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Old December 10th, 2005, 01:07 PM   #46
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Don't forget, it needs to be in a common format and h.264 is not a workable format for some people. See earlier threads on formats. I cannot view anything that would require me to install QT 7.x.x. It currently breaks Avids. As I can't break my Avids, I opt for standard QT.mov files, wmv (Windows Media 9) or even RealMedia.

If you only have certain formats, I will find a machine to view them on.

Richard, I have taken to telling people I tore it playing Rugby in Brazil but I actually have a Superior, Anterior tear in the right Glenoid Labrum, which I developed, gardening... Actually it is a bit more macho. I was planting 20' Dogwoods and wresteling them into place, I tore the soft tissuecwhere the upper Bicep tendon attaches.

Back to the couch for me now.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
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Old December 10th, 2005, 05:15 PM   #47
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I am sorry to hear that. I hope you heal fast and well.
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Old December 10th, 2005, 05:20 PM   #48
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Well i'm all done! Finally. I shot on Wednesday evening and edited all of Thursday and part of Friday. Today I was playing around with different compressions etc.

Its amazing how short 4mins is (I take it there still was the time limit of 4 minutes?) I could have easily have made it 15mins or so. Any now I have now sent the link to Dylan. Good luck everyone.

I won't be able to cast a vote as I'll be on holiday from Monday...

Ed Smith
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Old December 10th, 2005, 11:15 PM   #49
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I am officially out of DVC4. I didn't plan well and it blew up in my face.
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Old December 11th, 2005, 02:32 AM   #50
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Need to find a place to show my DVC4 video

This is the first time I enter this contest, I had great time writting, shooting and editing. My video is done, and I'm happy with the final product, but I don't know a good place to post it. I got it on putfile.com but it's an 18 MB file and it's taking a few minutes to load. Is there any other place I can post it?
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Old December 11th, 2005, 11:51 AM   #51
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Sorry, I am out to. The original idea was so bad that I had to scrap it. And I didn't find time to make my backup idea. But I will be back for the next challenge.
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Old December 11th, 2005, 12:07 PM   #52
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My apologies

Originally Posted by Lorinda Norton
Fredrik, I swear I was going to write many of those exact words! LOL!

It was so exciting early on--the illustrious Brad Marlow was all set to drive down here and we were going to shoot the movie together. But then he had to stay home. Darn. Turns out it's just as well, because, like Fredrik, what I had envisioned isn't happening story-wise. Maybe that's why Brad really stayed home.... ;)

Now I'm having to wait to shoot an outdoor scene because a stiff wind is making it about 8 degrees Fahrenheit out there. I'm not dedicated enough to brave that. :)
Lorinda (and fellow DVInfo Friends) - so sorry this didn't work out. No, that story wasn't the reason I stayed home. In fact, wasn't able to shoot anything at all...personal challenges.

On the bright side...something akin to that one location in the home where the sun flows in like a warming waterfall...we could indeed collaborate on a great dv project. Perhaps the next challenge?

As for the donation- I was happy to contribute to this great cause and will contribute an additional $10 to the winners' charity of choice.

Happy Holidays...Merry Christmas...Happy Hanukkah

Best wishes to all!
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Old December 11th, 2005, 12:29 PM   #53
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I'm glad to see you all finishing up. There will be nothing to submit unfortunately on my end. I have to admit, when I first entered, my heart was not all that in it. After I figured out something that put my heart in it, the amount it required was too much... I have already learned a valuable lesson for the short: Less is more. I can post the script if you all are still interested.

It was based on an image my friend put in my head of a neat glass of alcohol sitting on a table alone, how the Christmas lights swirl and move on the glass making it look like their is a spirit "trapped" inside the drink. With that image I created a story of a spirit trapped in this infinite Christmas Party. The party would get more and more intoxicated, the house would fill up with alcohol, then right before he about drowned he started right back at the beginning of it. It was thought to enter backstory of someone who possibly killed a family on thier way to a Christmas party in a drunk driving related accident... this spirit would have to relive the party that never happened over and over with a surreally alcoholic twist. The entire piece consists of his attempt to thwart the alcohol that takes over the party everytime, but it always comes up the same.

