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Old August 24th, 2010, 01:19 AM   #1
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New Sony DSLRs

Sony releases DSLR-A580 and DSLR-A560: Digital Photography Review
Sony SLT-A55 Review: 17. Conclusion & Samples: Digital Photography Review

auto focus video
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Old August 24th, 2010, 02:46 PM   #2
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1080 interlaced... what a shame
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Old August 24th, 2010, 03:03 PM   #3
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Nope - same as the VG10, its 30p in a 60i container, and it appears the A55 and A580 have a newer, better sensor than the 14.2Mpixel one in the NEX3/5 and VG10... saw reference to one stop better low light sensitivity and it appears to be a global shutter! Once I see the total specs, likely to go for one of these over the VG10... got my vintage Minolta glass just waiting for these to come along.
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Old August 27th, 2010, 05:09 PM   #4
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Dave, its nice to see someone else here who is an Alpha fan. Prior to video, I had an A900, Zeiss 24-70, Sony 70-200/2.8, Zeiss 135/1.8 and Sony 50/1.4 but sold it all to get an EX1 and accessories.

Now that Sony has added video to dslrs, I am eagerly waiting to see the quality and I don't know if I can wait for the A900 replacement (Q1 or Q3 2011) which will have video as well. At the moment, I really want the A580 for a few reasons: I can't live without an OVF; the new High ISO 'Multi-Shot NR' - this feature appears to give a minimum of ISO 6400 quality at 25600 according to dpreview.

Even though I shoot 30p 95% of the time, I don't understand why Sony still insists on using a 60i container and not allowing 24p. Plus, the bitrate is only 17Mb/s compared to 21 or 24 on the Canons.

I wonder if the HDMI is live so I can add an external recorder such as the nanoFlash or Cinedeck or even record via our BM Decklink Extreme 3D.

I have been very disappointed with the last 2 years of Sony's camera releases and I was afraid that Sony would screw their 'Pro' and serious hobbyists with gimmicky cameras. But with the recent announcement, I am relieved. However, Sony really needs to add Pro Alpha lenses if they want their Alpha line to be considered by Pro's. Canon just announced more new Pro lenses than Sony has released in the last 2 yrs.

EDIT: I just realized what you said, Dave, about a Global Shutter. Where did you see that info? If its true, wouldn't it be considered a real 'Game Changer'?
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Old August 27th, 2010, 06:03 PM   #5
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Based on the samples showing skew, it obviously isn't a GS sensor... so that info was not correct. It would have been a game changer.

I'm glad I'm not the only one frustrated with some of the Sony foot dragging on the Alpha lineup, I've been tempted to switch the still cameras to Canon, but since I've already got a pile of Sony accessories, it would be an expensive platform change.

I'm still waiting to see something more on the a580, which looks like it will be a bit behind the others for actual release... I think they are dedicating all the new 16M sensors to the a55 initially! I have a few reservations about the a55, but paired with an old Minolta 24-105 it will still be prety small and relatively light, something I prefer in a camera. I tested the focus mechanisms on all the lenses I have here, and all the newer plastic Sony issue lenses are noisy - way too much for video use (you'll hear them grinding away for sure, while focusing!). The old Minoltas are much smoother and quieter, so they'd be the ones for video use.

I think Sony has tried to make a consumer oriented camera, basically a "no-brainer" camera, and things like 24p just don't factor in. Still looks like a decent tool, expecially for the price. For what I've wanted, a still camera that can shoot the occaisional DoF shot, or let run on a tripod for extra angle coverage, the a55 looks pretty good. I see a DSLR as an "add-on" for certain types of shots, things a regular video camera doesn't do quite as well, so I'm not sweating it if it doesn't have every feature in the book...
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