Announcing "Lady X" - A Global Indie Series for DV Filmmakers at
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Old March 17th, 2003, 01:47 AM   #1
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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Announcing "Lady X" - A Global Indie Series for DV Filmmakers

Want to participate in a global episodic web series?

"Lady X" is a cooperative indie film project that we hope will be a lot of fun and will allow some filmmakers to show their talent. The general theme is a spy/underworld thriller consisting of episodes made independently by selected filmmakers around the globe. Each episode will be approximately 5 minutes long (maximum 7 minutes, minimum 3 minutes). There will be a few rules to follow to ensure continuity of the overall plot (mainly controlling the beginning and the ending)...otherwise, there's lots of flexibility.

How it works:

The beginning of each episode will show a mystery lady, “Lady X,” arriving by some mode of transportation in your hometown, then passing on instructions to the “local operative” or gangster or whomever. From there on, she's out of the picture and it's your movie. Your main character(s) is/are required to go through an ordeal to obtain "something" (your choice of what that "something" is) that, at the end of the movie is delivered back to "Lady X" who then mysteriously vanishes (complete details in the “Rules” page at Where does Lady X go? On to the next episode, of course.

Everything in between the beginning and ending is totally up to the filmmaker...your story, your limits! The goal is to add some of your local culture to your episode so that the series has an international appeal. The number of episodes will depend on how many applications we receive.

Wait a character, Lady X, will be played by numerous actors around the world? How?

How will we pull off having the same mystery lady (but different actresses) in every segment? It'll be pretty easy, actually. Think of her like the "smoking man" in X-files (the early episodes). We'll never really see her...only distant glimpses (voyeur-style, surveillance shots), or extreme close-ups (close on the lips or an ear, or a hand, etc.). Plus, we'll never hear what she says since shots of her talking will be "voyeuristic"... from a distance...drowned out by area noise. She will usually simply pass notes to people. The idea is to build an aura of mystery around her and let her propel the action, without hearing her speak or ever seeing her clearly.

Where will the films be shown?

The films will be available for viewing at the Lady X web site. Whether or not the films are shown by other sites...or even film festivals... depends 100% on their quality.

If I participate, what will I get out of it?

No money. Lady X is non-profit, so no one, not even the Executive Producers, will profit financially from it. You will, however, receive immense satisfaction, raucous fun, and international name recognition (okay...maybe that’s an exaggeration. You’ll only receive “run of the mill” satisfaction). We expect there will be a fairly wide audience. We’ll be sending press announcements to online and pulp film and DV-related magazines. And, as mentioned before, we’ll try to get the episodes a wider audience through other online theaters. Basically, any opportunity to show these films will be jumped on like a free “follow-focus” wrapped in $50 bills.

There is a “contest” involved that will garner you a bit more name recognition, if you should win. Once all the allotted episodes have been aired, there will be a vote for "Best Filmmaker." The winning filmmaker will then have the fun task of somehow tying together all those "things" the mystery lady has collected to make a dramatic finale.

Want to help spread the word?

Go to the ”What is Lady X?” page at the Lady X web site. There, you’ll find some banners that you can use to help spread the word about Lady X!

Where can I sign up?

Visit and read the “Rules”...then click the “How can I join?” link and send in your entry! We’re looking forward to hearing from you. NOTE: If the available episode slots fill up quickly don’t despair! We promise to make a new slot for you if you want to participate! Just drop us a line at

Wanna see the Lady X episode opener? Click here.

Lady X
Executive Producers
Paul Sedillo
Ken Tanaka
Rob Lohman
John Locke

Lady X – Beauty, Bullets, and Intrigue
John Locke
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Old March 17th, 2003, 02:59 AM   #2
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John, sounds like an absolutely excellent idea. Will be interesting to see what people do!.

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Old March 17th, 2003, 03:02 AM   #3
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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Thanks, Aaron! I'm just one of the four wranglers involved...also Paul Sedillo, Ken Tanaka, and Rob Lohman.

I can hardly wait to see what people come up with myself!
John Locke
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Old March 17th, 2003, 01:53 PM   #4
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Couldn't see in the rules etc about what quality of production you needed ;) Is it open for people like myself who've never done anything before? I know a few actors and filmy people and if I can get some of them interested we might be able to come up with something.

