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Old June 23rd, 2021, 09:57 AM   #406
Inner Circle
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Lightworks V2021.3 beta relesed

The 8th V2021.3 beta build is now available.

This new build fixes a long standing issue with potential audio pops/crackles, including a couple of recent regressions. Also; improved handling of opening projects created with earlier versions of Lightworks.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 01:05 AM   #407
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Lightworks V2021.3 webinar

There is a webinar for the upcoming release of Lightworks V2021.3
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Old July 1st, 2021, 11:33 AM   #408
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Lightworks V2021.3 beta relesed

The 9th V2021.3 beta build is now available.

This new build should be the last prior to release next week. This has added Adobe Premiere Pro' and 'Blackmagic Resolve' as AAF export targets (Pro Only). new keyboard shortcut functionality within the 'Adobe Premiere Pro' and 'Blackmagic Resolve' prefs files and fixes including MKV audio.
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Old July 9th, 2021, 08:59 AM   #409
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Lightworks V2021.3 released

Lightworks V2021.3 is now released.

Some of the new Features and Improvements are:

Browse and Import Media from Cloud Storage Providers

The Cloud is an important part of video production these days, whether it is backing up, or simply moving content about to make it more accessible on any device from any location. In Lightworks 2021.3 you can now add your favourite cloud storage provider directly to the list of ‘Library’ locations within a project. This makes editing content much faster and more accessible from anywhere. Once the cloud storage is added you can browse, play and import content directly from the cloud to your project for editing. Lightworks currently supports: Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and pCloud

Upload Exports Directly To Cloud Storage Providers (Lightworks Pro Only)

In combination with browsing and import, we have made it even easier to get your created content back to your favourite cloud storage provider during the export process. Create your masterpiece, choose to export to the format of your choice (Lightworks Pro required) and select your cloud storage provider, it is that simple. Lightworks currently supports: Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and pCloud.

New Startup Wizard and Improved Hints

This new panel appears for new users that have never run Lightworks before, this helps get acquainted with the application allowing users to set their preferred language, keyboard shortcut layout (those that are familiar with other applications) and even choose between Fixed and Flexible layout. The wizard also includes the sign in panel which has a better way of showing what licenses are active/inactive and includes a link to watching the ‘Quick Start Video’ (being updated to the latest version)

Creating your first new project in Lightworks can be a bit overwhelming so they have reworked the Hints that pop up to be much more visually appealing and appear relative to the area of the application they are referring to. There is even a new hint to ‘Take the tour’ giving a good overview of the project layout and how best to get started.

New Import Panel

The ‘Local files’ library has been given a much needed makeover to look and behave similar to Bins within the project. This allows you to choose how best to view your content prior to importing it, browse using the new treeview layout, filter content and see more metadata by choosing which column headers are visible within the library.

There is now a new website and portal:

Also, new lower prices.

For July only, Lightworks is giving away 500GB of completely FREE and perfectly integrated cloud storage that will instantly help with 1) Getting your footage into Lightworks 2) Sharing and collaborating on edits with colleagues and 3) Backing up your content.

The V2021.4 beta is expected to be released in August.

A recording of the webinar on Wednesday, where there's a demo of V2021.3 plus a presentation of the future plans for Lightworks, is available on the website.
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Old October 7th, 2021, 09:07 AM   #410
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

Beta testing on the Lightworks Beta Version 2022.1 has started and is now available to download.

Features include:

Support For OpenFX Plugins (Lightworks Pro Only)

V2022.1 comes with OpenFX support across all three operating systems. This is an important update to the entire FX engine and opens up an entire world of FX possibilities. OpenFX is an open standard for visual effects plugins and allows plugins written to the standard to work within this new version of Lightworks.

Below is a list of some of the bigger names Lightworks have tested against and support:

NewBlue Version 7.8.210803 (TotalFX, Titler Pro, Elements, Transitions, Filters, Stylizers and Essentials) Windows and Mac Only
Boris FX version 2021.5 (Continuum and Title Studio) Windows and Mac Only
Boris FX version 2021.5 (Sapphire)
Maxon Version 14.0.4 (Magic Bullet Looks) Windows and Mac Only

There are some current limitations and known issues which we hope to have resolved during this Beta cycle.

Support Audio Plugins in VST3, AudioUnit and LADSPA formats (Lightworks Pro Only)

Audio plugins can now be used within Lightworks 2022.1. There are some excellent audio plugin providers out there that make cleaning up, improving or altering audio a breeze. You can now harness that power with a simple drag/drop to the timeline from the AUDIO tab (Fixed layout) or the Audio section of the Effects panel (Flexible layout)

Below is a list of some of the bigger names they've tested against and support.
Waves Version 12.0.5 (All plugins version)
Accusonus ERA Bundle Version 6
Melda Plugins Version 15 Beta (Free Bundle)
Sonnox (Inflator, Reverb and Envolution)

Improved the output file of Changelists to be more up to date (Lightworks Pro Only)

Also: Added the ability to search within all the Effects categories and support for non standard frame rate media. plus fixes.

Together with the new website , the new Lightworks Forum is up and running:
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Old October 14th, 2021, 09:16 AM   #411
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The 2nd Lightworks V2022.1 beta, Revision 130892, is available for download.

This has added the ability to switch between abbreviated and non-abbreviated track names on the timeline appearance panel. Also, there's an update to the latest Blackmagic RAW SDK (2.2) and various fixes.

