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divergent media ScopeBox and ClipWrap
The official support forums for divergent media's ScopeBox (video monitoring and recorder) and ClipWrap (m2t to .mov re-wrap).

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Old September 2nd, 2011, 02:58 PM   #1
Sponsor: divergent media
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: St. Paul, MN
Posts: 201
New ClipWrap release

Hey All - normally we don't do much marketing for new ClipWrap releases, but we just pushed out 2.4.3, which has some features that some of you have been asking for for a while.

First off, if you're already a ClipWrap user, you should be prompted to update on your next launch. Otherwise, check out our info page for a download: ClipWrap : Trial

The big things that folks here will be interested in:
* Preference to preserve source file creation time - this is especially important with tools like FCPX that organize events based on file dates

* Preferences to launch converted files in the app of your choosing automatically

* Ability to set audio mixdown (either preserve full 5.1 mix, or mix to stereo)

* Flagging for 5.1 lpcm, so apps will see the channels tagged appropriately.

Additionally, there's all the normal bugfixes and enhanced camera support we have in every release.

If you've got questions or run into issues, please get in touch!

Divergent Media Support
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Old October 8th, 2011, 01:17 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida
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Re: New ClipWrap release

Clipwrap user here- thanks for the great app!!!

If I may make a suggestion......might you guys consider adding an option to "DeInterlace" source clips?

This would be so great for those of us that use AVCHD cams that shoot interlaced footage.

Keep up the good work!
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old October 8th, 2011, 11:08 PM   #3
Sponsor: divergent media
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: St. Paul, MN
Posts: 201
Re: New ClipWrap release

Hey Steve - thanks for the suggestion. This is something we've debated internally a bit. What it's come down to is that doing *good* deinterlacing is really hard - technically complex, cpu intensive, source-specific, etc. While we could do an "easy" deinterlace (just blurring fields or whatnot) we think it's better to stick with our "what you put in is what you get out" philosophy with ClipWrap.

Personally, what I recommend is to leave your interlaced footage interlaced until the last possible moment - output to the web or whatever. Then, you can afford to throw the CPU cycles at a really good deinterlace, like Compressor's optical flow technology, because you're only deinterlacing the footage you actually used.

Just my two cents though, and obviously there are plenty of workflows where that's not an option.

Anywho, probably a lengthier and less helpful answer than you expected, thanks again for posting it though!

Divergent Media Support
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Old October 9th, 2011, 01:12 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida
Posts: 1,418
Re: New ClipWrap release

Very understandable......I just think it would be a worthy feature to add despite possible 'less than optimal results' could be used with a warning label indicating so.........but very understandable- thank you!
Steve Nunez-New York City
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