What I wanted to focus on since there was no dialogue in my piece was camera tricks, which the biggest one I used was to have the entire 4 minutes except for the very end be shot all in one continuous shot. With that, I had planned the camera movement to work around these "runners" not in the piece to solely set-up alcohol bottles all around as the party progressed to its climax. Also, I had rigged a flashlight to emit this perfect glow and the entire thing was to be shot in the dark with just the flashlight showing what needed to be showed. I ran some tests which looked really cool... all these people partying in the dark, and this person isolated with a spotlight of some sort.

So sad this all couldn't get done, but after I finished the script and with my personal tiredness into account (I work really long hours), I apted to rest. Can't wait to see what you all have!
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Old December 11th, 2005, 12:54 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Bradley L Marlow
On the bright side...something akin to that one location in the home where the sun flows in like a warming waterfall...we could indeed collaborate on a great dv project. Perhaps the next challenge?
You bet. I'm ready anytime, Brad.
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Old December 11th, 2005, 05:23 PM   #55
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Done, but troubles posting

I've got a 30 M QT file, and a 10M WMV9, but I am having problems with my home system. Can't access the Hosting control panel to upload the file.
(Can't get automatic virus updates, or log into Hotmail either).

May miss the tonight's deadline, and have to post tomorrow from work.

One last idea. Try posting from my wife's laptop...
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Old December 11th, 2005, 06:00 PM   #56
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I'm done, I'm in, and I can resume my life!

Well everyone, this one is in the can and posted. I was a B*T*H. I didn't have the help I needed for my normal funny one, so resorted to a sad downer loner type movie. It was a bummer to make, even brought me down, and I am glad it is over.

Made it all by myself, camera work and all. The only exception was help from my dear friend Lorinda Norton in Idaho. She sent me some audio files with her sweet voice for me to use.

My house has been all torn up, dirty, lights cords cables and props everywhere. It is so nice to get it cleaned up again!

Being only my third little movie, it still leaves much to be desired but damn if I didn't learn one hell of a lot this time too. It does seem to be the only way for me to really learn this stuff. I am just a hobiest so no other time to do this stuff. I am learning though. Anyone need any help in Southern Florida, just let me know.

Hey, thanks for all of the help from everybody here. I hope you can get some enjoyment out of it.

Have a great night everyone, and my very special thanks to Lorinda for her help.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old December 11th, 2005, 09:00 PM   #57
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Well, I think I have to officially bow out of DVC#4.... Ugh... I have 100% of the footage shot and edited, but just don't have the time to put the sound and music into it... Oh well, I learned even more this 'one man crew' idea needs to be ended... I need some more friends interested in this!

I will be finishing it in the coming days, so maybe I'll post it just for grins... Good luck to everyone who entered and completed!
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Old December 11th, 2005, 09:11 PM   #58
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I'm out.

If there'd have been a wall of shame, I'd have gotten it done. But since there wasn't, I spent all my free time getting familiar and experimenting with my new XL H1 instead. For those interested in the camera, the good news is that I'll still get some new clips posted in a couple of days.

Happy Holidays to all, and I look forward to seeing the work of those who did finish.
Pete Bauer
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Old December 11th, 2005, 09:18 PM   #59
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I just finished and uploaded mine. I recruited Tyler Baptist (who helped me rather than working on his own) to help get it done. This was pretty much a co-op effort. It was my idea, but he worked the camera and edited it for me while I worked on other school stuff. All in all a really fun experience, as always. Look forward to seeing all the others
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Old December 11th, 2005, 11:44 PM   #60
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Sorry I did not make it! I had an idea but it was too broad. By the time I had trimmed it I lost my drive and it just never got done. Good luck to all.

:goes and starts driving nails to support him on the wall.

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