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Old March 31st, 2016, 07:12 AM   #16
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Originally Posted by Richard D. George View Post
I seriously considered an RX10 II, but did not follow through because of the lens wobble during zooming issue.
I don't only have that issue on my mark 1 but also the following; the lens has gone back to it's previous position after I shutdown and restart the camera, it slowly lost focus while in manual focus over a period of 10 minute recording, the speed of general operation of any function has gone from normal to a crawling speed, I have had changes to image preset and white balance settings without me touching anything.

The most frustrating part of it all is that all these behaviors randomly appear and disappear so no way to claim warranty because when I send it back there is a high chance it will operate normally.

The rx10 is my most unreliable camera I have but yet I still like shooting with it :)
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Old March 31st, 2016, 07:37 AM   #17
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Noa - sounds frustrating. On the B&H Explora blog, they did an overview of version 3. In the comments section, I posed the question about lens wobble while zooming. Their answer was that they were hopeful, but that they did not yet have a physical sample to test. They will report when they do, presumably in the comments section.
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Old March 31st, 2016, 05:25 PM   #18
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

@Noa - time to hunt up a lightly used M2, and leave the "haunted" M1 behind! I've held onto the "Mark1" as a backup, but I think it will now go towards a Mark3...

@Richard - you're correct that the smaller capacity battery is simply a matter of collecting a few more batteries, but one can dream of having a "little" more juice than the W series provides, especially for video (and doubly so if the clip limits are finally off!).

Also right on about the sort of user the RX's appeal to - if you shoot a mix of stills and video, like to "travel light", and yet want high quality images to work with, a lightly accessorized RX10 is a pretty potent package. I'm happy that a small sling bag holds an RX10, an RX100, batteries, circular polarizers and a basic flash diffuser (for the on camera flash on the RX10), plus a small folding bracket for stabilization.... I can drag along a Sirui footed monopod if I think I need it. A slightly larger bag, and I can add the AX100 and accessories.

With 4K all around, I'm good for most things I want, and adding in a couple smaller LED lights, and even low light doesn't worry me!
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Old April 1st, 2016, 12:03 AM   #19
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Originally Posted by Richard D. George View Post

I seriously considered an RX10 II, but did not follow through because of the lens wobble during zooming issue. I have little need for the long reach of the RX10 III but would consider it if the lens wobble during zooming issue was solved in version 3.
I expect worst wobble zooming issue with the RX10III cause of the new size of the lens.
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Old April 1st, 2016, 04:44 AM   #20
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Wow, V3 I still use mine V1, however next to my A7s it's starting to look dated. Who can keep up any more with new cameras every other week now, I can't.

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Old April 1st, 2016, 10:23 AM   #21
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII


For W battery management, I use several of the Think Tank Photo battery cases for Canon batteries. I mark cases with a silver Sharpie with text "Charged" and "Spent". In the heat of battle, this helps me keep organized. I have attached photos.
Attached Thumbnails
Sony RX10 mkIII-img_1991.jpg   Sony RX10 mkIII-img_1992.jpg  

Sony RX10 mkIII-img_1993.jpg  
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Old April 1st, 2016, 12:06 PM   #22
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Originally Posted by Richard D. George View Post
For W battery management, I use several of the Think Tank Photo battery cases for Canon batteries. I mark cases with a silver Sharpie with text "Charged" and "Spent". In the heat of battle, this helps me keep organized.
I have all my W batteries numbered (Sony) or lettered (off-brand) and then I just go through the series, alternating between counting up and down depending on the day. They go into pockets of my camera bags with the labels up, then when they are spent they go in label down.
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Old April 1st, 2016, 03:36 PM   #23
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII


My batteries are numbered also, but because I have so many batteries and because I am using them in three different cameras (possibly four in the future), I still need the "charged" and "spent" cases to keep things straight. Whatever works!
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Old April 1st, 2016, 03:56 PM   #24
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

I use a similar system, one pocket in the sling bag is for "charged", another is where the empties go! It's all in having a system that keeps you on top of which is which.

