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Old January 6th, 2015, 10:08 PM   #31
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Originally Posted by Lawrence Bansbach View Post
Makes you wonder why 4K/UHD wasn't included on the X70 from the get-go rather than added as an upgrade, let alone as a paid upgrade (and IIRC from rumors I read a while ago, not a cheap one).
If I recall the upgrade to the PXW-Z100 came out after the X70 and this was the LongGOP MXF version XAVC-L rather than the consumer XAVC-S mov wrapper. It may well be that Sony want the PXW-X70 to also be XAVC-L and the encoding just was not complete in time. There are some strange differences. For example my FDR-AX1 does not have timecode yet some of the Sony Actioncam products with XAVC-S do. X70 does have timecode/data code but I could not get the button on the demo I had to display anything but Catalyst Browse does !!!! So the information is in the file !!!

My FDR-AX1 has 3840x2160 30P with data rates of 60Mbps and 100Mbps as well as 60P at 150Mbps. I can understand that 60P needs the fan to keep the processor cool enough so not viable for the FDR-AX100 but why there was not 30P at 100 Mbps until now !!!

I think a lot of these products are being rushed out incomplete.

Ron Evans
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Old January 7th, 2015, 05:28 AM   #32
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

IMO, the AX100 has an excellent front-end (despite what some people complain about ungraceful highlights roll-off) but could use a few less megapixels if it was a video-only camera variant such as the X70. Give it around the same megapixel count as a FS700 (around 11 in 16:9 mode) and it meets the sensitivity requirements pros currently expect.

And yes, the AX100 has to do software barrel distortion correction due to it's lens design, but compared to everything else using 1/2.3'', 1'' is by far superior.

Add on a single XQD slot, 60p and possibly Intra recording and the X70 will certainly blow the Z100 out of the water.

I also believe the AX100 and X70 missed out on internal storage, since the NXCAM FMU units won't be fast enough to record 4K data over a USB 2.0 interface. There needs to be a FMU unit for 4K if people want extra redundancy.
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Old January 7th, 2015, 01:51 PM   #33
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Sample footage from what's deemed a 'prototype' has been posted at Cinema5D

Sony FDR - AX33 (Prototype), Video Footage

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Old January 8th, 2015, 06:50 AM   #34
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Originally Posted by Kris Kohuth View Post
Sample footage from what's deemed a 'prototype' has been posted at Cinema5D
Sony FDR - AX33 (Prototype), Video Footage
There is a lot of chromatic aberrations, don't you thing so?
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Old January 8th, 2015, 06:56 AM   #35
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

got an email from Sony this morning with a link to WiFi 4K Camcorder with Projector | FDR-AXP33 | Sony IE
it's definitely a 1/2.3 type (7.76mm) sensor. Looking at the front of it I cant see where a hood could be attached.
On the Irish site it'll cost €1,299.00 !!
I might buy one in the coming months but not in Ireland ;-)
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Old January 8th, 2015, 07:37 AM   #36
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

With that confirmation, I'm passing on this camera. The last time 1/2.3'' was used didn't yield great results (AX1 and the Z100) and I'm almost certain this will be the same. In the very least, the Panasonic HC-X1000 uses the same size sensor, but less megapixels and without fixed pattern noise in good lighting conditions.

Early reviews also show massive CA on the lens.
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Old January 8th, 2015, 11:43 AM   #37
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
If I recall the upgrade to the PXW-Z100 came out after the X70 and this was the LongGOP MXF version XAVC-L rather than the consumer XAVC-S mov wrapper. It may well be that Sony want the PXW-X70 to also be XAVC-L and the encoding just was not complete in time. There are some strange differences. For example my FDR-AX1 does not have timecode yet some of the Sony Actioncam products with XAVC-S do. X70 does have timecode/data code but I could not get the button on the demo I had to display anything but Catalyst Browse does !!!! So the information is in the file !!!

My FDR-AX1 has 3840x2160 30P with data rates of 60Mbps and 100Mbps as well as 60P at 150Mbps. I can understand that 60P needs the fan to keep the processor cool enough so not viable for the FDR-AX100 but why there was not 30P at 100 Mbps until now !!!

I think a lot of these products are being rushed out incomplete.

