Pro Sony/ Pana price hikes in NZ soon.. at
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Old November 12th, 2008, 04:43 PM   #1
Inner Circle
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Pro Sony/ Pana price hikes in NZ soon..

I've just had a mail from Protel here in NZ to the effect that both Sony and Panasonic are to sharply increase the prices of their professional gear.

Apparently Sony are to increase next month, Panna from the first of January or when current stocks have been sold.

It seems that the NZ$/ Yen rate changes may lead to price increases of anything up to 25%!

If any of you in NZ have been contemplating that BIG BUY camera or gear, I suggest you go do it NOW!

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Old November 12th, 2008, 04:47 PM   #2
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Sounds like a sales pitch using FUD to me...
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Old November 12th, 2008, 10:59 PM   #3
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If you have been watching the exchange rate lately, you know that it is coming. I would expect the prices of most imports will go up soon in Canada too.
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Old November 13th, 2008, 09:19 AM   #4
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It would be the perfect thing to do, looking at the new offerings from RED and those price points *sarcasm*
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Old November 13th, 2008, 12:39 PM   #5
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These things are *usually* less about exchange rate and more about supply and demand. With the state of the worldwide economies right now, I'd think it was more likely that prices will fall, because fewer people are willing to buy.

I suppose we'll see soon enough. One thing is for sure: those who panic and over-react to all economic/financial news are the ones who get hurt most. Don't let anyone rush you into anything, including buying something because you think the price might go up.
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Old November 13th, 2008, 12:49 PM   #6
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I got the email too..

Now i've got till the end of the month to decide if i should pick up an ex1 before they cost around $12,000 nz.. ouch..
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Old November 13th, 2008, 01:55 PM   #7
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I got a similar mail from a UK dealer as well, though it was billed as "save 20% on Pro Sony gear*" or something like that. The asterisk was all-important! They were pretty up front (in big letters) about the price hike being from Sony and being due to the weakness of Sterling against the Yen.

Is it true? B*****d if I know. I don't have £30,000 lying round either, so I think I might ride this one out!
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Last edited by Mike Beckett; November 13th, 2008 at 01:57 PM. Reason: 10%? 20%? I can't remember.
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Old November 14th, 2008, 05:02 AM   #8
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With a recession probably looming world-wide, it is not a smart move to increase prices.

Another reason could be that these dealers (plus the importers) sit on a pile of stock they have to get rid of and their banks want to see some cash coming in. So IMHO it is as always a matter for offer and demand that fixes the price.

As simple as that.
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Old November 14th, 2008, 05:36 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mike Beckett View Post
...(in big letters) about the price hike being from Sony and being due to the weakness of Sterling against the Yen.
Come on, what a nonsense from the dealer's part. These big multinational companies fix a list price under the assumption if a certain exchange rate. And their estimation is pretty conservative. So this alone offers a *squeeze* of uo to 20%. As long as the rate is higher, they earn a lot of money only from the exchange business. Should the exchange rate fall below that point, they have fallback positions like their own foreign currency accounts, exchange rate insurances and so forth.
This list price relates to a certain dealer purchase price. There is a lot of flexibilty in that price too, rest assured. Fixing a list price most often ends with the question "we need that much money to build the camera plus our overheads, profit and so forth. How much can we charge each step of the sales line AND where do we want to position the product for the customer pricewise"?

Each tear a marketing guy sheds is not worth the paper handkerchief he pretends to use to wipe it off. With billions of profits each quarter, a rise of 20% in sales price translated into a LOT of money arriving at the manufacturing site.
Stop lamenting, sell the products we want at a reasonable price. If necessary give less deduction. But stop that nonsense to make customers believe you'd have to increase prices at such hight proportions. As long as I buy a mobile phone and get an iPod free on top, there' something wrong in that system.

Sorry, had to rant. P.
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Old November 14th, 2008, 08:27 AM   #10
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I guess next, Sony will be asking US congress for a bail-out.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 10:51 AM   #11
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I just got one of these emails yesterday, from a New York area dealer, but the claim was an increase of between two and seven percent. This pushes up the cost of the EX1, for example, only a few hundred US dollars, and at their prices still lands short of seven grand.