For the smaller Sony batteries like the BX (RX100+ others), I try to use the plastic cases with the batteries placed one direction in relation to the hinge, and reversed when the battery is spent.

Since the lens design is all NEW, we will have to see if there is any wobble (I'd expect some, just because of the way still cam lenses are built). I know that seemed to traumatize some reviewers, but to me it's pretty much a non issue. Certainly not a "deal killer" on an otherwise highly useful "tool". People have differing expectations, I suppose.
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Old April 2nd, 2016, 12:13 AM   #25
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

People have differing expectations, I suppose.
The only ones I can imagine that don't have a issue with a wobbly zoom are the ones that only zoom to reframe and cut the zoom out in post. If you need a zoom t follow the action at a danceperfomance or some other sport, then this camera is not what you should be using, unless ofcourse they managed to take out the wobble but that I doubt.
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Old April 2nd, 2016, 03:07 AM   #26
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

...........unless ofcourse they managed to take out the wobble but that I doubt.
Could it be that OIS takes care of the wobble so it doesn't have any effect on the video? I'm not suggesting for one minute it's a good state of affairs if that's the case!

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Old April 2nd, 2016, 03:29 AM   #27
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

The mark 2 also has OIS and that doesn't help either, I think the lens design makes it impossible to take away any play, I even think if you would use this camera in windy conditions with the lens all zoomed out that wind pushing against the lens would make the image shake. But I guess we have to wait until someone proves me wrong. :)
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Old April 14th, 2016, 03:28 PM   #28
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

Originally Posted by Anthony Mozora View Post
I expect worst wobble zooming issue with the RX10III cause of the new size of the lens.
I was doing a little testing with the RX10II (seeing how well the AX53 keeps up), and was taking a closer look at the "wobbling"....

Noticed that it seems to happen at specific points in the zoom range, repeatably, meaning it's mechanical. Having taken a few lenses apart, I realized that these little "jerks" are where the various internal elements are transitioning - where one element set stops moving, and the next one starts. It's a property of a typical "still" lens design where a small hiccup in the framing won't make much difference to the output. Of course it's a teensy bit noticeable (and annoying) to those who are taking 30-60 pictures a second....

SO, the thought came to me that these are predictable, and perhaps COULD be addressed in firmware to remove or reduce the effect at those points.... sort of an artificial enhancement of the image stabilization at known "problem" points.... This is speculative, but I'm pretty sure if there were sufficient complaints, Sony could address this using this approach.

That leaves the questions as to the RX10III lens - it's an entirely NEW design, so there is a chance that they might have worked the mechanical "kinks" out of the design, we will have to wait and see. If it does have the same "jerks", again, perhaps a bit of pressure on Sony to revise future lens designs to eliminate the mechanical "play" in the zoom mechs would be in order. OR a firmware fix.... either approach SHOULD be viable.

The wind related wobble, well, that might be a little trickier.... I've had weddings where there were high winds, and there was camera shake even with a stout tripod (that and horrible nearly unusable audio...). Can't fix "mother nature"....
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Old April 14th, 2016, 08:23 PM   #29
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

as much as i'd be tempted to jump back into an RX, i'm even more curious what panasonic will supersede the FZ1000 with.

i've loved both the rx10 and fz1000, but leaned toward the fz for its longer reach and swivel screen. one thing is clear, my wallet is not safe this time of year
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Old April 14th, 2016, 10:06 PM   #30
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Re: Sony RX10 mkIII

If the RX10III can zoom in and out wobble-free as most camcorders lenses do that would probably be the first I can think of for a stills camera lens of this zoom range.

True camcorders have inherent advantage in that their lenses are non-extending. The entire mass of optical elements of the lenses move, either in a circular hellicoid guided or straight rail action, on a fixed and solid support which is part of the structure of the camcorders' bodies themselves.

First thing I will try when this interesting camera comes out is to check if there's any wobble. Been fed up with those on all hybrid stills/video P&Ss and DSLR lenses for a long time now.
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