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Old November 1st, 2016, 01:01 PM   #16
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Hi Paul, yep it was time to move on from the big rigs so, sold it all off and run around with small bag with Sony cameras, a7s line and a new 6500 when this comes out. This all fits into a backpack etc... and loving it.

If I ever need a large shoulder rig I'll hire these days however most of my work I just turn up and use the clients equipment and it's been this way for a long time, also I can't keep up with the amount of new cameras that everyone expects you to have (purchased) it's becoming an obsession with people that you need the latest and greatest gear to produce content. The Sony Alpha series cameras and E mount lenses are fantastic and really the image compared to my PMW500 is better I feel, now I'm free to move about and not stand out when shooting in and around public places which was always an issue with large gear.

Yep, been drumming since I was a kid over 35 years now, took a break for 7 yrs and now back into it before I'm to old (hang on... I'm already old!. I played pro since I was 13 yrs and decided along the journey to diversify (get a real job) into video production. I started out in video with a small handy cam then all the way to 100k camera kits and now I'm back with a small handy DSLR cam..... I THINK IT'S FUNNY.
I put a link up on my twitter that was shot recently on an iPhone at a couple of gigs, it's rough but you get the Idea.

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Old November 1st, 2016, 01:04 PM   #17
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

In the news 'Sony reports sales slump in Q2 FY2016'. Trouble in the camp, clearly. For instance the overheating issue with the a6300 (perhaps also the a6500) suggests a lack of R&D among other things and quite unlike the Sony of yesteryear. And now with 4k popping up in all kind of devices not to mention 4k 60p on the horizon from Panasonic with no indication from Sony that they are going there at that price point - makes one wonder.

The moving pictures image capture business is surely in for (more) big changes, other than the very high end perhaps.
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Old November 1st, 2016, 01:54 PM   #18
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

I think since the 5D was released the industry changed, Broadcast NO... Prosumer defiantly. Interesting times ahead.

Yeah, the amount of cameras out each week is mind boggling, I guess they figure there is a market as consumers keep buying regardless of quality. The overheating in the a6000 camp is bad and I'm about to grab a a6500.
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Old November 1st, 2016, 02:05 PM   #19
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.


Funny how we are 1/2 way around the globe from each other and have had similar gear for a lot of years. The 500 was a great camera and then clients wanted 180-240 fps. Oh well I hopped on the train and went F55 then add other cameras, and now I am in the same boat. Sold my FS7 the last camera. Also sold my Canon 5D MKIII and IDX to go Olympus OM-D1. Best still camera I have ever used for my shooting. Now with their MK 2 coming I am going to give that a go for video. Their glass is amazing and 5 axis on the sensor now with new glass with built in IS it is up to 6.5 stops. You do not need any other stabilizers. And audio can be solved.

Me too, been drumming since 1970 and have been through a lot of great kits. Have a sound proof recording studios right next to me. Did pro gigs for a few years, but I prefer waking up at 5am not going to bed at 5am, so I pay for the love of it. And with buddies at times. And my real passion as you know is sailing which is 98% of my life.

Look forward to your thoughts on going DSLR and how you set up audio.

Have fun
Paul Cronin
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Old November 1st, 2016, 03:08 PM   #20
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

I decided to stay with Sony equipment as I moved over to the small a7s style cameras, I did however a few years ago shoot on a 5D and C300 which I never felt comfortable with and sold those.

I really dig the Sony Alpha series and the features they have, this just works and feels comfortable for me with the way I shoot, Image quality and size. I don’t shoot 4k and don’t shoot Log. I really like Sonys colours and I’m familiar with their HG Gammas and picture profiles.

Setting myself up again with new gear was quite expensive yet again so I chose wisely and what I really like is the Sony gear is comparable across their range of DSLR type cameras.

Audio, I use the Sony Sony XLR-K1M Adapter which is great however, way to expensive…. what I should have done was use a Zoom h6 and then sync in post later.

Sony E mount glass is great for me, I get the same range as my 2/3’’ glass at a 10th of the price in a small size. Image stabilising in either lens or body works well. Also everything fits in a small back pack. The other thing was Tripods & batteries from my Broadcast equipment…. The weight, cost and size of both use to cause me grief wherever I traveled. Also I wanted to set myself up with my new rig so If something broke or got lost I could almost go to any camera shop and replace these items, with Broadcast equipment this was not possible.

I don’t feel I’ve lost any quality by going a7s style cameras, I did extensive tests for weeks before I made the switch before selling off my Broadcast gear. I saw a change In my work and also the industry and thought, it’s time.

Here is a link to something I shot and edited some time ago handheld on my Sony a7s ,edited in Premier Pro. Shot all natural light etc.


Last edited by Simon Denny; November 1st, 2016 at 04:39 PM.
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Old November 1st, 2016, 05:10 PM   #21
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Simon, I understand your reason for staying with Sony. Having used all the Hyper Gammas and know what works were I will miss it. I also had a C300 and UGH, did not like it at all. Also did not like Canon lens for video at all. I know some people love it and that is why there are lots of choices.

I have tried the Alfa cameras with lens and really liked the stills, but did not have time to shoot video.

The Zoom H6 sounds like a decent path with nice wireless or hand held/boom depending on the jobs.

So you are not having any overheating issues with the A7s? Not surprised the quality is better then our older 500's. In their time they were fantastic cameras but technology has flown by.

