strange artifacts in Blender animation render at
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Old December 6th, 2011, 09:50 PM   #1
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strange artifacts in Blender animation render

I am teaching myself how to use Blender. I've bought a few great books, and am working my way through them. Sometimes the lessons get tiring, and I mess around and follow some online tutorials. I followed one the other day, to make a realistic view of the earth. The tutorial only went as far as to how to make the still image, and didn't get into any animation. I decided to try and play around with key framing some things and animate a short clip. I did this twice, changing rotation speeds, and doing a camera dolly, but I didn't mess with any render settings. When I took the png images and created the 15 second clip, I noticed strange artifacts moving around the globe image. This happened in both the scenes I rendered. I'm posting, hoping someone might have seen this before, and would know what setting/s might be causing this to happen.

Thanks for any help,
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P.S. Yes I realize my earth is rotating the wrong direction...haha! I'm was more concerned trying to figure out my artifact problem
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Old December 6th, 2011, 10:02 PM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Re: strange artifacts in Blender animation render

That's interesting, I've never seen that before. It almost looks like a "film effect" plugin is overlaid on it.
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Old December 6th, 2011, 11:10 PM   #3
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Re: strange artifacts in Blender animation render

I cant seem to figure out what it is. I rendered in png, turned compression all the way up, same thing, turned compression all the way off, same thing. Turned anti aliasing down and up. Just not sure where else to look. This is the first animation I've tried to render. As its rendering the individual images, I can see the artifacts.
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Old December 7th, 2011, 12:56 PM   #4
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Re: strange artifacts in Blender animation render


I don't know what's causing the artifacts, but I have a suggestion.
The problem looks similar to one I had (using different software) when I was making a pool of water. The semi-transparency of the water messed with the rendering of the ground beneath it. It looks like you have a semi-transparent atmosphere object over the Earth object. Try removing the atmosphere object, then re-render the animation. If the artifacts go away, then maybe the two objects are interfering with each other. I don't remember if Blender gives you a choice of making either a tessellated sphere or a globe sphere. If it does, try changing the sphere type on one or both objects.

One other possibility is Z-fighting, where a very thin object is immediately in front of another object. I would think that your atmosphere is already thick enough that you would not get Z-fighting, but you might try thickening it.

- Ken
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Old December 13th, 2011, 05:50 PM   #5
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Re: strange artifacts in Blender animation render

I had watched a simple tutorial on making a glass with some red liquid in it, and there was a tip about not having the liquid actually touch the inside of the glass. I think the solution was that there was no actual inside wall of the glass where the the liquid was. Try making the atmosphere a solid sphere with the earth inside instead of a hollow shell around the earth if that's how you have it now. I'm just learning blender as well, so I may be way off, but hope this helps or sparks some ideas.
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