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Old September 22nd, 2005, 09:55 AM   #1
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DVC3 - Gardens of Tomorrow: Part II - Feedback

If you have not yet viewed my movie short, please note that you must have at a minimum QuickTime version 6.5.2. If need be, you can upgrade earlier versions of QuickTime through the software update feature of QuickTime. If you have an older version 6 of QT, it will upgrade you to 6.5.2. You do not have to upgrade to version 7.

Having said that, some of the judges have had problems viewing my short with version 7 of QuickTime. If that is the case for you, please let me know.

Enough about technology.


For those of you having problems viewing my movie short, I have placed a direct download link on each of the pages just under the main QuickTime viewing window. Click that link and it should open a new page and begin downloading the movie. Loading may take awhile so please be patient. Thank you!

Alternatively, you can click one of these links and go directly to the movie:

QuickTime 7 Versions

Medium: http://www.sayremedia.com/Quicktime/...es/GOT2_MD.mov

Small: http://www.sayremedia.com/Quicktime/.../GOT2_Dial.mov

QuickTime 6.5.2 Versions

Medium: http://www.sayremedia.com/Quicktime/...es/GOT2_MD.mp4

Small: http://www.sayremedia.com/Quicktime/.../GOT2_Dial.mp4


As the name implies, this movie short is a continuation of the story I began in DVC2. I was interested in not only trying out new green screen techniques, but also in exploring the story of Thomas Brin in more detail.

I'm interested in hearing your comments about the technical aspects, aesthetic appeal of the fictitious world, and whether or not the story is in the least bit compelling. I may continue Thomas Brin's adventure in the future--after all it will give me another chance to hone my VFX skills and try new software.

My vision for the genre of science fiction is to create worlds that, although they are obviously fictitious in look and feel, send the viewer into a fantasy-like realm. I like to think that I am beginning to learn how to use VFX to create moving, impressionist paintings where the mere hint of an idea is sufficient to let the viewers imagination take over. In today's world where even the worst movies can have stunning, well-crafted, real-looking VFX, I wanted to do something different, creating an almost picturebook-like realm.

I did have a last-minute problem with a corrupted Soundtrack Pro file that caused me to quickly remaster the audio, so I'm aware that the audio is harsh in places. You are viewing the exact version the judges viewed. I will fix the audio issues after the challenge.

Thank you in advance for your honest feedback!

Last edited by Jeff Sayre; September 22nd, 2005 at 03:46 PM.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 10:00 AM   #2
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I have QT 7 but it is asking me to install a codec on the smaller QT 6.5.2 versions. QT takes me to their web site but doesn't tell me which plugin I need.

It has been suggested, and I will second it that we should probably have direct links to the videos themselves. I can "View Source" and find the videos but that's the back way in. Would you perhaps consider posting the direct links to the video versions rather embeded in a page, or perhaps both?

I won't be able to watch these until I get home tonight.

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing Chapter II.

Sean McHenry
‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch

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Old September 22nd, 2005, 10:13 AM   #3
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That's a good idea, Sean. I did see that suggestion earlier and forgot to update my website. I will do that shortly.

As far as the plugin, you need the QuickTime ActiveX plugin version 6.5.1. I have no idea where that is found on Apple's website. QuickTime should find it automatically but I have had difficulties locating it myself.

Once Windows directly stopped supporting QuickTime, this ActiveX plugin, created by Apple, was needed to make QuickTime work in Windows-based IE browsers.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:24 PM   #4
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Jeff, dude. That looks like a ton of work. Good job. I loved the concept and thought you executed it well. Looking forward to part three.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:28 PM   #5
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holy smokes! for a wildlife videographer, you sure are adept at the special effects. i should come study at your knee, master!

i'm not exactly sure that i'm following the storyline. but one thing i admire, is that you're using the challenge as an opportunity to learn something new (greenscreening, etc.), and i think that's pretty cool, to stretch in a new direction. we're all learning stuff, but to take on a deliberate and specific challenge and gain some new mastery of it in a weeks' time is admirable.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:37 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sean Buck
Jeff, dude. That looks like a ton of work. Good job. I loved the concept and thought you executed it well. Looking forward to part three.
Thanks for the compliment, Sean. It was more work than I could afford. Let's just say I did not understand the concept of sleep for most of that week. I'm still paying the price. But, boy, I had a ton of fun!

Last edited by Jeff Sayre; September 22nd, 2005 at 06:05 PM.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:38 PM   #7
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Outstanding Visual Effects, as usual. The movie is amazing, and stays true to your original concept (I was wondering - how will he squezze 'cameras' into it?).

Anyway, now you got yourself into trouble: you raised the expectations on Thomas Brin's future, and you owe us the rest of the story ;) PLUS, next DVC is in Halloween, and THAT will be a though thing to get into the story :))

Very Good to watch. Nonetheless, I felt you developed the story a bit too little for my personal curiosity.

