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Datavideo DN-xx Series Recorders
Formerly known as nNovia QuickCapture QC A2D2 other nNovia products.

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Old July 26th, 2010, 12:56 PM   #1
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New firmware release

As of july 22nd there is a new firmware release, R9, that should solve the problems. I did not yet test it myself but a friend of mine did and he says everything works like a charm now.

The release notes says:
Date: 10'07'22 Version: R9 Board: Main PCB Chip Location: U2

Bug Fix:
1.Erratic knob movement behavior
2.When user records HDV signal by DN-60, there will be corrupted video and audio up to 4 seconds in the end
of each clips
3.fix of bug in sync to tape ("Stop to record" shown on some Sony camcorder)
4.Support MXF
5.Improved GUI: Exiting menu returns to previous menu entry point.
6.RS232 Time code is reported ff:ss:mm:hh instead of hh:mm:ss:ff
7.Testing shows some CF cards are not adequaltely protected
8.During trick play and pause, audio is not muted
9.New generation of flash memory chips corrupt code during upgrade
10. "No Input" shown ocassionally when 1394 signal was connected
11.Header problem found with DVCPro50 and Canopus avi files
12.Clip number displayed as Total/Current instead of Current/Total
13.Power On Record with No Signal causes system hangs up
New Feature:
1. Record and Play video data in clip centric manner.
2. Critical low battery level disk write protection

Date: 10'07'22 Version: R9 Board: Main PCB Chip Location: U8
1. Change display message: "DVc" => "DVC" when input DVC Pro 25 signal
2. Backlight "wake-up" implementation causes confusion in User Interface
3. Latest root level cursor position is memorized
4. Put back "Set Record Date" menu selection to Host FW
5. Add following RS-232 command and command response:
a. Current Bin (response 71h, 00h, [Bin number], [check sum])
b. Select Bin and play (command 21h, F0h, [Bin number], [check sum])
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Old July 27th, 2010, 03:51 AM   #2
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Where should I get a new firmware release download link?
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Old July 27th, 2010, 04:25 AM   #3
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Follow this link
But be aware: I upgraded yesterday and since that 5 out of 6 CD cards no longer work. I get an error"Wrong media. Format the media."And when I do it is busy for ages but nothing happens.
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Old July 27th, 2010, 04:59 AM   #4
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Thank you for your information, I upgraded firmware drive & easly formated Sandisk 32 gb 60mbs card.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 02:39 AM   #5
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Yesterday I've tried to flash the firmware with update R8. I had hopes that my CF cards would be recognized again. But instead now the DN60 is completely out of order. When I switch it on it keeps saying DN-60 LOADING ... I hate Murphy.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:15 PM   #6
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Results of recent test, Datavideo DN-60, HDV mode, 60hz (NTSC), 24f, 30f, and 60i modes, Sync to tape and direct to CF card (NOT sync to tape mode). I spent nearly 3 hours testing with the DN-60 and XH A1 in 24F, 30F, and 60i modes on 5 different Sandisk Extreme III memory cards (30MB/Sec), capacities from 4GB to 64GB, BOTH FAT32 AND NTFS formats.

Please post your experiences with your camera, both DN-60 firmware and Camera make/model/firmware/version (PAL or NTSC) so we have a good idea of what works, what does not, and what needs fixed/addressed so we can find a workaround or Datavideo can address in the next firmware.

I also have a dual-NTSC/PAL enabled XH A1 i have yet to test the 25F and 50i modes. I tested ONLY in HDV mode, as everything i do is HD, for SD i downconvert. I will test with the PAL/NTSC cam with PAL modes 25F and 50i later next week.

Below are direct specs of hardware. First line is product and firmware revision number tested, second is exact file name/firmware tested, third is file type tested.

Second set is Camera brand and region, second line is camera firmware. 3rd is frame rates tested on said camera.

Datavideo DN-60 Firmware rev. R9
.m2t file type

Canon XH A1 model HDV camcorder NTSC version 24F/30F/60i
24F, 30F, 60i

Works perfectly now in all modes (24F/30F/60i), no more 'dropped frames' error when importing (which never actually occured, it just constantly told me ANY DN-60 files i tried to import or convert had dropped frames, which they DID NOT.) Audio is synced perfectly, as before, both on-board and XLR input audio. Tested both 'NOT sync to tape' and 'Sync to tape' in 24F, 30F, and 60i modes.

User interface seems more consistent, no more 'ghost knob roll' where the DN-60 would erroneously scroll over an extra space or two for no apparent reason, even when i was VERY careful to only engage the knob for ONE 'click' left or right. This was my biggest issue with the system, it was very frustrating to have it scroll too far. the second irritant was the false 'dropped frame' errors that never actually occurred. i nearly returned my DN-60 over this issue; now it is resolved. I can now recommend the DN-60 to peers in that it functions as advertised and the interface is smooth and works as expected. As such, i will be purchasing another to compliment my NTSC/PAL camera.

