Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100 at DVinfo.net
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Old March 27th, 2015, 11:01 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Dear Friends,

Convergent Design has a new firmware update for the Odyssey7, Odyssey7Q and Odyssey7Q+. This release adds features, improves current functions and fixes some previous issues.

Please note that this list only shows the new features.

For example, we now support Apple ProRes 422 HQ plus the new Apple ProRes 422 and Apple ProRes 422 LT modes, but the list below only discusses the regular and LT versions.

The same applies to other items as well, for example we have not listed all of the modes that we support for all of the cameras.

This release dramatically improves the quality of HD and 2K from the Panasonic GH4 by using supersampling. This continues our tradition of improving images from cameras, when possible.

Please refer to the white paper that I have included in the following post.

Highlights of the new firmware include:


- HDMI 4K/UHD -> 2K/HD Supersampled

4096x2160 to 2048x1080 23.98, 24
3840x2160 to 1920x1080 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97

High quality supersampling of 4K/UHD video signal over HDMI yields 2K/HD video superior to that available directly from some small cameras


- Apple ProRes 422 & Apple ProRes 422 (LT) Support

4K/UHD/2K/1080/720 resolutions all supported
4K/UHD up to 30p; 2K/1080/720 up to 60p

- Sony F35 12-bit/10-bit RGB 4:4:4 Support

12-bit or 10-bit RGB 4:4:4 recording in uncompressed DPX stacks
Dual-link capture, 23.98, 25, 29.97

- Sony FS7/FS700 Record Option Adds Apple ProRes 422 & Apple ProRes 422 (LT)

(FS7/FS700 Record Option Required.)

Option of Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (LT) for
4K RAW -> 4K Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 25, 29.97
4K RAW -> UHD Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 25, 29.97
4K RAW -> 2K Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94
4K RAW -> HD Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94

- Sony FS700 Record Option Adds High Speed Burst in 2K/HD Apple ProRes

(FS7/FS700 Record Option Required. Feature only available for FS700.)

Option of Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (LT) for
4K RAW Burst -> 2K Apple ProRes 422 100p, 120p
4K RAW Burst -> HD Apple ProRes 422 100p, 120p

- Canon C500 Record Option Adds Apple ProRes 422 & Apple ProRes 422 (LT)

(Canon RAW Record Option Required.)

Option of Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (LT) for
4K RAW -> 4K Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
QHD RAW -> UHD Apple ProRes 422 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30


- Apple ProRes 422 & Apple ProRes 422 (LT) Support

1080p, 1080i & 720p supported

Thus, in all Apple ProRes 422 modes you have the option of:

Apple ProRes 422 HQ
Apple ProRes 422
Apple ProRes 422 LT

- Odyssey Remote Trigger Supported

New Odyssey Remote Trigger (cable remote with record indicator)
This is currently available in our HD Apple ProRes 422 recording mode only.
Other modes will be added in the future.


- FIXED HDMI video Legalizing issue on some cameras
- FIXED FS7 RAW DNG magenta cast
- FIXED FS7 RAW DNG compatibility with Adobe, FCPX & Scratch Lab
- FIXED C300 1080p30 playback
- FIXED FS7 RAW to Apple ProRes S-Log2
- FIXED C100 & FS100 1080p24 support
- IMPROVED Playback performance
- IMPROVED Safe Eject errors


- Nick Shaw of Antler Post worked with Convergent Design to develop Resolve Workflow for FS7/FS700 .DNG files. Also created corrective LUTs for FS7 DNG files created in firmware builds prior to this release (versions 2.1.100 – 4.1.100)

- Prosoft Engineering has updated Picture Rescue 2 to recover ALL file types from Convergent Design SSDs. Even if a Safe Eject was not performed, this inexpensive utility can rescue the files.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 27th, 2015, 11:12 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Supersampling

Dear Friends,

Our new firmware, 5.10.100 adds the ability to take 4K from the Panasonic GH4 and create much higher quality 2K.

And from Ultra-HD from the GH4 we create high quality HD.

We also support this supersampling from any camera that can output 4K or Ultra-HD over HDMI.

