DP Slider vs Cinevate Atlas 10 at DVinfo.net
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Old December 6th, 2010, 10:45 AM   #1
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DP Slider vs Cinevate Atlas 10

I was just about to place an order for the DP Slider, but then found out about the Cinevate Atlas 10. It seems that the Atlas 10 is so new that it and the DP slider have not been properly compared. Has anyone here used both the Atlas 10 and DP Slider? What are the pros and cons of each?

Whichever slider I buy, it will probably end up being mounted on the http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/481938-REG/Manfrotto_475B_Professional_2_Stage_Tripod.html

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Old December 7th, 2010, 04:29 PM   #2
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I've compared both on my blog : Cinevate Atlas 10 – 1 month review + film Colour Craft Media

I've used both and owned the DP slider for a short while. I feel the atlas 10 is more versatile at pretty much the same price point. Not to mention that the atlas 10 has a more pro look, although that is purely my opinion.

I didn't like how slim the dp slider's track was. The atlas 10's track is larger and coupled with the wider stance with the all terrain legs, much more stable.

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Old December 23rd, 2010, 07:10 PM   #3
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By the way for the price,
DPslider offers the vertical option already. at $725

The vertical option for Atlas 10 is sold separately. That might be an additional 419$ and $179 for counterbalance. The all terrain legs is an add on as well. So, I think are they not on the same price point. and might have been missed on the review.

If you are not doing vertical, then go for the Atlas 10.

Merry Xmas!
Bay Area Wedding Videographerwww.reb6studios.com
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 09:04 PM   #4
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I'm almost certain that you can still mount the Atlas 10 vertically without the "vertical kit." I believe that this $400+ option adds a pulley system, which isn't necessary but will smooth out vertical slides.

I'm also strongly considering purchasing an Atlas 10. It looks like a great slider.
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Old December 24th, 2010, 09:51 AM   #5
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Can anyone confirm this? I'm really really close of buying either, but if Rob statement is true the Atlas 10 might be a good choice.
Thank you
Bay Area Wedding Videographerwww.reb6studios.com
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Old December 26th, 2010, 10:36 AM   #6
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Hi Sigmund,

Rob is correct. I do two different vertical slides in the Atlas 10 video I linked to on my blog as well as explain this point in the write up under the vertical slide options. One shot is without the vertical kit and just using my hands to guide the carriage (just like you would a DP slider) and another with the vertical kit that adds a second set of rails and pulleys plus a line that you can use to pull down to cause the camera carriage to rise.

The Atlas 10 is a great value. Add in the all terrain legs and I believe you come really close to the price of the DP slider.

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Old December 26th, 2010, 11:13 AM   #7
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I offer a vertical kit with my Easy Sliders as well.

Both with a pulley system and without. The nice thing about the pulley system is that you can stop at any point and the camera stays there.

I am also working on a motorized programable system right now, both with the Igus sliders and with a much heavier duty Roller Blade Wheel based system.

If anyone is interested contact me.
Westside A V version of the Igus slider system for video cameras

Below are some photos of the very simple vertical slider with counter weight.

My Igus based track pricing is:
2' slider is $285.00
3' slider is $305.00
4' slider is $360.00
6' slider is $460.00

Vertical kit without pulley system is $50.00
Vertical system with pulleys and no weight (you can use almost anything) $100.00 (I use a set of lead weights that is easily found in hardware stores as weight).
Attached Thumbnails
DP Slider vs Cinevate Atlas 10-veasyslider1.jpg   DP Slider vs Cinevate Atlas 10-veasyslider2.jpg  

DP Slider vs Cinevate Atlas 10-veasyslider3.jpg  
Attached Images
Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
Westside A V Studios • http://www.WestsideAVstore.com/

Last edited by Olof Ekbergh; December 26th, 2010 at 08:12 PM.
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Old January 10th, 2011, 07:00 PM   #8
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Hey guys, thank you for your valuable assistance.

If I go for the Atlas 10, I probably won't buy the vertical kit. Somewhere I read that the vertical kit can be purchased separably at a later date. So, I may go this direction.

I have the 501 HDV head on one of my tripods. I would like to be able to use the same quick release, allowing for a quicker transition from the tripod to the Atlas.http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/368216-REG/Manfrotto_468MGRC5_468MGRC5_Magnesium_Hydrostatic_Ballhead.html

Comparing the DP Slider and the Atlas 10 without the vertical kit, is there a sizable difference in the smoothness, or anything else for that matter?

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