Thanks for sharing the video, agree the quality is just fine. And natural light is also most of my fun shoots. Big sets with lights and large crews are ok gig, but I prefer small crews and natural light. Did you use the Sony XLR-K1M Adapter for audio? +Wireless?

Will let you know what I think about the Olympus OM-D-EM1 MK2 when it hits the market. From what I have been told it will be in the next month. I have the OM-D-EM1 but have only used it for stills and it has paid for itself 50 times over. It is 2x crop at micro 4/3, but with video you will never know. Yes, I am sure people will say different but there are always the skeptics. As for stills yes, it will be noticed if you are printing over 6'.
Paul Cronin
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Old November 1st, 2016, 05:52 PM   #22
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

I forgot to mention that our paths are very similar.

No over heating at all with the a7S, it gets very hot & humid here in Australia and I'm always shooting in these conditions.

I think the big crew/cameras etc... are gone for me and my style anyway are solo projects where I'm after: doco, real life, raw and as it is... a bit like News and the Sony cams give me this look and feel in particular with hand held shooting. I really like how a shoulder camera gives movement and with the Sony Alpha range and the glass I use I can get this. Also I'm not after that over produced look, which I don't do anyway.

The Sony XLR-K1M Adapter unit has two XLR inputs and also a top mic, so either two lapels or one lapel and the top mic. This unit attaches to the shoe on the camera and audio is captured into the camera. It's a good unit, well it's the only thing to use really however it's very fragile and can break in an instant if not careful.

I use Sennheiser EW 112-P G3 Wireless Lapel / Lavalier System with my camera. This all mounts onto a cage. I'll set this up later and take a pic.

The Zoom H6 would be perfect with my setup, 4 x inputs, limiters etc... if the price comes down I might grab one.

I would be interested in how the Olympus goes.
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Old November 2nd, 2016, 05:47 AM   #23
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Thanks Simon,

Sounds like you have the right setup for your shooting. I agree one man gigs and grabbing it raw and not camera raw is my preferred way.

Thanks for the info on the audio setup. I doubt the Sony XLR-K1M Adapter would work on the Olympus. But will see how the Zoom looks.

Olympus sent out a preorder today so it is close.

Be great to see pics of your setup when you get the chance.

Keep having fun and when I get to OZ you will get a call.
Paul Cronin
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Old November 2nd, 2016, 09:07 PM   #24
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Here is my rig, Sony A7S with: Movcam cage, Sennheiser G3 x 2, Sony XLR-K1M audio adaptor and also the Sony E PZ 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS Lens. I have other lenses which I use, not included in these photos. I forgot to mention that I only shoot in APS-C (Super 35mm) on my cameras, I'm not interested in full frame for two reasons, Rolling shutter and my lenes are all APS-C (Super 35mm) ones. I purposely decided to go the APS-C (Super 35mm) way for the look I'm after.

Cheers, Simon.

Oh I should mention, ND filters.... here is a link on how I set up my rig using a different lens however, I kept the same ND filters and purchased step down rings and applied this on all my lenses, the system works fantastic for me. I should really do another video as I get asked all the time how to do this for other lenses.
Attached Thumbnails
Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.-a7-1.jpg   Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.-a7-2.jpg  

Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.-a7-4.jpg   Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.-a7-3.jpg  

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Old November 3rd, 2016, 06:32 AM   #25
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Simon, That is really helpful information, and what a cool way to use ND filters. It is so natural using ND in the FS7 and all the XDCAM's that your systems make the switch fast and easy. I will give that a go.

The Movcam rig looks small and well built. I have some of their gear from older cameras and will check on cost. As for wireless I sold my great Lectrosonic kit when I cut gear cost, so now looking for a lower price wireless kit. But coming from a $5K always amazing sounding kit I will be picky.

Placed my preorder yesterday for the Olympus and should be up and running in the next month. Once I am I will post the setup. And do a few blogs to show what is has been like moving over to still/video camera for video.

Keep up the great work and having fun
Paul Cronin
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Old November 3rd, 2016, 12:44 PM   #26
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

I had the xume adapters and stopped using them because I accidentally bumped it and my expensive nd filter came off and fell onto the ground which damaged it, this happened twice, one time I was lucky, the other time not. if I need to use a nd filter now I just screw it on, it's not as convenient but rather that then having the risk of damaging another filter.
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Old November 3rd, 2016, 09:57 PM   #27
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Look forward to the Blog mate. Bummer about your experience Noa.
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Old February 1st, 2017, 09:22 AM   #28
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

Here's more about Sony stripping itself down:

I hope the camera division will continue to innovate, I've always loved the 'feel" and usability of Sony's products.
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Old February 1st, 2017, 09:33 PM   #29
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

I have to wonder why Sony is doing this. Is Sony's camera division NOT profitable? I have to believe that XDCAM and Alpha brands are very strong sellers. I see them EVERYwhere!

I know the company as a whole is struggling but their camera division has got to be doing
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Old February 1st, 2017, 09:52 PM   #30
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Re: Sony's camera divisions to be spun off into a separate entity.

My understanding is that the camera division did generate a profit their last financial year but where Sony are going is determined very much by what the business case (projected profitability) looks like down the road the year after next and further into the future. Perhaps that picture is not so rosy when it comes to the camera division. For the sensor division, and other divisions, my understanding is that things look much brighter.
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