Why am I seeing a difference in wrapped files? at DVinfo.net
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divergent media ScopeBox and ClipWrap
The official support forums for divergent media's ScopeBox (video monitoring and recorder) and ClipWrap (m2t to .mov re-wrap).

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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:13 AM   #1
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Location: Oradell, New Jersey
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Why am I seeing a difference in wrapped files?

I have footage that was shot on a Sony Z5u and recorded on the MRC1K recorder. When I bring the footage into ClipWrap for re-wrapping, it appears as 1920x1080. When the same clips are ingested into FCP using log and transfer, they come in at 1440x1080.

Am I missing a step or doing something wrong?
Reed Gidez
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:22 AM   #2
Sponsor: divergent media
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Re: Why am I seeing a difference in wrapped files?

What you're probably seeing is just differences in the way apps like QuickTime show the frame size. Internally, HDV stores video as 1440x1080. However, for playback, the video is stretched to the real HD dimensions, 1920x1080.

ClipWrap tags the video with a size that says "hey, this video should be played 1920x1080" - the actual pixel resolution inside the file is still 1440x1080, it just gets played at the proper aspect.

So, there's no resampling/blending going on, just a difference in some metadata and how it's reported. Unfortunately, Apple isn't super consistent about how they display that info - some of their apps display the "real" size, and some display the playback size, so it gets a little confusing.

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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:28 AM   #3
Major Player
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Oradell, New Jersey
Posts: 283
Re: Why am I seeing a difference in wrapped files?

Thanks for clearing this up quickly Colin!

Reed Gidez
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