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Old November 6th, 2006, 11:39 PM   #16
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"A big plus for Xbox 360 users once the issues were fixed was the inclusion of 1080p support, something that Sony have been purporting as the PS3's major advantage over the Xbox."

Note that the Xbox 360 has no HDMI output. So the only way that you can view 1080p from the console is if your TV has a 1080p compatible YUV analog input.

And don't forget that both formats include some security code that lets the studios produce titles that can downgrade the analog outputs to SD only. So far there is a truce - the studios aren't enabling the downgrade while the new formats try to gain a foothold. However, in the future the Xbox 360 sidecar might not play all Hollywood titles at HD resolution. The PS3 includes the latest spec of HDMI, supporting 1080p outputs with no threat of a title-by-title downgrade.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old November 6th, 2006, 11:41 PM   #17
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Of course the Inquirer totally missed that Microsoft also was introducing the HD movie download system to the xbox-360, and that just possibly a lot of the code was also to support that. It does look at at the moment Microsofts investment in VC-1 and the codecs will be a major advantage against Apple's offering of Lower than DVD quality video.

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Old November 7th, 2006, 05:00 PM   #18
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Jon Fairhurst,
That’s why I think Microsoft is going to release a new 360 in a few months because saying that the 360 outputs 1080p is misleading especially considering that a lot of people expected to have 1080p output to their Sony Bravia XBR TVs and found out that the TV couldn’t handle it.

For Sony, the biggest thing they have to worry about is having a web service as good as XBOX Live and it will take a miracle if they can accomplish that.

One thing that can give either the XBOX 360 or the PS3 a big advantage is Divx/Xvid playback. Politics aside, this would be a very smart move. Just imaging fitting most of your DIVX/Xvid movies on one HD-DVD/Blu-Ray disc.

As for the Wii, The controller is very innovative and the fact that you can play all of the Nintendo and Sega games from every console will also drive sales but Nintendo is making the same similar mistakes they did years ago. The first mistake they did was to not use Sony’s technology to make a new game system. The original PlayStation was to be called the Nintendo PlayStation or SNES CD but Nintendo backed out because they feared that a CD unit was going to fail just like Sega CD and the Panasonic 3DO. They ended up releasing the N64 with better graphics but because the cartridges couldn’t hold as much content as a CD, It could never keep up with the PlayStation and although the Sega Saturn had much better 2D technology than the PlayStation its 3D technology weren’t as good so it fell behind the PlayStation as well. Sega got back on track with the Dreamcast and it sold extremely well but once Sony released the Play Station 2 with DVD playback, the Dreamcast started fading away. Afterwards Microsoft released the XBOX and Nintendo released the Game Cube. Even though Nintendo had a system with better graphics than the PS2, its 1.5 gig CDs weren’t a math for the DVD capacity of both the XBOX and the PS2. This was Nintendo’s second mistake. If the Game Cube used DVDs, it would have not only outsold the XBOX but its sales would have been close to the PS2. I consider Sony very lucky to have outsold the XBOX by a landslide because XBOX had the HD capabilities and LIVE but all over the place people were trashing the XBOX saying that it’s too early for HD. All that bad publicity took away a lot of the potential sales of the XBOX and the PS2 was also backwards compatible so it was easier migrating to the PS2 than to the XBOX.

The same Sony fans that told people that HD isn’t everything are now saying that 1080p is a must and XBOX fans who said HD is everything is now saying that we don’t need 1080p games. The mistakes Nintendo is doing right now is not having DVD playback and the graphics is only 480p. In a few months Nintendo plans on releasing a Premium Wii for Japan only with DVD playback but they should be releasing it now in the US if they want to have somewhat of a chance to compete against the PS3 and the XBOX360. A lot of the Nintendo fans are saying that the Wii doesn’t need DVD playback or better graphics but they forget to realize that its 2006.

Lest see what the future holds for all 3 systems.

Last edited by Paulo Teixeira; November 8th, 2006 at 12:45 PM.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 11:43 AM   #19
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My 15 year-old son isn't even thinking about the 360 yet. He's still finding cheap games that he hasn't played yet at the used vendors for his old Xbox. So he's still getting value and entertainment from it. Nobody want's to be a beta tester and he's weighing in on which one to get. So he asked for more old Xbox games for Xmas, and want's a new system for his birthday later next year. Hopefully by then we'll know what's the better deal.

Wow, he learned smart economics from a video game system.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 12:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Peter Ferling
Wow, he learned smart economics from a video game system.
My hat's off to him! So many never learn such lessons -- especially when it comes to game consoles. This is completely evidenced by the vast number of pre-orders for the PS3 and the almost certain massive shortages to follow (which will be somewhat artificial to keep the mystical illusion of high demand).

