Videoguys End of Summer Report at
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Old August 29th, 2011, 02:08 PM   #1
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Videoguys End of Summer Report

Videoguys End of Summer Report

There has been so much going on over at Videoguys this summer! We want to let you know that Hurricane Irene came through and while she brought down a bunch of tress, everyone at Videoguys is doing fine and we didn't have any damages to our main offices or warehouse. We are open for business as usual!

Back to School!
Videoguys Specials - Specials

Did you know that Students and Teachers qualify for special discounts on a lot of the editing software and hardware we offer so if you, or someone in your household qualifies it creates many more options for you. If you are a student, teacher or staff member at a university, college, primary or secondary school, you may qualify for special academic versions of our most popular video editing titles! You will have to provide proof that you are eligible. Check out our Back to School sale!

Video Editing Choices For Tight Budgets – Videoguys Recommendations for under $500 Videoguys Blog - Video Editing Choices For Tight Budgets ? Videoguys Recommendations for under $500

Did you know you can find a video editing solution that will fit your budget and deliver outstanding quality and performance for under $500!! We recommend several affordable video editing titles that are able to handle all the most popular consumer/ prosumer tapeless HD workflows including AVCHD, HDV, DSLR footage and more. These titles also allow you to export great looking videos to YouTube, Blu-ray, DVD and the web.

We've been very busy this summer updating our most popular technical support guides and adding some new ones.

System Recommendations for Video Editing Videoguys Blog - Videoguys' System Recommendations for Video Editing

We get asked all the time, "What computer system should I use for DTV?"
This page was created to give you some basic guidelines. We discuss the latest and greatest technologies and let you know if we recommend them or not. We also outline what kind of computer you need for the different levels of DTV. This page includes a list of known potential compatibility issues and hardware/software to stay away from. If you are getting a new computer for your NLE system, this page will save you time and money!!!

Videoguys DIY8 Hex Core
Videoguys Blog - Videoguys DIY8 Hex Core

As you know has been publishing DIY guides and system recommendation pages for years. We always make sure the latest version of Avid or Adobe Production Premium runs great on it. We are constantly updating and tweaking our recommendations, based on the very latest technology and industry news. We realize that our current DIY8 build is getting a little long in the tooth, and that many of you are chomping at the bit to go with the very latest Sandy Bridge chips from Intel. We have been following Sandy Bridge very closely, and while there is some great price/performance in it, we still have some concerns.

Videoguys Recommended Laptops for Video Editing Videoguys Blog - Videoguys Recommended Laptops for Video Editing

We get asked all the time about what laptops we recommend for video editing. This is a more difficult question to answer, because unlike a desktop, you are very limited in what upgrades and changes you can make after you buy it. So we are not going to recommend any specific models, but rather what brands of laptops we recommend and the model family they fit into.

*** The Summer of Crossgrades! ***

In one fell swoop, Apple introduced FCPX and discontinued the existing Final Cut Studio. FCPX does has some very cool features, technology and tools, but it is not ready for prime-time. There are still too many crashes, bugs and other issues for us to recommend migrating to it.

You may download it from the app store and play with it to become familiar with it, but we don't recommend using it for any important projects. At least not until Apple releases a significant update that addresses the issues aggravating and frustrating many users.

In reaction to Apple's bold and controversial move, the industry has responded with some fantastic crossgrade offers. We've been running promotions for Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro and Production Premium, and Sony Vegas Pro software plus Matrox MXO2 hardware.

• Avid Wants You Back! Boris makes it Easier. Avid Wants You Back.Boris makes it Easier. Check out the bundles at!
• Make the switch to Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium and save 50%
Make the switch to Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium at and save 50%
• Sony Vegas Crossgrade & Upgrade Sony Vegas Crossgrade & Upgrade, Samson ZOOM, Glyph & more New Products at
• Save $175 or more with Matrox MXO2 and an Adobe or Avid crossgrades
Save $175 or more with Matrox MXO2 and an Adobe or Avid crossgrade at recommends Glyph Storage for all video and audio editing professionals recommends Glyph Storage for all video and audio editing professionals

Glyph RAIDs have been a favorite of professional audio producers and musicians for years and are built with the speed and reliability to handle video as well. In fact, we have been using Glyph RAIDs with Adobe CS5.5, Avid Media Composer 5.5, Avid ProTools, Sony Vegas Pro, Grass Valley EDIUS
6 and more!

Don't forget, use Coupon Code DVINFO5OFF and Save 5% on your order!

Thank you for your support,

The Videoguys Sales and Tech Support team
Check out 800 323-2325 We are the video editing and live video production experts! DV InfoNet members save 5%! Use Coupon Code DVINFO5OFF
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