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Datavideo DN-xx Series Recorders
Formerly known as nNovia QuickCapture QC A2D2 other nNovia products.

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Old July 11th, 2010, 05:37 PM   #16
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the only workaround i have found with the XH A1/DN-60 combo is to shoot bars at the beginning and end of each shot, then just cut that part out in post and go from there.

it is very frustrating however.
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Old July 12th, 2010, 11:59 PM   #17
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a brief update; i realized my XH A1 hadnt the latest firmware, so i updated that as well as the DN-60, rechecked that i used fast CF cards, checked all cable connections, and looked into an m2t file converter that was free, and happened to find out that the program claimed the files had, and i quote...

'one or more of the transport stream files has a bad size' claiming it was incomplete, and offered to correct it; which it did flawlessly. i can now capture, transfer, convert, edit, and deliver entirely tape free.

used in conjunction with Quicktime Alternative 1.81, Mpeg Streamclip by Squared 5 (Windows Beta version) works fine with the m2t files, and both programs are free.

Again this works with the XH A1 and DN-60, not too sure about any other cams but please try it and see if it works for you.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 02:45 AM   #18
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Since when is it possible to update the firmware of the XHA1? Where can I download that update?
And do you use the named software to convert the .m2t files to another format? Or do you use it to capture from the DN60? Can you please explain your workflow.
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Old July 14th, 2010, 01:36 AM   #19
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i asked to have the firmware updated having sent it to canon. i should have specified that. It was bought used with firmware, when i called about adding PAL friendly 50i/25F i also asked the firmware be updated. it might also be that i got the PAL/NTSC 'upgrade'/unlock, but it DID work fine before. ALSO, my XH A1 had a touchy HDV port, sometimes it would work, sometimes not, so i got that replaced as well.

my workflow is simple. i record to tape and DN-60 simultaneously, HDV M2T file format.
go to tools/make media files
I copy the file to a harddrive
i convert it to MOV (there are several other possibilities) from M2T
(windows media player claims the M2T file is an AVCHD file, its NOT. i had to uninstall quicktime pro and install the quicktime alternative 1.81 (only version that supported it)
now i have my file in MOV format, any bitrate i want, any size i want, compressed etc, you have to specify if its interlaced or progressive, the canon 'F' modes act as progressive modes. 50i/60i are obviously interlaced.
...and its off to FCP or Premiere Pro

also i really dont care for the DN-60 menu or jog controller AT ALL; getting around the menu's is a pain, but it works 100% now so thats all that matters.
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Old July 14th, 2010, 04:39 AM   #20
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OK. Thanks for your explanation.

Originally Posted by Panagiotis Raris View Post
... also i really dont care for the DN-60 menu or jog controller AT ALL; getting around the menu's is a pain, but it works 100% now so thats all that matters.
But I guess you put your DN60 in record mode with the jog controller when you want it to record video? As we al do before we can use it?
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Old July 14th, 2010, 08:28 AM   #21
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i can either put it in one of 3 modes. i have dubbed them 'sync mode', 'manual mode', and 'always-on' because its easier to understand when they actually record versus the names datavideo chose.

'sync mode', and sync to tape with it on automatic on, so whenever i hit record with a tape in, it records to BOTH tape AND CF card.

'manual mode' where it does NOT require a tape in but records direct to CF card when i press the jog controller knob.

'always-on' where the instant i turn it on (with the camera being turned on and connected via HDV/iLink/firewire) it begins recording regardless of what the camera is doing.

most of the time i have used sync mode, but all 3 work fine.
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Old July 28th, 2010, 11:33 PM   #22
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New firmware Rev R9

Datavideo Technologies Co., Ltd..Service WEB Site

Fixes the 'dropped frame' issue AKA 'one or more of the transport stream files has a bad size', as well as 'phantom scroll' issues with the command dial, among others. works 100% with Canon XH A1 NTSC, HDV modes 24F, 30F, and 60i firmware The previously mentioned jog controller issues have been resolved, and i am satisfied using it as my sole capture device. The DN-60 now remains solely in the 'manual mode' where I choose when it starts and stops recording. the jog controller issues are totally resolved in the new firmware, and i have yet to have an issue with the 'make media files' not actually making media files, which with firmware rev. R8 i had to do 2-3 times before it would actually DO it, now it works 100% as advertised, and i leave the HDV tapes in the 'archive' bin at my office, after a weeks testing i will likely ditch HDV tapes entirely if it continues to work as it is now.
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Old October 25th, 2010, 12:31 PM   #23
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DN-60 with Kingston cards

Hi all,
I have two Kingston ELITE cards.
One 32GB and one 16GB.

