let's see, last Thursday I got the flu and yesterday "Sunday" I got food poising "TGI Fridays" and you know what happens when you get food poising, anyway I stayed home from work today and ...I know it sounds like a cop out... But I am still gonna try and get something out...Though all this has given me plenty of time to think of a story, this just might make for a funny video itself. "Spirit of Sick"
Craig Bellaire
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Old December 5th, 2005, 03:29 PM   #7
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Richard. I was going through that book on video production for high school kids, the title I think was something like "Pulling off your shorts", I bought it for someone for Christmas, and it had a few exercises in it that might help you.

First, sit down with that blank piece of paper and simply think of 5 situations. Don't try to think in context of DVC4, just put down anything. You can possibly mold one to fit after you get it on paper.

Next, try to write several confilicts down.

Write down their possible resolutions and then, write down 5 opposite resolutions.

If the guy is trying to win the girl, write down that he doesn't. Then brainstorm on the rest.

Just an idea. I would hate to think someone will not get something in due to lack of help or ideas. I know this one is tough. It's pretty confined. Sort of like "dog fight". There are only 2 things that come to mind on that one too..

Craig, sounds like you got the spirit. Hanging in through tough obstacles and diversity.

Good luck everyone.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch

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Old December 5th, 2005, 04:02 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sean McHenry
I would hate to think someone will not get something in due to lack of help or ideas.
That's the story of my life! The short story, anyway. You get the idea.

I'm pretty much dead in the water at this point, though I'll try your way, see what I come up with. I'll probably just end up shooting the script I've got already, and hope my parents don't put me (back) in a psychiatric hospital when they find out the plot...
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Old December 5th, 2005, 04:09 PM   #9
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mine is done, one of those experimental pieces all about emotions you get from images and sounds, us crazy art majors i know...shot and edited in less than 3 hrs
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Old December 5th, 2005, 04:41 PM   #10
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Shot mine this weekend.

My wife scraped the script that I wrote for my acting class kids, and subsituted her script. She doesn't want me to kicked out of our local Methodist Church with my twisted supernatural-spirit story.

It was very interesting to shoot someone else's script. I actually think it might be good, but we'll figure that out in the edit. My kids are the BOMB, when it come to acting. We should add a Best Actor award catagory!
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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:05 PM   #11
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Wrote the script while doing the last of my class work for the semster. The plan is to shoot wednesday and thursday eveneings, but the warm body factor may be a little too low for us to pull it off. If that's the case I'll just come up with something else and do it myself over the weekend.
" When some wild-eyed, eight foot tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head against a bar room wall, and looks you crooked in the eye, and he asks you if you've payed your dues, well, you just stare that big suker right back in the eye, and you remember what old Jack Burton always says at a time like that, 'Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail."
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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:20 PM   #12
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Well, I just ran the idea by my dad, who I'd need to help me out, and he was enthusiastic about it; haven't shown him the actual script yet, but I'm fairly sure he won't change his mind. Set to wake up nice and early (early for me, anyway) tomorrow and shoot. I'm gonna go give my gear a once-over, get everything set.

You guys might finally get to see my ugly mug on camera! I'm kidding, of course, the truth is I'm incredibly handsome.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:24 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Craig Bellaire
I got food poising "TGI Fridays" and you know what happens when you get food poising, anyway I stayed home from work today and ...I know it sounds like a cop out...

Sounds more like a crap out! Hope you feel better very soon. Happy Holidays and keep the home fires burning, er, ah, scratch that last part!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:28 PM   #14
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We've started already?

Just kidding!

I am still putting the story together and doing some test shooting. I got some new lights today that I ordered a while back, and did not think would show up in time but, they are here! :)

Let's see, new camera, new lights, now if I just knew someone who knew how to use them!

Good luck to all,

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:43 PM   #15
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Sean, thanks for the advice.

Craig, I hope you feel better. Funny how bad things later on turn out for the better. I bet you will do very well in the challenge in face of the recent bad luck.

My goal is to finish the script tonight. I am hopeful.
Richard Zlamany is offline   Reply

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