So uh, DVC 4? at
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Old September 25th, 2005, 01:16 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2003
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So uh, DVC 4?

I know it's still a little early in the game but after seeing all the fun we had with this last DVC I'm stoked to do DVC 4. I know there was talk of doing it around halloween, but my question is will it be after or before, during or what. The sad thing is I'm trying to make travel plans and I want to make sure I don't end up missing the next one.

Wow, this dvchallenge thing is infectious.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old September 25th, 2005, 02:05 AM   #2
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I`m looking forward to it too. I`m sure I read somewhere a date to put in the calender but cannot seem to find it in the forum. Dylan !, you must have the next date ready, go on, give us the date. I need to book a weeks holiday, get the pizzas ordered, buy my ONE bottle of bud (I dont usually drink, but on this occasion I`m gonna let my hair down), and charge my batteries.
Dont blame the weather....improvise !
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Old September 25th, 2005, 09:33 AM   #3
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You guys are addicts...

Let me wrap this up first and then I'll start looking for a date for it.

Oh, an interesting note, I've also picked out the theme for DVC4 already. For the past ones I've left it up to the night before, but this time I've got it already.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 09:48 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
You guys are addicts...

It is all your fault you know!!!!! But seriously, you are doing a great thing for this community. Without this most would be sitting on our butts and not learning a thing. I applogize for my poor entry in DV#3, but I did not plan on being on a 3,800 road trip (Aug 31 to Sept 16th), during the contest. It was a last minute trip and so I just had to throw something together to stay off of the wall. Next time something much better, I hope!

Thanks again for starting this and please keep it going, and if there is anything I can do to assist you need only ask.

And, by the way, I haven't seen your movie. Is it out there? I did see you sign up didn't I?

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 10:35 AM   #5
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Hey, that's right, where are the judges entries? OK Dylan, fork the link(s) over.

Sean McHenry
‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch
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Old September 25th, 2005, 02:01 PM   #6
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I have a concern about DVC 4; I have great plans to enter this one in an attempt to redeem myself from the current run, so please humor me.

The overall premise of the fourth challenge, as I understand, is horror--the theme will be far more specific, I imagine, but it's still supposed to be scary. And I know that one of the rules for these challenges is that we're strongly discouraged from shooting things ahead of time, or simply reusing old footage we have lying around, but does the spirit of this rule extend to things like set dressings?

The thing is, I've been wanting to shoot a horror movie for some years now (if only I had a plot of some sort), and have collected a modest group of set pieces that fit what I have in mind perfectly. Now, again, we don't know the theme for DVC 4, but for argument's sake let's say I could make use of my collection: would it be unethical for me to do so?

All of these items are things I've found lying around the house, or in the back yard, and they would have been available to me in any event, it's just that they're all neatly organized in one spot now, and easily accessed. Do you think I should hold off on using them for this?
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Old September 25th, 2005, 02:20 PM   #7
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Are you kidding, Robert? By all means, if you've got it, USE IT!!!

There are so many things that give people an "edge": What about those who have to go it alone versus those of us who have a bunch of friends? Or even a crew? Doesn't matter.

Have fun, and don't give it another worry. :)
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Old September 25th, 2005, 02:51 PM   #8
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If this one is right before halloween (which i heard it is) it will be so perfect, i will have video making oppertunitys right up until the end of november, now somehow i just need to figure out how to get paid for allt his fun;)
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Old September 25th, 2005, 03:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Robert Martens

The thing is, I've been wanting to shoot a horror movie for some years now (if only I had a plot of some sort), and have collected a modest group of set pieces that fit what I have in mind perfectly. Now, again, we don't know the theme for DVC 4, but for argument's sake let's say I could make use of my collection: would it be unethical for me to do so?

All of these items are things I've found lying around the house, or in the back yard, and they would have been available to me in any event, it's just that they're all neatly organized in one spot now, and easily accessed. Do you think I should hold off on using them for this?
Hey Robert,
Scott Barker and I have been collecting and making stuff to use in video productions for years, and we have used some of these items in our dvc entries without ever giving it a second thought. In fact, Scott is building robot costume right now. We don't know what we're going to do with it, but I wouldn't be suprised if it makes it way into a future DVC- if'n we decide to do another one.
" When some wild-eyed, eight foot tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head against a bar room wall, and looks you crooked in the eye, and he asks you if you've payed your dues, well, you just stare that big suker right back in the eye, and you remember what old Jack Burton always says at a time like that, 'Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail."
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Old September 25th, 2005, 03:53 PM   #10
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Use whatever you like!

As to my film, since I didn't release it before everyone elses, I selfishly decided to wait until after the contest to release it so I could have all the attention to myself. :)
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Old September 26th, 2005, 08:56 AM   #11
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My wife is pressuring me to do DVC4- we call it being supportive :). So I'll probably participate.
I really, really. really x10 don't want to be pushy, but sooner would be better than later as far as nailing the dates down goes, though; I have two toddlers, a full time job and I'm doing 9 credits this semester at CU- so the sooner I know the dates the sooner I can start rearranging my life.
" When some wild-eyed, eight foot tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head against a bar room wall, and looks you crooked in the eye, and he asks you if you've payed your dues, well, you just stare that big suker right back in the eye, and you remember what old Jack Burton always says at a time like that, 'Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail."
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Old September 26th, 2005, 04:42 PM   #12
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Come on Dylan, the comp is over, show us yours.
Dont blame the weather....improvise !
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Old September 27th, 2005, 11:08 PM   #13
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I'd love to see Dylans flickage!
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Old September 28th, 2005, 03:19 AM   #14
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I've never been into filmmaking because I'm more about television production, but I'd really like to enter this. Tyler Baptist had me star in his movie for DVC 3, Snap Shot (in which I played a nerd that gets beat up by jocks - I still think it was to get me back for all the times I've borrowed his camera) and although I normally am never in front of the camera, it was a lot of fun. Having a theme to follow would be very fun for me.
Mark Utley
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Old September 28th, 2005, 12:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Mark Utley
I still think it was to get me back for all the times I've borrowed his camera.
Hahahaha. Sure it was....
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