Transcription Software For Making Documentaries
Hi All,
I'm in the process of trying to get transcription software for about 6 people to use in various locations.. could be PC's and MACs, but would be interested in just about anything right now since either a basic word processor or spreadsheet is looking like the only real possibility right now. I admit, I'm stunned at what there isn't.. I've got about 250 hours of stuff I need transcribed and 1/2 dozen volunteers who I was going to give USB drives to with HDV software (which I can't find a viewer for), and the transcription software.. but its looking pretty bad right now.. if you have any suggestions, please let me know.. so far I have found transcription services (I don't want to use), one English program (very limited) for $99.- and a better featured one in Portuguese for about $500.00 which is looking better as time goes on..
If anyone has any suggestions I would really, really, appreciate it.. this is the first full length documentary I have produced, so its the first time Ive really encountered this problem.. what do people use? Is it all so make shift? no real product to address this? I'm a SW engineer, I have a few ideas, but have my hands full with the doc, don't want to get segway'd off into software development land..
Thanks All!
Brian Findlay