I hate buying game consoles within the first 6 months of release... All it scores you is bragging rights with young teens who have no other life. The first round of games usually suck... I bought an XBOX 360 last June and I've been pleased with it. I don't have much time to play, only have 3 games for it. But I think Microsoft has a nice product with the 360 and XBOX Live is a very well-implemented service.

I would guess that Microsoft will release an updated XBOX360 sometime next year. If the HD-DVD add-on proves successful, I bet we see a new model with the HD-DVD drive built in and ability to do an HDMI out. According to most sources I've read, digital or HDMI output is not possible from the current XBOX 360 as there's more issues than simply a lack of the proper cable.

As for PS3, I'm sure it will be a nice system too. The new nVidia chip in there is two generations ahead of the ATI chip in the 360 and many of the screenshots really show this. I think a lot of hype is given to the Cell processor that's unwarranted. I've worked with some of the new PowerPC incarnations including the commercial IBM/Sony Cell products (a few embedded applications) and they're nice, but nothing near as special as what Sony and their zealous fanboys claim. ...But then again, this is Sony, they wouldn't be Sony without all the hype.

...Don't know if I'll buy a PS3. I probably will unless someone releases a decent and affordable BluRay player in the near future. But I don't really want another game system -- I'm happy with my X360 and PS2 as they provide more gaming than I have time to deal with.
- Jeff Kilgroe
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Old November 8th, 2006, 12:56 PM   #21
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Video games can somewhat teach children about politics as well, because choosing which game system to get is like choosing your elected officials.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 01:59 PM   #22
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> Paolo wrote: "The controller is very innovative and the fact that you can play all of the Nintendo and Sega games from every console will also drive sales"

I'm thinking that backward compatibility only buys you so much.

This weekend I needed to compose a short fantasy cue, so I asked my 15-year-old to play some of his older games so I could hear the music for inspiration. He played Zelda and a couple of other games for a few minutes and just hated it. He's a Halo 2 fan these days and there's just no going back.

Anyway, it's not so much that the technology got old (though it did), as my youngest son is growing up. He could care less about his older games.

BTW, the Zelda music didn't inspire a thing. I ended up going with the harp, celesta and woodwind sounds that I was leaning towards in the first place. :)
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Old November 8th, 2006, 02:20 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jon Fairhurst
This weekend I needed to compose a short fantasy cue, so I asked my 15-year-old to play some of his older games so I could hear the music for inspiration. He played Zelda and a couple of other games for a few minutes and just hated it. He's a Halo 2 fan these days and there's just no going back.
I'll agree with that. I think some older games will always be classics just due to their simplicity and that their concept can transcend the evolution of technology. Games like Pac-Man, Centipede, Tetris, etc... But I've dug out my old consoles here and there and have tried to get back into playing games like Zelda, Metroid, Moon Patrol, etc... Yuck. They were cool at the time, but newer games have gone way beyond these in terms of depth and complexity. And there's a lot more to it than just graphics.
- Jeff Kilgroe
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Old November 8th, 2006, 08:22 PM   #24
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The problem I see on the PS3 side is that it is so late that it is no longer the leading edge system that Sony wants to position it as, and Sony keeps trying to make people think that it is really a new computer.

I think that PS3 is not really going to be positioned in the mind of a number of buyers against an XBox 360 but rather a PC. Once they moved into the higher price point, IMO they started to attract a buyer where price was not the major issue, but rather performance, and if you look at the latest graphics cards, the consoles are behind. Many people wrote off the PC as the games platform but it keeps growing. Now if Apple decided to get serious about games, and people had the choice of developing for PS3 Xbox360 PC or Intel based Mac it would be interesting.

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Old November 8th, 2006, 09:21 PM   #25
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It’s safe to say that both the PS3 and the XBOX 360 can be considered an entertainment computer. The only unit that is strictly a game system is the Nintendo Wii and I don’t think the Wee stands a chance against the other two because all you can do is play games and nothing else.

One of the main reasons that Sony is calling it a computer is because you can install a certain version of Linux if you wanted to and several months ago Sony have said that the PS3 can be used as an NLE. Rather that means you’ll see a PS3 version of AVID or Vegas is anybodies guess but just think of the potential editing HDV on this system would have.

The one main thing that makes the PS3 better for games than the XBOX360 is that developers have plenty of room in a Blu Ray disc and it may not matter at the moment but in a couple of years you’ll notice a dramatic difference in the way the games look between the 2 systems.