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Old March 17th, 2003, 05:18 PM   #5
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You do not need to have a certain background to be able to join.
The only thing we require from participants are:
  1. make the episode according the guidelines (length, beginning & ending etc.)
  2. make Lady-X not the central character and have her follow the guidelines set out
  3. sign-up on the site and follow the instructions
  4. once a time slot is given to you make sure you finish the episode before that time period and hand it over to us

That's basically it. There are some other things which are all
outlined on the site and in the Entry Kit everyone can download
from the site!

So yes, you and your "buddies" can join! Ofcourse we do hope
people will am for the best quality they can produce in the time
available to them.

Thank you for the interest!

Rob Lohman,
DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef

Join the DV Challenge | Lady X

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Old March 18th, 2003, 08:49 AM   #6
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Members from NON English-speaking countries...

...we need your help!

Would you please help us spread the word about the Lady X project in your native language at web sites and forums in your language? We truly hope to get a global representation...with participants from all over.

If you'd like to help...please translate and send/post the info below to any forum or DV, filmmaking, acting, scriptwriting web site that is popular in your country.
Announcing "Lady X" - A Global Indie Series for DV Filmmakers

Want to participate in a global episodic web series?

"Lady X" is a cooperative indie film project that we hope will be a lot of fun and will allow some filmmakers to show their talent. The general theme is a spy/underworld thriller consisting of episodes made independently by selected filmmakers around the globe. Each episode will be approximately 5 minutes long (maximum 7 minutes, minimum 3 minutes). There will be a few rules to follow to ensure continuity of the overall plot (mainly controlling the beginning and the ending)...otherwise, there's lots of flexibility.

For full details, visit our site,
Thanks for your help! Merci! Gracias! Danke! Arrigato gozaimasu! Shai shai! Tusen tak! Comapsumnida! Krupkoopka!
John Locke
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Old March 18th, 2003, 04:08 PM   #7
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Man I got to get my gear soon. This looks like a really sweet concept guys. Hope to get my stuff soon.
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Old April 7th, 2003, 12:00 PM   #8
New Boot
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Hi, I'm french Canadian and willing to translate into French if you wish, I could probably help with spreading the ad. Contact me if you still need my services

Good day
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Old April 7th, 2003, 12:56 PM   #9
New Boot
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Coudos for the idea,

You can be sure that my associates and I will be thinking about making an episode !


Jason Rouleau
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Old April 7th, 2003, 06:39 PM   #10
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jason Rouleau : Coudos for the idea,

You can be sure that my associates and I will be thinking about making an episode !


Jason Rouleau -->>>

Better hurry!
There's only one spot left.......
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Old April 7th, 2003, 06:42 PM   #11
New Boot
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Yeah I just noticed... Guess I'll have to wait for season 2! lol

If anybody can show me other types of shows like Lady X, I'd be really interested in knowing about it too!


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Old April 8th, 2003, 06:32 AM   #12
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Hi John,

I don't frequent many other boards than this one but maybe i can do the translation into Swedish for you:


Vi presenterar "Lady X" - En global indie-serie för DV Filmskapare

Vill du delta i en global episodbaserad web serie?

"Lady X" är ett samarbetande indie-filmprojekt som vi hoppas skall vara roligt samtidigt som det ger filmskapare möjlighet att visa upp sina talanger. Temat är en agent/spionthriller bestående av flera episoder skapade av oberoende filmskapare runt om i världen. Varje episod kommer att vara ungefär 5 minuter lång (max 7 minuter, min 3 minuter). För att säkerställa att episoderna fungerar tillsammans kommer det att finnas några enkla regler att följa. Dessa avser främst att början och slutet fungerar med andra avsnitt, och i övrigt så finns det stort rum för flexibilitet och egna idéer.

För mer information besök vår hemsida på
Henrik "HuBBa" Bengtsson, Imaginara Fotographia,
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Old April 8th, 2003, 04:30 PM   #13
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Tusen Takk, Henrik!

Jason, je vais vous envoyer un message toute de suite!
John Locke
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Old April 8th, 2003, 07:01 PM   #14
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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All 28 Episode Slots Filled - Accepting Alternates

As of today, all 28 episode slots have been filled for Lady X. We will, however, accept alternates to fill in if a producer is unable to participate and gives us ample notice. So if you're thinking you might want to join in, please sign up as an alternate.

Thanks to everyone, especially Chris, for their help in getting things going with this project. Now, stay tuned for the episodes as they start to role in.
John Locke
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Old April 8th, 2003, 07:35 PM   #15
New Boot
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Never got your message John... post it here
I am analog, hear me roar!
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