Stereo 3D Toolbox V2 any news? - Page 2 at
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Old April 29th, 2010, 12:46 AM   #16
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Laguna Hills, CA
Posts: 352
Thanks Tim. Yes, I did update the FxFactory first, then ran the beta. That got the version 1.1 back, but I have now new problems with interlaced messages, asking me to set the field dominance to none, every time I move a clip, but even if I do so, I am getting the right side 2:1 vertically stretched. This is something totally new, for the version 1.1. Perhaps I need go back with the FxFactory as well. I should probably be dealing with these issues off-line, is there a way we can deal with these issues outside the forum? Thanks.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 02:38 AM   #17
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Hi Pavel,

I would rather sort these installer issues out in the forum so others don't have the same problems.

We added a field dominance warning system in v1.1 because so many people shooting with interlaced were having rendering issues in 1080i.
I assumed you had already been working with this version but it sounds like you had been working with a much earlier version, probably 1.0.4.
v1.1 was supposed to be 100% backwards compatible with v1.0.4 and earlier but there may have been other changes in the subsequent FxFactory installers that affected the compatibility.

I've attached the old old version for you to overwrite v1.1. This will return compatibility with your old sequences but you can keep FxFactory 2.1.5. I suggest that when it is time to start on new projects you re-install FxFactory 2.1.5. IF you want both version to co-exist you can change the file names of the FxPacks in Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Noise Industries.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Dashwood Cinema Solutions Stereo3D Toolbox (334.0 KB, 62 views)
Tim Dashwood
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Old April 29th, 2010, 07:49 PM   #18
Major Player
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Laguna Hills, CA
Posts: 352
Thank you Tim. I am back in business. The version 1.04 is installed and works o.k. with the FxFactory 2.1.5. I will try the re-naming and installation after I finish some work.

Last edited by Pavel Houda; April 30th, 2010 at 10:10 AM.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 06:35 AM   #19
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Cape Town
Posts: 1
Questions & Comments?

Hi Tim,

I have maybe a few questions and a few comments about Stereo Toolbox v2 beta.

1) Am I correct in assuming that your Coarse Convergence is working to pixel accuracy, but instead of quoting the actual pixel value moved you quote the value divided by 10? So if I wanted to make a 24 pixel convergence modification I would simply type into your Coarse Convergence a figure of 2.4? Out of interest how are you calculating your Fine Convergence value?

2) With the next version of the v2 beta will you be including (and to follow your terminology) Hard Floating Windows (without the vignette) that are positioned using pixel accurate values from the sequence edge inwards? (I say sequence in case your video clip is wider than the sequence)

3) Regarding the floating windows (still speaking hard windows), a pixel value for both Top Left/Bottom Left and Top Right/Bottom Right for both Left and Right frames would be extremely useful... especially for creating angled floating windows down the edges of the frame.

4) I have not experimented with this yet, but do the keyed values from Stereo Toolbox export to the EDL files?

5) At the moment I am working on HD footage 1920x1080, but find the Geometry Plugin rather unstable (when loading a Left & Right clip into the wells & then editing) and have reverted to using Above & Below stereo paired clips. Sadly though the plugin does not support a paired clip at 1920x2160, and thus I have been forced to loose half my vertical resolution by compressing both pairs into a single 1920x1080 clip. Have you looked into supporting clips that are wider than the sequence to allow for this sort of editing?

6) It would appear that when using your geometry filter to pair two clips using the Above & Below option the tool places the Right on Top, but when choosing an output option it says, Above & Below (Left on Top)... my experiments confirm that the right is in fact on top.


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