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Old April 8th, 2013, 10:25 AM   #31
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Official announcement just went out.

Blackmagic Design: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
Blackmagic Design: DaVinci Resolve

Their site seems to be getting slammed right now, so YMMV.
MediaSpigot LLC
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Old April 8th, 2013, 10:27 AM   #32
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

The full email from BM:


It’s NAB 2013 time and we have some very exciting products and technology we are announcing today, and I wanted to email you to update you on all the details.

The theme this year is Ultra HD and 6G-SDI technology. We have already shipped 3 products that support Ultra HD, however the big secret is that these products already have the new 6G-SDI connections built in, so they can handle Ultra HD via a single BNC cable. I have more details below.

The new products we are announcing this year are:

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
Blackmagic Production Camera 4K
DaVinci Resolve 10
ATEM Production Studio 4K
Blackmagic Audio Monitor
SmartScope Duo
ATEM Studio Converter 2
DeckLink Mini Recorder and DeckLink Mini Monitor
Blackmagic MultiDock
New low prices for the Universal Videohub Family.
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Last year we launched the Blackmagic Cinema Camera and although we had sensor supply issues, the cameras are flowing faster all the time and the people receiving them are doing some stunning work. It’s really amazing watching the work people have done appear on various web sites!

Of course, the big aim of this camera was to get a true film look. We worked hard on the design to do this and the images are stunning! However another one of our design goals was to make a cinema camera that was an extremely small size. The Blackmagic Cinema Camera is very small and much smaller than a normal cinema style camera.

What we wanted to do next was see if we could make a cinema camera even smaller!

We have done this, and the new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera is incredibly tiny. It’s a true digital film camera with a Super 16 size 1080HD sensor with 13 stops of dynamic range. The images look virtually identical to our current camera!

It features a Micro Four Thirds™ lens mount so you can use low cost lenses, but also Super 16 cine lenses via an adapter. If you use a Super 16 cine lens, combined with the Super 16 sensor size and the 13 stops of dynamic range, it’s just like shooting to Super 16 film! Of course you can rig it up with large lenses so it’s perfect for large jobs too!

We have worked incredibly hard to build the smallest camera design we could, while retaining the ability to comfortably use it hand held. It’s an attractive design with built in stereo mic's, LANC, micro HDMI with overlays for monitoring, solid grip handle that holds a removable battery and built in recorder to SD cards. It records lossless CinemaDNG RAW and ProRes 422 (HQ), so the image quality is amazing.

I feel that the small design lets this camera be used for all kinds of tasks a normal camera would be too large to handle. My feeling is a small camera can always be bigger, but a big camera can never be smaller. I think its going to be very exciting to see what kind of work is done with this camera. For myself, it’s nice to have a camera I can use personally for shooting my family, which gives a timeless film look.

The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera will be shipping in July for $995.
Ultra HD, 4K and New 6G-SDI Technology

For over a year, we have been working with semi conductor manufacturers to develop 6G-SDI technology. 6G-SDI lets us connect Ultra HD resolution video using a single SDI cable. Ultra HD is 4 times the data rate of regular HD video and looks absolutely stunning.

We think Ultra HD 4K is important, as the latest large screen televisions have such large screens that HD video looks soft on them. The dots per inch have become lower as the screen sizes get larger, so the large screen televisions that consumers are buying start to look bad. I think Ultra HD is the perfect solution to solve this issue, but we need a lot of content to fill those screens!

This year we have a whole range of products that support Ultra HD, and this includes everything you need for an Ultra HD workflow including a new camera, live production switcher, audio monitoring, optical fiber, a broadcast deck, and capture and playback solutions that all operate in Ultra HD with 6G-SDI connections. There are more details below on these new models.

6G-SDI is perfect because it switches between SD, HD and Ultra HD resolutions, so you can use all these products for regular SD and HD work, and then switch instantly to Ultra HD when required.

Our HyperDeck Studio Pro, UltraStudio 4K and DeckLink 4K Extreme are shipping now with 6G-SDI support built in, which makes them the first products in the world to support 6G-SDI for Ultra HD! HyperDeck Studio Pro is also getting an update that supports recording direct to Ultra HD ProRes 422 (HQ) files so its now the perfect Ultra HD broadcast deck!

We will be providing updates over the coming weeks to increase support for Ultra HD on these models. Please keep a look out for these software updates!

Blackmagic Production Camera 4K

The first of the Ultra HD products this year is a new camera!

The new Blackmagic Production Camera 4K features a large Super 35 size sensor with a global shutter. This makes it easy to get shallow depth of field shots as well as shots with fast motion and is something people have been asking for.

The Blackmagic Production Camera 4K is housed in the same chassis as our current Blackmagic Cinema Camera so all the third party accessories that have been developed will fit perfectly. It features an EF compatible lens mount as the sensor in this camera is way too large physically, to fit in a MFT lens mount.

This new camera features recording to solid state disks in visually lossless compressed CinemaDNG RAW and ProRes 422 (HQ) formats, built in Thunderbolt and 6G-SDI output to allow Ultra HD video out. The sensor features 12 stops of dynamic range, so this camera gives a nice look to the images and is perfect for all types of production work!

Blackmagic Production Camera 4K also includes 6G-SDI output for monitoring on Ultra HD displays and includes overlays. However this output can be down converted to regular HD when you want to use a more common and smaller monitor. The 6G-SDI output supports Ultra HD down the single BNC cable so it’s perfect for use with a live production switcher such as the new ATEM Production Studio 4K below!

The Blackmagic Production Camera 4K will be available in July for $3,995.

