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Old July 1st, 2013, 08:06 PM   #16
Inner Circle
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Re: New Sony 4k video phone ..

[QUOTE=Gints Klimanis;1802836]..... Mostly, I expect to see a reduction in light sensitivity coupled with large files. Focusing is a critical factor, and at least these consumer cameras respond quickly to the touch screen. HD video in the prosumer price range is nearing ten years.


Yes the 18Mpixel sensor in the HX30V still camera I have shooting 1920x1080 60P is not as sensitive as the CX700 or NX30 noticeable in low light like a dim restaurant but still perfectly acceptable for a holiday video and in my pocket !! I think a slight move to 1/2" with the same pixel count may well be about right for 4K video so I am sure Sony have the technology. All these cameras would put my FX1 to shame for resolution, low light performance, frame rate and noise level. FX1 is similar vintage to the EX1 and I know when a friend with his EX3 shoots with me the little Sony's have a lower noise level than the EX3 and can see in the dark !!! I can tell the difference the EX3 and the NX5U have over the little Sony's but I expect most consumers may pick the video from the little Sony's over the Pro cameras because the image sparkles so easily. On analysis the black level on these little Sony's is always right on 0 giving the max contrast to the image. I would like the touch features on these little cameras too. So a 4K, NX5U replacement with touch screen functionality ( it has a touch screen now but not for much ), I really want touch spot focus, excellent on the small Sony's and I use all the time. Focus is super critical on the NX5U so I will assume 4K will be even worse !!!

The AVCHD change from 60i to 60p was not a big difference in file size ( 21Mbps to 28Mbps ) we will have to wait and see what the XAVCS information will give us in the coming months I guess.
Ron Evans
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Old July 4th, 2013, 04:34 AM   #17
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Re: New Sony 4k video phone ..

I'm pretty much in the same boat although you have a few years on me and I shoot some theatre multicam work as well.
I've been wondering how the resolution on that nokia 808 pureview looks. apparently it has a 1"sensor and it's zeiss short focal length lens would just about do the stage wide shot
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Old July 4th, 2013, 05:55 AM   #18
Inner Circle
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Re: New Sony 4k video phone ..

I always end up shooting from the back of the theatre so a good zoom lens is essential for me with good wide angle. The NX5U is great so my wish is just a 4K " NX5U " The specs on the Sony phone look like a 1/1.6" sensor from what I have read. So it will be interesting to see if the camcorder is a single sensor or revert to the 3 chip model.

Ron Evans
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