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Old February 14th, 2005, 06:48 AM   #16
Join Date: Sep 2003
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For pirating purposes I'd say it's still useful. It's just sad that people do that in the first place. It's still cheap entertainment to see a movie in the theater...considering the amount of cash spent to make it.
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old February 20th, 2005, 12:49 AM   #17
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I think this is a good idea, provided the cinema has it's own actualy trained na qualified security guards. I don't know what it's like in other cities/countries, but in Perth quiet a few of the cinemas have hired guards...but maybe that's because most of the fights happen at the cinema, sadly.
Kiss me...I'm Irish
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Old February 28th, 2005, 02:35 PM   #18
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Elliot, it must be all those beer farts. They really annoy some people. Just stop serving beer at the movies in OZ and your troubles will move else where. hehehe.
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Old April 8th, 2005, 12:36 AM   #19
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What's next?

A short pirate or kid could wear a fake styrofoam or latex head with 2 camcorders inside, one in each eyeball socket. That'll get them 2 bad copies of the movie!!!!

Ushers carrying flashlights with (EMP) Electro Magnetic Pulse guns to disable camcorders, cell phones & wrist watch cams?

Maybe if theatres lowered popcorn prices people might start going back to movie theatres. Either that, or Hollywood has to make better movies ! :)
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Old April 8th, 2005, 07:38 AM   #20
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"Either that, or Hollywood has to make better movies ! :)"

Oh, yeah, like that's gonna happen!
Steven Gotz
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Old April 8th, 2005, 08:50 AM   #21
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I went to to the movies for the first time in awhile last weekend. 9.25 US to get in, plus a medium popcorn and large drink came to and addtional 10.00.
I could have waited and got the DVD at BestBuy for the same price. I could wait until NetFlix has it and see it for less than 1.00. (14.95 a month, renting 15 movies a month....)

I have a nice HT, not high end, but nice enough to make it a good experience. In fact most movies coming out I'll wait for the DVD and rent or buy. I would love to go and see more on the big screen but it's gotten too expensive.

I will see Star Wars and Hitchhiker though.

Movies are not cheap entertainment anymore, relative to other options. It's pure price gouging.

If I put in the bank all the money I would spend going to all the movies I wanted to see. I could make monthly payments on a large high quality RPTV, big enough that it would mimic the experience of sitting in the back 3rd of a theater.
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Old April 8th, 2005, 10:06 AM   #22
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I'd like to weigh in here as well. I worked for movie theaters for 7 years (note: i'm not particularly proud of that fact) and did every thing from popcorn pusher to projection (note projection was definitely the better job) Murph (our whoever said it) is right no normal person paying nothing is going to risk getting shot for 5.50 an hour but then why would people work at gas stations, or liquer stores. And speaking as a movie theater vetran, I'll say in 7 years there were very few "normal" people working there.

Now perhaps theaters are becoming too costly to be effective but you can blame hollywood for that not the theaters. "I can't tell you how many times I heard 10 dollars (or 7 or 5) that's too expensive!" "but julia roberts totally deserves 10 million a movie." what do you think justifies that expense?

Back on topic there's people out there who will pay to have bootlegs, that's jsut the way things are, and who stops the theater employees when they video tape the screen. Or what about the academy members and their screeners. The whole system is horrible. How much money does "pirating" cost hollywood?

if you want to see cheap movies go watch them at a dollar theater, it's cheaper then a bootleg and the quality id usually better.

The and if the theaters are anything like the ones I worked at first person who gets in an ultrication with a theater employee will probably have more things to worry about then 3-5 years in jail...

off soap box
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Old April 9th, 2005, 11:33 AM   #23
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I also think it has become to expensive, going to the cinema (note: I don't download movies, exept in the few cases if I already seen them in theaters, and am going to buy them on dvd, and just want to see them another time before they release it on dvd). And I don't think it's Hollywood to blame, but theaters themselves.
If you go to little theaters, showing alternative movies, the price is 5 euros, in comparison to 8 euros in the big theatres showing the blockbusters.
Some theatres then already count 6 tp 7 euro for a coke and a popcorn alone, and some theatres (I don't notice this in Belgium, but I read there are a couple in The Netherlands) even ask money for parking your car!

For that money, many times you can just buy 2 or three dvd's (if you find them somewhere cheaply)... I know the big screen and big sound is fantastic, but I read a news article, that said it was proven going to the movies has become 44 % more expensive in the last year! (that was from The Netherlands, but I think it's comparable for the US too, no?)

In that case, I go very few times to little theatres and just wait for the dvd from many other movies instead of going to the cinema...
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