Blackmagic Design: Blackmagic Production Camera 4K
DaVinci Resolve 10

Before I get to other Ultra HD products, we have a major update to DaVinci Resolve this year with the new DaVinci Resolve 10. Of course DaVinci Resolve already handles 4K and Ultra HD resolutions!

We have new on set tools for sound sync, as well as Resolve Live which lets you grade from your camera in real time. There are new editing features, support for OpenFX plug-ins and new delivery tools that let you render in Resolve direct to a Digital Cinema Package file for digital cinemas when purchasing a license from EasyDCP. This means you can online to a cinema file direct from the camera RAW files all in one pass for amazing quality!

The new Resolve Live feature lets you grade live from the video input of your system so you can grade live from the camera. It’s the same as how a DaVinci 2K grading system works!

Resolve Live lets you grade live from the camera and then save those grades and relink them to the media files from the camera at the end of the shoot. You can even grade from the Thunderbolt connection of the Blackmagic Cinema Camera. Resolve Live lets you add as many nodes and color corrections as you like.

There are also new editing features in DaVinci Resolve 10 including full multi track editing with 16 channels of audio per clip and unlimited video and audio tracks in the timeline.

Audio can be synced or trimmed and dragged independently to the timeline. Other new editing features include extensive ripple, roll, slide and slip clip trimming support which display dynamically on the timeline and viewer. The viewer also allows split screen display to show in and out points of adjacent clips.

Editing in DaVinci Resolve 10 also includes a built in title tool with static, lower third, scroll and crawl titles with multiple fonts, size, drop shadow and XY positioning. Timelines in DaVinci Resolve 10 also include the support of compound clips with multiple elements including multiple video and audio tracks.

DaVinci Resolve 10 can edit stereoscopic 3D projects with full support for left and right eye clips in the media pool and the edit timeline. Using timecode and reel name, DaVinci Resolve 10 will automatically associate the left and right eye of the stereoscopic clips.

Of course color correction has been upgraded and includes new OpenFX plug-ins as well as unlimited windows in a node, recursive noise reduction and lots of other new features.

DaVinci Resolve 10 will be available as a free update to all DaVinci Resolve customers in Q3. DaVinci Resolve Lite will also include these new on set, editing enhancements, plug in support and color correction updates. It’s an exciting update!

Blackmagic Design: DaVinci Resolve
MediaSpigot LLC
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Old April 8th, 2013, 11:07 AM   #33
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Originally Posted by Allan Barnwell View Post
Pre-order from a sponsor!

Production Camera 4K - PreOrder
Compact 4K Super 35 Sensor Camera with Global Shutter

I did not see the pre-order form for the pocket camera.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 11:50 AM   #34
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

More info from John Brawley

The pocket rocket…Blackmagic downsizes the BMCC and does a 4K upsize of the orginal ! | johnbrawley

10-bit, 422 prores in the PCC out of the box. Raw will come sometime down the road.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:03 PM   #35
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Opportunity lost, the 4K cam has no 1080p60. Would have been a kick-ass 1080p60 cam.

1920 x 1080p50i,
1920 x 1080p59.94i.
Also, Progressive and Interlaced at the same time? Has to mean interlaced.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:08 PM   #36
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Just preordered the pocket cam. At that price I can't not.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:20 PM   #37
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

OH MY GOSH! Look at those specs! It's a dream!! (No 1080p60, but it's hardly a deal-breaker)

Blackmagic Design: Blackmagic Production Camera 4K Tech Specs

Edward Mendoza, Videographer/Editor, TEXAS VIDEO PRODUCTION
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:28 PM   #38
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Originally Posted by Edward Mendoza View Post
OH MY GOSH! Look at those specs! It's a dream!! (No 1080p60, but it's hardly a deal-breaker)
Beg to differ, to me, that's a huge deal breaker. Would not justify me selling my EX1R for the same old frame rates. If they enable 3G-SDI uncompressed 1080p60 out, this plus an Odyssey7 may be a way to record that, but it will involve extra hardware. I have a Nanoflash but right now rarely use it as I find XDCAM EX is good enough for web video. I don't want to buy this and another external recorder just for that. I'd like an XAVC S camera with 1080p60 and the global shutter like this cam.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:46 PM   #39
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Maybe this will prompt Sony to offer a more aggressively priced 4K FS700 which is what I really want.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 12:55 PM   #40
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Agreed, If they could somehow get the cost of the F55 sensor down, but keep the global shutter, that could be a good XAVC S camera, then the FS700 may get a big price drop.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 01:14 PM   #41
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Originally Posted by Charles Papert View Post
Disappointed to see that same ill-conceived form factor in play, but then again, it could change by the production model.
I trust it won't be long until someone offers a complete new chassis to mount the internal guts of the 4k BMC into. Ton's of guys offering third party mods and accessories - just watch, it won't be long ; )

Despite the excitement and latest offerings, I have absolutely no regrets with my F55 - it is still the most versatile in my books. I do wonder a little about RED however and how they will react or compete with this.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 01:50 PM   #42
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Well, i put my money where my mouth is - i just pre-ordered the pocket cam.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 02:12 PM   #43
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

I ordered mine!
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Old April 8th, 2013, 02:23 PM   #44
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

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Old April 8th, 2013, 03:01 PM   #45
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Re: New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera

Seems there are lots of folks just wetting themselves over this little pocket cam beastie, me included of course. I just can’t help wondering why the big names in the business, Sony Panasonic etc. didn’t already do this. I mean, it’s hardly rocket science, is it?
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