A new feature on the website is a weekly blog called Editing Insights, which addresses subjects useful to new users and even some not so new ones: This also includes a weekly short video on an aspect of editing with Lightworks.
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Old October 21st, 2021, 10:52 AM   #412
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The third Lightworks V2022.1 beta is now available for download

This adds the ability to search for "Images" within the Search panel and has a number of fixes.
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Old October 25th, 2021, 11:32 AM   #413
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The fourth V2022.1 beta is now available for download,

This adds initial support for new licensing refactoring to improve flexibility and always defaults to the 'Fixed' project layout if no preference has been explicitly set. Plus a number of fixes.

There is now a weekly blog available on the Lightworks website, with tips on editing and using Lightworks, including short videos.

Last edited by Brian Drysdale; October 26th, 2021 at 01:06 AM.
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Old October 29th, 2021, 03:06 PM   #414
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The 5th V2022.1 beta is now available.

This build fixes the memory issue reported on Linux (which was actually cross platform) and fixes an issue adding OpenFX to a mark/park region, plus other fixes.
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Old November 5th, 2021, 08:25 AM   #415
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The 6th V2022.1 beta is now available.

This build adds the ability to show missing media locations on the 'Media->Locations' tab of the project card
and avoids creating a new empty sequence when restoring an archive project (Fixed layout). There are also a number of fixes.
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Old November 11th, 2021, 11:30 AM   #416
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Lightworks V2022.1 beta released

The 7th V2022.1 beta is now available.

This adds social media playback formats to the list available on sequences together with three new sequence output formats: 'Portrait Large', 'Square Large' and 'Portrait 4:5' with corresponding menu-item for each of them, which lists the social network formats that are compatible

Also added are five new export menu formats: 'Twitter', 'TikTok', 'Snapchat', 'Instagram' and 'Facebook' (Lightworks Pro Only)

Plus the ability to SHIFT click the effects bypass button to disable/enable all effects on the current segment
and to un-minimise audio plugin editors by clicking the launch button.

There are also a number of fixes.
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Old November 19th, 2021, 01:16 PM   #417
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Lightworks V2022.1 released

Lightworks Version 2022.1 is now released, combined with a facelift to the main website:

There are now are three options:

Lightworks Free, which is a simplified version, aimed at beginners or those with more basic requirements for YouTube etc. This is restricted to 720p. This comes bundled with NewBlue Transitions

Lightworks Creative, this is aimed at content creators, filmmakers, corporate marketers, government & education and more advanced users. It can export up to 4k, including various social media formats and comes with the NewBlue Transitions above and the NewBlue Titler Pro plugins

Lightworks Pro, the fully featured version for professional video editors, broadcasters and production facilities.This offers OpenFX support and comes with NewBlue Transitions, NewBlue Titler Pro and NewBlue Essentials plugins.

There are other new features including an update to the latest Blackmagic RAW SDK (2.2), added support for non standard frame rate media, the ability to search within all the Effects categories.
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Old December 24th, 2021, 02:26 AM   #418
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Lightworks V2022.1.1 released

The maintenance Lightworks V2022.1.1 is now released.

New features include:

Audio 'Routing' tab to allow audio effects to be reordered (drag and drop) Ability to process multiple audio channels when a mono plugin is added to grouped tracks
A warning when running 2022.1 if 2022.1.1 has been used (due to OpenFX changes)
Improved AVID DNxHD handling to unregister support if license is unavailable
Improved audio plugin scanning performance on startup
Updated the link to the Quick Start Guide video on the setup wizard
Preventing multiple Lightworks Pro/Create licenses from being activated on the same system

Plus fixes.

V2022.2 is expected early next year.
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Old February 8th, 2022, 07:25 AM   #419
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Updated Lightworks V2022.1.1 released

An updated V2022,1,1 is now available to download,

Fixes include:

Audio crossfades can no longer be dragged on the Routing panel
Disabled some unused code regarding Windows devices
Fixed potential instability with Boris RED plugins
Fixed potential crash during export of a sequence
Fixed incorrect audio on MKV sample files
Fixed incorrect behaviour with mixed frame rate sequences and NewBlue effects
Fixed potential failure opening the NewBlue Titler effect when set above 8-Bit precision
Fixed incorrect behaviour when saving column layouts clicking ‘Save’
Fixed instability issues associated with Waves plugins
Fixed timeline marker not updating correctly when mixing with the Mackie
Fixed crash importing VP9 sample file
Fixed hang analysing audio on MP4 sample file
Fixed potential crash during playback (when there are effects with viewer overlays/controls)
Fixed potential crash after expanding/collapsing folders on the import panel (list/tree view)
Fixed Font scaling not working for audio mixer panel values

There has been a steady expansion in the range of short video tutorials available on the Lightworks website:
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Old February 10th, 2022, 10:35 AM   #420
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New update for Lightworks V2022.1.1

There's a new update for V2022.1.1 available for download.

This has additional fixes:

Fixed subclips not showing video when opened in an effect vendor UI
Fixed potential crash using ReVision FX plugins
Fixed potential crash when hiding a table-view bin column
Fixed potential crash when attempting to Alt+drag a black FX track segment

Lightworks have also updated all of the NewBlue installers (revision 220120). The old installers should be uninstalled and the system rebooted, then the new updates installed.

Next week should see the start of the Lightworks 2022.2 Beta cycle.
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