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Digital Compositing and Effects
After Effects, Shake and everything else.

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Old January 20th, 2009, 03:20 PM   #1
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A lot of questions looking for answer

Hallo all!!!

I'm new here.

So lets begin the questions ;)

The question is about Screens
I know that the color for the screen doesnt play role. It depends for what you need it.
Am i right???
So, if i use both Green and Blue Screen at the same time(half blue half green) is it possible to render them and have a descent effect? or the different colors will make this more difficult?

I want to make an effect similar to kung fu hustle (where Chow and the landlady chase each other) The supper fast effect.

How can i make an effect similar to The butterfly effect?

At the moment i'm shooting a short film and there is a scene where characters that have nothing to do pop-up at scene. I want the actors to stop moving and the new characters continue on.
Also there is a scene where the 2 main characters are at the stage. I put behind a fight scene from the party and make somehow the main characters come near each other without moving(they will begin outside from the scene and will start getting close to each other)

I think there is a problem with particle world in my adobe AE cause the particles are too small and i cant make them bigger :S

ok thats all for now...

Hope to get a lot of answers :)

Oh! and thanks in advanced ;)
George Logothetis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 20th, 2009, 06:20 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
1st. I know that the color for the screen doesnt play role. It depends for what you need it. Am i right???

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
So, if i use both Green and Blue Screen at the same time(half blue half green) is it possible to render them and have a descent effect? or the different colors will make this more difficult?
Using both colors at the same time could cause issues in post. I don't know if you can apply both a green screen key and a blue screen key to the same clip. There might be a way to fiddle it but your life should be simpler if you pick a single color.

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
I want to make an effect similar to kung fu hustle (where Chow and the landlady chase each other) The supper fast effect.
Sorry... I have no idea what that is.

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
3rd. How can i make an effect similar to The butterfly effect?
Again, sorry. No clue.

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
4th. At the moment i'm shooting a short film and there is a scene where characters that have nothing to do pop-up at scene. I want the actors to stop moving and the new characters continue on.
If I understand what you want to do, there's no reason why not. Depending upon how and where you want the new characters to pop up you'll have to be very careful about where your actors are in one scene relative to the pop up characters. Marking out your characters' positions will be very important.

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
Also there is a scene where the 2 main characters are at the stage. I put behind a fight scene from the party and make somehow the main characters come near each other without moving(they will begin outside from the scene and will start getting close to each other)
I'm not as clear about this question as the last one, but what I think I understand indicates putting your actors on their marks will again be important.

Originally Posted by George Logothetis View Post
I think there is a problem with particle world in my adobe AE cause the particles are too small and i cant make them bigger.
How big do you want them to be? I haven't used that in a while but I recollect that they can get large. If that's not big enough, you can try scaling up the particle layer to get the size you want. Check to make sure that they retain the look you are looking for after scaling. I think AE will preserve the comp's resolution even if you scale a vector layer within it but I'm not certain. I'm pretty sure PW is a vector effect.
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Old January 21st, 2009, 12:44 AM   #3
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George, your looking at what sounds like some very complex effects and compositing situations. If you can find someone who knows compositing and/or FX work locally, someone that can look at your storyboards, some of your existing footage, locations, etc., it may help immensely.

It might be extra expense/time up front, but will save you tons of grief in the end.
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Old January 21st, 2009, 02:30 PM   #4
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About the kung fu hustle scene look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyWhVUCXY1A at 57''

About the butterfly effect scene look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSdeE...eature=related at 40''

is this an effect at post? YouTube - Kung fu hustle knife scene

how can i do the circle like that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X68qSpibAqc at 1:05( and afterwards with gituars, suns and stuff)

also another question popped on my mind..
The sin city effects where in greenscreen and characters where painted?Is this possible to do it another way?

Also i managed to make the scenes for 4th question.

about my 5th.. i tried to scale the particle layer but they didnt grow the particles where still tiny.. Any ideas?

Last edited by George Logothetis; January 21st, 2009 at 03:31 PM. Reason: added stuff ;)
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Old January 21st, 2009, 06:19 PM   #5
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Eric's suggestion is one good option. I don't mean to sound rude, but you need to learn how to fly the space shuttle before you actually take it out for a spin.

Many of the cool effects we all see in the movies, TV and elsewhere are often complex combinations of individual effects. And there are subtleties involved if you want them to look real. For me, I had to spend substantial time learning the nooks and crannies of AE before I tried anything really fancy, and on the fancy scale I'm still at the lower end.

May I suggest that you spend some time with the product and view some of the better tutorials out there. Video CoPilot would be a great place to start since he deals with the kind of effects I think you're interested in.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 02:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tripp Woelfel View Post
Eric's suggestion is one good option. I don't mean to sound rude, but you need to learn how to fly the space shuttle before you actually take it out for a spin.

Many of the cool effects we all see in the movies, TV and elsewhere are often complex combinations of individual effects. And there are subtleties involved if you want them to look real. For me, I had to spend substantial time learning the nooks and crannies of AE before I tried anything really fancy, and on the fancy scale I'm still at the lower end.

May I suggest that you spend some time with the product and view some of the better tutorials out there. Video CoPilot would be a great place to start since he deals with the kind of effects I think you're interested in.
i can do most of the effects from videocopilot.

Are there any other out there that i can practice on?

maybe from here on i make my own way from the things i already know?(by combining , them,etc?).
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