I would have thought that increase was unpleasant, but from the sound of things in New Zealand we haven't got much to complain about over here. Hope you guys are able to snap up what you need before the hammer drops!
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Old November 15th, 2008, 03:28 PM   #12
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A price INCREASE in a "down market"... that'll work.

Sure fluctuations in currency exchange rates affect the manufacturer, and it's been a volatile environment any way you slice it (25% isn't out of line with some of the "structural changes" in the world economy...), but in the end, RAISING prices into a slumping economy is not going to fly... with gas prices locally dropping .10 a DAY lately, the writing is on the wall - adjust prices to meet the consumer, or sit on your "stock"...

As the year end gets closer, I'd expect retailers to be cut-throat with whatever it takes to get inventory to move. Right now the economy seems to be in a near dead stall... and for ANY retail/wholesale/manufacturer to keep the doors open, SALES have to go through the channel, PERIOD.

Stuff sitting on the shelf doesn't cut it, and selling it off in bankruptcy is a far less satisfactory end than cutting your prices until the customer just can't help but BUY!

I suspect some operations didn't get the memo about the state of things and still think gas will be $5+ a gallon shortly, so they can raise prices too... what goes up...
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Old November 15th, 2008, 04:01 PM   #13
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I've no axe to grind here.................

but to be fair to the manufacturers concerned (and hey, this is just MPO) but this notification was about "Pro" gear, NOT consumer.

"Pro" gear is bought by pro's who can either balance the budget (income versus expenditure) and thus buy, or not, in which case they won't.

As the cost of gear is but a relatively small part of doing business (and a 25% rise in equipment cost an even smaller part) such a rise really won't, in such a small segment of the market, make an awefull lot of difference.

So, that F900 gets bought next financial, not this (for example).

Where it WILL hit hard is the "ProSumer", who cannot and does not have a budget to balance, but hey, how much of this gear do they really buy?

I don't have an F900 in my sights any time this side of hell freezing over.

The company who sent me the mail deal exclusively with top end "Pro" gear, I only ended up on their mailing list 'cos I dropped $7k NZ on a tripod system from them - heck, how many "prosumers" do that?

I stick with my original suggestion - if you have an F900 (insert any other rediculously priced "Pro" gear you can think of here) on yer "to do" list, do it now.

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Old November 15th, 2008, 05:38 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Chris Soucy View Post
but to be fair to the manufacturers concerned (and hey, this is just MPO) but this notification was about "Pro" gear, NOT consumer.
Based on the posts here, this sales pitch is coming from dealers, not manufacturers. So it seems they have nothing to do with this.

This is pure marketing hype from the dealers, exploiting a tenuous global financial situation for their own benefit.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 05:57 PM   #15
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Well the original email that Chris and I got read like this..

Dear Joe

If you are considering purchasing a Sony or Panasonic product then consider purchasing it this month.

Sony and Panasonic have indicated to us pricing for professional equipment will be increasing soon. We expect prices to increase between 20-25% due to the changes in the NZD / Yen cross-rate.

· Sony prices are increasing on the 1st of December so order this month.

· Panasonic prices will increase come first of January or once current stock is sold.

Don't be disappointed.


1.Wait and see what the new prices will be at the end of this month. (Too late)

2. Order now and secure at the current pricing before the end of this month. (Good idea?)

If we at ***** can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to call to discuss your options. We can also facilitate finance if desired.

Kind Regards
The dealers name has of course been removed.. Chris, i've broken a rule here i'm sorry, please edit my post.

Now i don't normally buy from this company, so i thought i'd go do some investigating, i went into my dealer i usually buy from and spoke with them about it.. They said yes they had got the original email from the other dealer.. and then went on to say they had also received an email from Sony in regards to the same thing. They didnt say anything about panasonic.. and the way they spoke about the sony email almost sounded like they had made it up on the spot to back up the original email.. This was a week ago however and i cant remember the conversation word for word.
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