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Old September 19th, 2015, 04:09 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Convergent Design Announcements

Dear Friends,

We recently made some interesting announcements:

1. We fully support the new Sony FS5

Odyssey7Q+ To Support Sony PXW-FS5 Camera

2. Dual Stream Recording and Monitoring

Convergent Design Introduces Dual-Stream Functionality on Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q Monitor/Recorders


In the first we announce that we fully support the Sony FS5 right now, and when Raw is added, we will fully support the additional capabilities of the FS5.

This follows in our tradition of fully supporting the FS700 and FS7, in all modes, recording in full uncompressed Raw as well as high quality Apple ProRes 422 in all resolutions and frame rates.

This is unparalleled as no other monitor/recorder fully supports these cameras, nor is any expected to do so.


In the second, we announce our Dual Stream Monitoring and Recording capabilities which is expected within 30 days.

For free, without an extra cost option, one will be able to monitor from two cameras, or two feeds from one camera, and record one feed.

1. While recording in HD from your own camera, you will be able to fully monitor a second HD camera, using all of the sophisticated tools built into the Odyssey7Q or Odyssey7Q+.

These include Focus Assist, Zoom, False Color, Waveform Monitor with RGB Parade, Vectorscope, Histograms, Monochrome (with Blue Only) and much more, all using our extremely clear, detailed ,7.7" OLED Display.

2. While recording in HD from your own camera's clean feed, HDMI or HD-SDI, you can monitor a second feed from your own camera, one that contains viewfinder data.

With our Raw Bundle (an extra cost option at $995) we are adding the ability to record from two HD cameras simultaneously.

Thus, if you have our Raw Bundle, you will receive our full Dual Stream Monitoring and Recording feature at no additional cost.

If you do not have our Raw Bundle, then you can purchase it and then record Dual Stream Monitoring and Recording, as well as Raw Support for a wide variety of cameras.

To be clear, if you want to record from one camera, while monitoring two, no extra cost option is required.

3. Our current Multi-Stream Monitoring and our upcoming Dual Stream Monitoring and Recording features greatly facilitate the setup/matching/painting of multiple cameras.

For example, one can display two HD images side-by-side, with each having their own fully professional waveform monitor displayed in any full width mode.

Then one can display the RGB Parade to check color matching of the two cameras, whether they are both one model, or two completely different cameras.

This is very effective as one can instantly see any color mismatches, in each of the three color channels.

The RGB Parade displays Red from Camera A next to Red B, then Green A / Green B, then Blue A / Blue B.

And one may use our fully professional Color Vectorscope to check two cameras simultaneously, and if desired, then instantly select Camera A or Camera B (or C or D if four HD cameras are being matched.)

If one has two cameras displayed on our OLED monitor, then enabling our Color Vectorscope will instantly show if both cameras color outputs hit the color targets. If not, it will be immediately obvious. Then one can select A or B to determine which one needs to be adjusted.

These are very significant tools to aid in matching two or more cameras, which is an especially difficult task when the cameras are from different manufacturers or are two completely different types, such as a full size camera and a DSLR.

Yes, one camera can be input via HDMI.

These features, to the best of our knowledge, are not found on any other Monitor/Recorder.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old September 20th, 2015, 11:52 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Illinois
Posts: 323
Re: Convergent Design Announcements

Dan, what will be the utility of the Odyssey 7Q+ in regard to stereoscopic 3D production, first as a monitor only, and secondly as a recorder.
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