Convergent Design Raw Bundle On Sale! at
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Old July 19th, 2016, 08:25 AM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Augusta Georgia
Posts: 5,421
Convergent Design Raw Bundle On Sale!

Dear Friends,

We are having a Summer Sale!

Our Raw Bundle is now $595 (US Dollars) through August 15, 2016, which is $400 off.

This is a limited time sale.

Our Raw Bundle takes the very capable Odyssey7Q and Odyssey7Q+ and adds significant extra capabilities for the following Raw capable cameras:

C300 Mark II
ARRI ALEXA (ARRIRAW in 16:9 mode)
IO Industries

Our Raw Support for the Panasonic Varicam LT is expected to be added in our next firmware release.

The Raw Bundle is much more than just being able to record in Raw,
as it adds the ability to record in Apple ProRes 422, in 4K / Ultra-HD / 2K and HD,
from the very high quality 4K Raw data from the FS700, FS7, FS5 cameras.

And with our Raw Bundle for the FS700, FS7 and FS5,
you get outstanding Apple ProRes 422 HD and 2K images from the 4K Raw source,
since we are using Super-Sampling techniques.

If one has other cameras, which output video and not raw,
such as the Sony a7S, a7SII, a7R, A7RII, GH4, 5D Mark III and many others,
then our Raw Bundle is not required.

Here is more information about our Raw Bundle:

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old August 14th, 2016, 11:58 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Augusta Georgia
Posts: 5,421
Re: Convergent Design Raw Bundle On Sale!

Dear Friends,

Our Raw Bundle sale, $400 off, ends tomorrow, August 15, 2016 at Midnight Mountain time.

While it is on sale, it is $595 versus our regular price of $995.

If you need assistance, please send me an email:

dan (at)

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old August 15th, 2016, 10:31 AM   #3
Vortex Media
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Re: Convergent Design Raw Bundle On Sale!

It's really a great deal and a no-brainer if you have a camera that can output RAW. For $600, I can do RAW on my FS7 now with my 7Q+. It's really amazing the tools we have now compared to just a couple of years ago.
Vortex Media
Sony FS7, F55, and XDCAM training videos, field guides, and other production tools
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Old August 15th, 2016, 10:40 AM   #4
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Augusta Georgia
Posts: 5,421
Re: Convergent Design Raw Bundle On Sale!

Dear Doug,

Thank you for your kind words.

Many years of work have gone into our Raw Bundle.

We support the following cameras (so far):

Sony FS700
Sony FS7
Sony FS5

Canon C500
Canon C300 Mark II

ARRI ALEXA Classic models with ARRIRAW output (in 16:9 mode currently).

IO Industries

Panasonic Varicam LT Raw is coming soon.

And our Raw Bundle supports recording in Raw or Apple ProRes for most cameras

[b}If one is purchasing an Odyssey7Q+ and does not have their serial number yet, just send me an email at; [/b}

dan (at)

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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