Ron Evans
I have the perception that the FDR-AX1 is experimental camera. I say this because on Avid forum I start a little war against Ian Cook and lack of Xavc-s ama plug-in (which is necessary to import video files in Media Composer without transcoding). He replayed that xavc-s is a consumer codec (and Media Composer a professional programm) and when I pointed out of the existence of the AX1 he simply no answer me....
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Old January 8th, 2015, 01:21 PM   #38
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

No the AX1 is not experimental but definitely not complete !! There are still interfaces that do not work. The data code button and USB host for instance. I think Sony rushed out the FDR-AX1 and the PXW-Z100 to support their push for 4K at a lower price point. Yes XAVC-S is the consumer version of the XAVC codec. XAVC-S is a 4:2:0 8bit codec with mov wrapper and XAVC has the option for 8bit as well as 10bit in either 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 with MXF wrapper.

I have had my AX1 camera for over a year now and it works well in good light. Right from the beginning both Vegas and Edius supported the XAVC-S as well as XAVC codec so I think the issue is with AVID . By the way Edius also supports the X70 codec native from the beginning too. No transcoding needed with Edius for XAVC, XAVC-S, AVCHD etc.

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Old January 9th, 2015, 06:57 AM   #39
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Originally Posted by Ugo Merlini View Post
I have the perception that the FDR-AX1 is experimental camera. I say this because on Avid forum I start a little war against Ian Cook and lack of Xavc-s ama plug-in (which is necessary to import video files in Media Composer without transcoding). He replayed that xavc-s is a consumer codec (and Media Composer a professional programm) and when I pointed out of the existence of the AX1 he simply no answer me....
XAVC in it's different flavors is really more of a "format". The actual "CODEC" that is being used is simply your typical MPEG h.264. It completly follows the h.264 rule book.

As a CODEC, is h.264 considered "professional"? Sure...I'd say so!

We can all debate 8bit +10bit + long GOP Intra or isssues...but h.264 is a pro CODEC for sure.
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Old April 7th, 2015, 11:09 AM   #40
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Okay, what sw would one use to Edit the 4K?

And the bigger question is the delivery? I assume there is no physical media that uses this.

I today use Encore to author my BR into BR iso's that play on my set top boxes.
But I assume 4K would be wasted or does starting with better video make the BR better?

If one wants to stream, what format is used?

So many 4K questions meaning is a decent work flow ready?
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Old April 7th, 2015, 01:15 PM   #41
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

You cannot manually control iris, shutter, gain all at same time. It states you can select one in manual and the others jump into auto mode. If this is the case then that's a deal breaker for me. However, this was a pre-production model so maybe the final version allows full manual.
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Old April 7th, 2015, 02:02 PM   #42
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

I expect it is like my small Sony's. One can set shutter speed, then gain limit and use AE shift on the dial with zebra to set the exposure. Not quite full manual but close. The camera will use the shutter speed set and choose the best combination of iris and gain subject to the AE shift ( which is realtime control on the dial ) to get what one needs. This maximizes the performance of the lens and sensor. This is common Sony so I am surprised the Cinema5D guys did not know how to work this. You have to pay more if you want full control in 4K !!!

Ron Evans
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Old April 9th, 2015, 11:42 AM   #43
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Maybe I'm blind, but I didn't see a lot of chromatic aberration. But I did see relatively nice, clean images coming from what is essentially a consumer camcorder. Most consumers will not care about being able to adjust all the settings on the camera anyway.
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Old April 9th, 2015, 06:56 PM   #44
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

As has been found with the AX100, SOME manual control is desirable and perhaps necessary for best results with 4K. Of course, longtime users of Sony "'consumer" cameras know a lot of "tricks" that no doubt will apply to the AX33.

I don't expect the small sensor 4K cameras will match the image quality of large sensor 4K cameras, but they may be "handy" for many things if they match well enough.
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Old April 9th, 2015, 07:22 PM   #45
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Re: New Sony FDR AX33

Earlier this week, I was playing with one in Best Buy, and I was pretty sure I was able to go full manual and control each aspect manually, but it required menu diving for each one. I'll have to go back to the store tomorrow during lunch and check it out again.
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