Panasonic AJ-HPX2000 P2 HD Camcorder - Page 2 at
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 10:26 AM   #16
Major Player
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Originally Posted by Wayne Morellini
I think the HVX200 replacement will have more noise and worse standard glass compared to this camera. If they can pull it off great, if it is only the quality of DVCPROHD at 50mb/s, it is not what I am looking for.
Why wouldn't the HVX200 replacement support up to 100 Mbps? I believe the 50-Mbps format only 4:2:0 -- why would Panasonic give up 4:2:2?
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 11:53 AM   #17
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I'm curious about the model number change. The camera was first introduced as the AJ-HPC2000 and they replaced the letter 'C' with the letter 'X' very recently. Maybe it doesn't mean much, because the specs still appear to be the same.

My biggest concern about the camera is how much cpu horsepower it's going to take for RT editing of AVCHD and AVC-I.

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Old December 3rd, 2006, 07:54 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Lawrence Bansbach
Why wouldn't the HVX200 replacement support up to 100 Mbps? I believe the 50-Mbps format only 4:2:0 -- why would Panasonic give up 4:2:2?
The stinginess of the industry. I hope they do include 100Mb/s 10 bit 4:2:2, it will make it a very worthwhile camera, and give the digital cinema cameras something to think about (for low end sales). The industry tends to make people pay a lot more for the value of what are technically, and financially, minor upgrades. If they don't do this, it eats into their high end sales.

I personally think that 100mb/s intra h264 is well targeted for the sub $10K market (as there are no sub $10K Cinema cameras yet). 50 mb/s is sort of what you want in the sub $2K market, as from the reported quality level of DVCPROHD, it is an competitor to HDV.

For the higher end cameras they should go for 4:4:4 10bit+ 200mb/s, 400mb/s 24*2/50/60/24*3fps+ 1080p, that is something that would give the cinema cameras something to think about. But I doubt they will anytime soon.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 08:03 PM   #19
Inner Circle
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I forgot to mention, 50mb/s for 720p should be worthwhile.

Maybe the industry needs to give more of an quality distinction in the data rate to low end professionals, and high end hobbyists.
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