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Old May 7th, 2006, 05:53 PM   #31
Inner Circle
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Usually similar in European Pal countries but usually not as high (though I often see Northern European countries way up there) a list usually turns up in the news every year or so. In most nations, even in third world nations, there are concentrations of well off people, it is more obvious when compared to impoverished rural areas.

I still think it is off, to just get more money off less well to do people because it si possible, and I think that in goods terms the European/Pal markets outweigh the US. In real production line cost terms I think the differences are very small. If some of the Pal cameras were available at the same price as the US models, it would be a case of "I'll go down and buy one tomorrow). It would be very feasible to buy three low cost 3chip Panasonic MiniDV's and sync them together side by side, to make extra wide 720p at a cost much less than a HC1.


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Old May 7th, 2006, 11:24 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Wayne Morellini
I think, one reason, they sell more in the US and Japan, then in many PAL countries, si that they have a higher standard of living then PAL countries but yet, they charge people in the PAL countries a lot more.
My experience was different. I only paid about $3200 for my DVX100A in HK about two years ago. That's way cheaper than in US at that time. Anyway, I have left HK for two years already, things might have changed in Asia.

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Old May 8th, 2006, 01:13 AM   #33
Inner Circle
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Was that a PAL camera?
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Old May 8th, 2006, 07:22 AM   #34
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Wayne I'm an aussie overseas, and currency has got something to do with it among other factors; Maybe Sony Australia ordered the cameras from overseas when the AUD was not as strong as it is now, that could be one thing, also because Australia has just above 20 million people and the population of Tokyo and Chiba are well over that, it is hard to keep business up with such profit margins and markets.

One more thing, if they have built models with prices normally seen in Australia there would be no way they would sell a Hi-Def camera just above it, it would eat up their other models. I'm not exusing them, but these could be possible factors.

Smartest thing to do is buy online, B&H have PAL models online, dunno bout HC1 but I know with the XL2 they do.
Goodluck, BTW I bought my GY-HD100 for a good deal here in Japan, then I got curious and looked up the RRP on the JVC Aus website, I nearly Sh!t my self!
"eyes through a digital world"
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Old May 8th, 2006, 10:18 PM   #35
Inner Circle
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Jerome, Hi.

The difference between the same cameras, and particularly the cost difference will be very small. They can be manufactured from most the same parts on the same assembly line a batch at a time, one gets labeled this and a manual and box for that country, and another something else, and it is shipped off. They know their business and how to cut costs to the bone. It is even possible to manufacture one version for all markets, or a number of markets (which does happen with some products in the Consumer Electronics industry) but apart from having to supply a multi-way power plug and a manual in twenty etc languages you don't want to do this because it destroys the ability to charge different prices for different markets to make more profit (as people can start importing it from the cheapest market instead, which is why my speakers can be bought from wholesalers at a lot cheaper cost then the recommended price).

The price of PAL equipment on line tends to be more then NTSC on line, and yes, the people, here are charging too much for the HD100, HVX, and Canon, shudder. the cheaper the camera the less difference you notice, sometimes. The problem is if I buy from overseas and it breaks down, it may have to go back overseas for a warranty repair. We are lucky to have one place in NZ that does it, so it is not too far away, stable country, similar culture, less rorts and same language, for if anything goes wrong. But they charge just enough over the cheapest American providers, and close enough to the Australian price, as to not make it worth it, plus they don't believe in email or talking to customers that much, sign in, sign up, give us your money, and bye bye. Under such conditions, with mechanical devices requiring high maintenance, I prefer to buy locally (and you still have to send it one or two thousand miles :( ).

How much did yours cost? There is a secondhand one here for around $5KAU, but realistically I can't afford to buy it and buy other things, it is sort of thing I would want to replace too quickly.

I was wondering, can you advice me of good places you know of to get cheap cameras in Asia? I am interested in Korean Japanese brands, and also those upcoming HD solid state cameras, like the Sanyo HD1? I might get one of these or a HD1/PDI, while I am waiting for a better camera.

I'm curiouser, is the price of Pal equipment in Asia less then in America and the International discount price?

Thanks for your help.

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Old May 9th, 2006, 04:10 AM   #36
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Just converted the price from Yen to AUD and it works out to be $7,600. Aussie dollar is pretty strong atm so maybe it might have been weaker when I bought it which was in November. Pro Dealers in Japan strictly tells its customers that it is for use in Japan only, because alot of people in other NTSC countries usually go to Japan to get their gear first.

On the other hand you've got Akihabara which is also called the Electric town, with much reason, tourists that want electronics will get anything and everything there, it is the Mecca of electronics. You can get Duty free PAL stuff there easily.

Hope that helps
"eyes through a digital world"
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Old May 9th, 2006, 03:52 PM   #37
Inner Circle
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Thanks fro your help Jemore.

With my Japanese, I would never make it there (I don't know any) :)

Any do mail order?

So the price you paid is Equivalent to nearly $8K. Has it dropped since then?

I wonder, the Japanese HD1/10, is the menu easily resettable to English. Must be some going there cheap.

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