I wanted to let everyone know about this interesting film project that we are sponsoring. This is a project for anyone interested in the filmmaking process. Below is a little blurb from the Filmblazer website:
The Two-week Turnaround Tour or T3 is a community filmmaking project. Filmblazer will visit 14 cities over 7 months. We will write, shoot, and screen a short film in each city in just two-weeks. We, at filmblazer, believe everyone has something to offer in the collaborative art of filmmaking. We invite you to join us on this grand adventure.
You can find out more about the project on their website (
Filmblazer) or Twitter (
Filmblazer (Filmblazer) on Twitter). The T3 kickoff party/meeting for the Tampa, FL stop is tonight (4/14/09) at 7PM Art Institute of Tampa.
If you want to get some "hands on" experience with any of our Kessler Crane™ products, and are close to any of the T3 stops, go participate in this project. All of our new products will be going out to the Filmblazer crew as they are released...and we've got some cool stuff in the works.
In other news, Kessler Crane™ now has a Twitter (
Kessler Crane (KesslerCrane) on Twitter) and Facebook Fan Page (
Kessler Crane® | Facebook). If you want to stay on top of all the projects we are working on, be sure to follow us on Twitter.