Works with all the Sandisk Extreme III (30MB/Sec) cards ive tested, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB, in 24F, 30F, and 60i modes. I had to borrow the 8GB, 16GB, and 64GB cards, as i only own Sandisk Extreme III (30MB/Sec) 4GB and 32GB cards, so please dont ask me to test other cards unless you are willing to pay shipping back and forth, in which case i will gladly test them out and return them promptly. I also tested 2 'generic' 2GB cards, which neglected to mention their speeds, and they also worked flawlessly in HDV mode, but i will not post their brand name as they are each 2-3 years old and only record a max of under 20 minutes. I only tested them because they had worked before with the DN-60 in 24F HDV mode to .m2t files.

HDV mode still only supports .m2t files, not .MXF files as i had thought with the upgrade. Again this is only HDV mode, i did NOT test ANY SD modes. Still there are free converters/workarounds for both windows and PC for .m2t to other file formats.

Overall, while its interface, display, and general appearance and implementation is very Spartan, it now does precisely what it is advertised to do, flawlessly with the XH A1. For the money, and now for the lack of 'false' dropped frame warnings, and the fluid and correct working user interface on the DN-60 with firmware rev. R9, i recommend it, but as with everything, if possible, try it with your hardware before you buy it. OVERALL, i was happy with the DN-60 for the price with the firmware rev. R8, and found the rev. R9 worked without false errors and had the command dial issues corrected, and since have been very pleased.

I shoot advertisements, music video's, and an upcoming web show; before i would ALWAYS record 'SYNC TO TAPE' in case the DN-60 failed to appropriately record when i clicked the command dial, now it works fine, the interface is properly attenuated, and i can finally leave the HDV tapes in the 'archive' pile as i intended when i bought the DN-60.

Any questions regarding the Canon XH A1 firmware NTSC version, DN-60 firmware R9, and Sandisk Extreme III 4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB i will be happy to answer. I will test ALL PAL HD modes, as well as ALL PAL/NTSC SD modes, on the Canon XH A1, firmware, in 2 weeks time.

Panagiotis Raris
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Old August 25th, 2010, 07:37 PM   #7
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Lexar Professional 300x 32GB can't formatted

I have bought Lexar Professional 300x 32GB for my DN-60, but not working. If you have an idea about this item whats wrong?

I have Sandisk working with no problem.
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Old August 25th, 2010, 10:24 PM   #8
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2 things i can think of or have encountered. first is that your lexar assuming it is legitimate and not malfunctioning, both of which i doubt, is approx 42.9 min MB/sec write speed which is more than fast enough for HDV on the DN-60. only other issue is that datavideo states the dn60 supports only 30MB/sec and up sandisk's; the extreme III 30mb/sec cards are NOT UDMA enabled; the transcend card IS; that might be the issue. try a 266x card from lexar that is NOT UDMA. UDMA might be the problem there.

ive only tested Sandisk NON UDMA, because i happened to have sandisks around and available and also because that is what manual states

also tested ALL PAL modes on all Extreme III cards; all work flawlessly from 4GB to 32GB, 24F, 25F, 50i modes, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB flawless. will test 64GB next week but i doubt there will be problems.


i have a friend with 2 lexar cards, one older non UDMA one new UDMA 16GB 300x that i will test for you tomorrow on the DN-60 with firmware R9 on XH A1 firmware i will try to test HDV only, not DV. i have 2 older, fast but generic CF (2GB) cards that the DN-60 can use just fine but they only record 7 minutes and some seconds; they are used in my D300 for stills, and NON-UDMA. they are both 3+ years old, off-brand (free when i bought the D300 new, pre-order so i got it the day it came out) and i can record HDV and DV with them no problem. also non-UDMA.

it is my belief that only non-UDMA cards work in the DN-60, but i will borrow 2 cards tomorrow and go to a store and try to test out a few cards they have for sale (usa best buy) to see if they work for you. i can confirm that Transcend 8GB 400x UDMA and Transcend 4GB 400x UDMA media DO NOT WORK in the DN-60. i use them in the D300 again for stills. This applies only to non-SANDISK brand cards. their UDMA 60MB/sec and 90MB/sec cards work fine also.

again in my tests only 30MB/sec NON-UDMA cards work in the DN-60, including 266x speed non-UDMA cards. hence i believe non-SANDISK UDMA cards DO NOT WORK. i would love to be proven wrong, if anyone has a UDMA card and DN-60 please test it and post.

Last edited by Panagiotis Raris; August 25th, 2010 at 11:56 PM.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 03:39 AM   #9
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Thank you, for your support information. I returned Lexar CF card. I have two SanDisk Extreme 60MB/s UDMA 32GB, specially when I upgrade R9 firmware works perfectly.

I'll take your advice & it is better to stick SanDisk CF cards.
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