The 16GB didnt work, gave this Wrong Format Error.

I send it back to Kingston and they have send me a new one. And now it works.

Best Jee
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Old November 20th, 2010, 04:39 AM   #24
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Automatically start the DN-60 without sync to tape

Hi! I've just got my DN-60 and everything working perfectly. I wonder though, if it is possible on the XH-A1 to automatically start recording without a tape in the camcorder. I've read something about setting the IEEE-1394 AVC command protocol, but is this possible on the XH-A1?
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Old November 24th, 2010, 12:05 PM   #25
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you can set the DN-60 to automatically record on start up while connected to the XH A1.
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Old November 29th, 2010, 09:31 PM   #26
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Problem With DN-60

I hope this is still the right thread for this. I received my DN-60 about two weeks ago. Initial setup went fine and one of the first things I did was load the latest firmware which I'm not sure was any different than what came with my unit. My unit reports firmware revision number: DN 605011009155510. The problem I am having is starting to get really frustrating. I am using my XH-A1 with the unit set to sync to tape. Whether I record DV or HDV I seem to be able to record one or two bins accurately but then subsequent bins cannot be read on my system. I have run the make media files numerous times but this will not correct the fault with the files. The bins that have readable files are perfect. I am using two Transcend 32 GB 400x compact flash cards, and this occurs with both cards. I have never had a single problem with my Transcend cards in any of my digital photography equipment. I called Datavideo Tech Support and they are telling me that you have to use SanDisk CF cards. At this rate I have no confidence in being able to discontinue recording tape at the same time to cover myself. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Old November 30th, 2010, 08:43 AM   #27
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Automatically start the DN-60 without sync to tape

Panagiotis, thank you for quick response. Does this mean, that if I set the DN-60 correct, it will record on power up of the camcorder. In other words, can I use the Stand by switch as a "record button"?
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 09:34 PM   #28
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[QUOTE=In other words, can I use the Stand by switch as a "record button"?[/QUOTE]

I'm going to jump in here. The answer is "yes". If you set the DN-60 to record on start-up, you can use the stand-by switch as a record button. I just tried it with my XH-A1.
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 10:42 PM   #29
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Pretec 567X CF Cards

I currently have a Transcend 400X 32GB card that gives me the "green frame" at the end of every clip. Other than that, the card works, but I have an uneasy feeling about it. It's not on "the list", after all...but the SanDisk Extreme Pro 64 GB is soooooo expensive.

However, today I noticed the CF compatibility matrix from Datavideo shows Pretec 567X CF cards as compatible. I decided to try one out. I ordered a 567X 64GB card from PTI Global for $200. PTI Global appears to be the only authorized US distributor of Pretec.

When the Pretec card comes in, I'll let everyone know if they're any good, and if they solve the "green frame" issues.
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Old December 4th, 2010, 02:16 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Per Magne Handegaard View Post
Panagiotis, thank you for quick response. Does this mean, that if I set the DN-60 correct, it will record on power up of the camcorder. In other words, can I use the Stand by switch as a "record button"?
No problem: do you mean the 'middle' toggle selection on the DN-60?

Originally Posted by Ken Wozniak View Post
I'm going to jump in here. The answer is "yes". If you set the DN-60 to record on start-up, you can use the stand-by switch as a record button. I just tried it with my XH-A1.
I will try it with mine and see.

Originally Posted by Ken Wozniak View Post
I currently have a Transcend 400X 32GB card that gives me the "green frame" at the end of every clip. Other than that, the card works, but I have an uneasy feeling about it. It's not on "the list", after all...but the SanDisk Extreme Pro 64 GB is soooooo expensive.

However, today I noticed the CF compatibility matrix from Datavideo shows Pretec 567X CF cards as compatible. I decided to try one out. I ordered a 567X 64GB card from PTI Global for $200. PTI Global appears to be the only authorized US distributor of Pretec.

When the Pretec card comes in, I'll let everyone know if they're any good, and if they solve the "green frame" issues.
I have 4 different brands of CF cards and they all give me 1 frame (first frame at the end of startup clip) of green blocky crap. Sandisk, Transcend, Kingston, and also a different class Transcend. Easiest way around it is to try to record an extra second or two before something starts; 1 frame is FAR less to lose vs hitting record and having a tape drive need to spool up and record. i dont consider the green blocky frame to be a problem; tape took more time to start recording anyways.
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