As a huge fan, maybe I´ll try a sci-fi stravaganza of mine on one of the next DVC's.



Last edited by Hugo Pinto; September 23rd, 2005 at 01:53 AM.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:39 PM   #8
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Thanks, Meryem! Yes, while it is true wildlife study and videography is my passion, I like to get away from the real world once in a while.

In DVC2, I had considered making a documentary but then thought that that would be nothing new for me. So I asked myself what the direct opposite of that would be and I came up with SciFi. I am a fan of the genre but would never have considered attempting to make a scifi movie before. In DVC3, I wanted to continue my learning process.

However, it was--as you put it--a chance to learn something totally outside of my realm.

You say that you're not sure if you follow the story. Have you watched Part I? If so, then perhaps I have a long way to go on story writing! :)
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 12:39 PM   #9
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This was truly a remarkable achievement and beautifully executed! You are definitely the master of Sci-Fi and green screen work around here. Not to mention a great storyteller.

I think you have achieved your objectives in this film!

Question- Thomas Brin just discovered he is NOT a machine...but rather a Biotic. If we gave him an injection of a big dose of Amoxycillin...what would happen?

Well done and bravo Jeff!
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 02:31 PM   #10
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This is the only entry I haven't been able to view. As I only have Quicktime 6. And I can't find the update for 6.5.2 anywhere, and I refuse to download ver.7 until it is not the Windows Beta version, and you don't need to download iTunes with it.... Does anyone have a link to the update at all?
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 02:54 PM   #11
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If you open up your QuickTime application directly, you should see the following option under the Help menu: "Update Existing Software..." Click on that and you should be on your way to version 6.5.2.

Alternatively, I have placed direct download links on the pages where the QuickTime streams are located. You might try one of those and see if that works.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 03:31 PM   #12
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those PC people...

Hi Jeff,

I've got QT7 but just as the movie starts my Explorer shuts down. On your page there's a tab for people like me; when I click on it there's no page available. Trying to view with the old version locks up my PC immediately. I tried the update and it told me it was already installed.

But I sure would like to see your movie! :)

Any other options? (And you won't say, "Get a Mac," now, will you. ;)

I know both Meryem and Elvis had to provide other avenues for cripples like me. Have you a way to do this, too? Sorry to be a pain.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 03:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lorinda Norton
Hi Jeff,

I've got QT7 but just as the movie starts my Explorer shuts down. On your page there's a tab for people like me; when I click on it there's no page available. Trying to view with the old version locks up my PC immediately. I tried the update and it told me it was already installed.

But I sure would like to see your movie! :)

Any other options? (And you won't say, "Get a Mac," now, will you. ;)

I know both Meryem and Elvis had to provide other avenues for cripples like me. Have you a way to do this, too? Sorry to be a pain.
Of course I always would support your decision to buy a mac, Lorinda!

Try visiting my direct link page here and let me know if that works. It may take a while for it to load.

QuickTime 7 Version, medium bandwidth:

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Old September 22nd, 2005, 04:02 PM   #14
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WOW!!! Those are some virtual sets!!! (Oh, the link worked fine and fast--thanks!)

I got all hung up on that gal's cool visual communicator and had to watch the whole thing again. (Old Star Trek fan here.) How'd you do that?

Storywise--yeah, I think it's plenty compelling enough for you to keep it going. I need to know how that dastardly machine assimilated Thomas. (Just make sure it doesn't say, "Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated." LOL!) I didn't see the first one, btw, so will feel like an idiot if everyone else knows this part.

Now, I'm saying this as a viewer, because there is no way I could begin to delve into what you're doing: I'm sure you notice the scenes where Thomas isn't quite separated from the background. That's the only time I detach from the story.

The stepping-stone work is amazing.

Think I'll go watch it again. Thanks for the extra link, Jeff! And for the great movie!!!

Last edited by Lorinda Norton; September 22nd, 2005 at 04:36 PM.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 06:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Hugo Pinto

Outstanding Visual Effects, as usual. The movie is amazing, and stays true to your original concept (I was wondering - how will he squezze 'cameras' into it?).

Anyway, now you got yourself into trouble: you raised the expectations on Thomas Brin's future, and you owe us the rest of the story ;) PLUS, next DVC is in Halloween, and THAT will be a though thing to get into the story :))

Very Good to watch. Nonetheless, I felt you developed the story a bit too little for my personal curiosity.

As a huge fun, maybe I´ll try a sci-fi stravaganza of mine on one of the next DVC's.



I appreciate your kind words and I'm glad you are in my fan base-even though I didn't know I had one! Yes, I realize that I cannot keep the story hanging at the end of Part II.

I do plan on a Part II but I'm not sure it will be in DVC4. This type of movie takes significant amount of time and it just about broke me this past challenge. I need more than a week to comfortably do Part III. I will probably do something different for DVC4.
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