Its not to late at all for Sony to get in this because as I mentioned in another post the XBOX360 is destined for a major redesign that will piss off a lot of users that bought the early model especially if it happens in less than a few months.

It’s very unlikely but if Sony’s online service does indeed get to be as good as LIVE then I can’t imagine any system keeping up with the PS3. Allowing the service to be free as Sony already mentioned is not good enough if it ends up being a lot worse than LIVE. Sony better not screw this up.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 10:46 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Paulo Teixeira
It’s safe to say that both the PS3 and the XBOX 360 can be considered an entertainment computer. The only unit that is strictly a game system is the Nintendo Wii and I don’t think the Wee stands a chance against the other two because all you can do is play games and nothing else.
And the Wii being strictly a game system isn't a bad thing. A lot of people will find that attractive. I personally have issues with game systems or other computer type devices that try to fill multiple roles... The PS3 does run Linux as its core OS - (so does PS2) and there's talk of commercially available applications that boot from their own disc and/or can be installed on hard drive. But people aren't going to run out and buy a PS3 because it can perform some of the tasks that a PC can. The main attraction to it is that it's Sony's next-gen game console and a Blu-Ray movie player. Originally, the PS2 was being marketed as an entertainment hub and was to have various computer functions and applications - that never happened. Will it happen this time around? I would say it's more likely, but the market is very small and the PS3 will be a game system above all else.

The one main thing that makes the PS3 better for games than the XBOX360 is that developers have plenty of room in a Blu Ray disc and it may not matter at the moment but in a couple of years you’ll notice a dramatic difference in the way the games look between the 2 systems.
And thus the reason for the HD-DVD add-on to the XBOX360. This evens the playing field quite a bit (even though there still is 20GB of space different between the two formats). But I'm not so sure the X360 HD-DVD add on is going to be a successful product or not...

It’s very unlikely but if Sony’s online service does indeed get to be as good as LIVE then I can’t imagine any system keeping up with the PS3. Allowing the service to be free as Sony already mentioned is not good enough if it ends up being a lot worse than LIVE. Sony better not screw this up.
XBOX LIVE is pretty inexpensive and is very well implemented, Sony has to really come up with something great to compete. But I think they'll do OK, or maybe I'm just hoping they don't screw it up. ;)
- Jeff Kilgroe
- Applied Visual Technologies | DarkScience
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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:59 PM   #27
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I was talking about another version of Linux that you already mentioned. Yellow Dog is under contract with Sony. Once an NLE does arrive, I hope it will be able to boot up from a standalone PS3 because people may not want to install this version of Linux.

The HD-DVD add-on does not make the XBOX360 even with the PS3 because it’s strictly for watching movies not games so as I said in 2 years the games will look so much better on the PS3 because of that.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 03:05 PM   #28
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XBox Live is brilliant, and it's only $50 a year.

On November 22, Microsoft will begin offering high-definition movie and TV downloads on XBox Live (for additional fees, of course).

I'm definitely getting the HD-DVD drive. At $200, it's the cheapest route to HD films for me. I'll just start Netflix-ing the HD movies.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 04:31 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Paulo Teixeira
The HD-DVD add-on does not make the XBOX360 even with the PS3 because it’s strictly for watching movies not games so as I said in 2 years the games will look so much better on the PS3 because of that.
What you mean by this? Do you know that today's games on DVD use most of its capcity to store audio (music and dialogue) and only a very small percentage is used to store the actual game data itself?

Most games nowadays don't used prerendered movies, which means they require much less space than, say, ps1 titles did. Geometry, textures, etc. all this stuff doesn't require much data space at all.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:12 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Paulo Teixeira
The one main thing that makes the PS3 better for games than the XBOX360 is that developers have plenty of room in a Blu Ray disc and it may not matter at the moment but in a couple of years you’ll notice a dramatic difference in the way the games look between the 2 systems.
W/the possible exception of first party games and/or exclusives the difference between 360 games and PS3 games probably isn't going to be very big let alone dramatic. Developers are saying that in terms of real world, usable power the 360 and PS3 are pretty neck and neck. Yeah, the PS3 has Blu-ray, but the PS3 also has a memory bottle neck that hinders it from being able to take advantage of the higher res gfx that can be stored on a Blu-ray disc. Plus, there is no incentive for 3rd party developers to make separate PS3 and 360 builds of the game. So, for example, there isn't going to be a 5gig version for 360 and a 15gig version for the PS3. They'll be something like a 5gig core build that will get tweaked into 360 version and PS3 version.

After all the hype and BS PS2 pre-launch many people seem much more critical (dare I say cynical) of Sony this time around.

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