Thus, we also improve the Samsung NX1's images.

Please note that some cameras already do a very nice job of creating 2K or HD from their 4K/UHD sensors, while others are not state-of-the-art.

Adam Wilt wrote a very informative article on this subject:

New Firmware for the Odyssey 7Q+: Doin? the HDMI-DownRes-ProRes Shuffle

And we have written a white paper on this subject.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Odyssey-Supersampling-A7S-GH4-NX1-5.10.100.pdf (1.48 MB, 352 views)
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 27th, 2015, 02:03 PM   #3
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Just loaded 5.10 firmware...

I can no longer get the camera (FS700) to trigger the 7Q...7Q is set on camera trigger, simultaneous record is on in the camera...

This has always worked...
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Old March 27th, 2015, 03:35 PM   #4
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Hi. Does the firmware by any chance allow the 5DM2 signal to stay displayed while recording? Previously I could see it when not recording, but upon hitting record Odyssey would go to color bars.
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Old March 27th, 2015, 06:58 PM   #5
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Originally Posted by Robert Thompson View Post
Just loaded 5.10 firmware...

I can no longer get the camera (FS700) to trigger the 7Q...7Q is set on camera trigger, simultaneous record is on in the camera...

This has always worked...
Dear Robert,

Are you in HD mode on the camera, or in a Raw mode?

As far as I know the FS700 does not output the HD-SDI Record Packet, the signal for any external device to start recording, when in HD mode.

This has been the case in my experience with all versions of our firmware.

Please feel free to call me:

seven one nine --- nine three zero --- one three seven six

I am in the United States.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 27th, 2015, 07:01 PM   #6
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Originally Posted by Josh Bass View Post
Hi. Does the firmware by any chance allow the 5DM2 signal to stay displayed while recording? Previously I could see it when not recording, but upon hitting record Odyssey would go to color bars.
Dear Josh,

With the Canon 5D Mark II, when you press record in the camera, the HD (High Definition) signal coming out of the camera switches to SD (Standard Definition).

This is incompatible with recording from any of our devices.

I assume the other issue is still valid, where the 5D Mark II does not output a clean HDMI signal.

Canon has informed us that the 5D Mark II signal was designed for Live View Monitoring, not for recording via an external monitor.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 30th, 2015, 08:48 AM   #7
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Hey Dan,

It works fine on my personal camera which does have the 4k firmware. I was trying it with one of cameras at work which does not have the 4k firmware...so yes, I was in HD.

However, I could have sworn I've gotten it to work with particular camera in the past...but then again maybe I was using mine.

Regardless, probably a false alarm...it works with the camera it needs to so I'm good!
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 04:11 AM   #8
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Triggering works in RAW and HD on my system. (FS700-7q)

It always has and still does with the latest firmware.
Mat Thompson
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 04:26 PM   #9
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Updated my 7Q,

Shooting a feature on a FS700,

The LUT function no longer works at all.


What's going on?
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 06:25 AM   #10
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Dear Kris,

I will be happy to assist.

You may call me for immediate support:

seven one nine -- nine three zero --- one three seven six (I am in the United States)

Or via Skype: dan (dot) keaton1

If you are in one of our FS700 modes, such as 4K Raw to 4K ProRes or FS Raw to Raw, we determine if the camera is outputting S-Log 2.

If it is not, then we do not enable the S-Log 2 to Rec. 709 Viewing LUT, since the footage is not in S-Log 2.

Thus, is your FS700 in Picture Profile 7, and is the gamma=S-Log 2?

It is best (required) that the Picture Profile 7, if used is reset the factory defaults. And there is an option in the Picture Profile menu to do so.

Please feel free to call me.

Or, you may let me know what mode you are using in your Odyssey7Q or Odyssey7Q+ and your FS700 Settings, Format, Frame Rate and Picture Profile used.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 10:52 AM   #11
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Kris, there's a bug in the latest firmware and the LUT doesnt work when in 4K2HD mode.

Im extremely surprised that Dan does not seem to be aware of this?
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 01:30 PM   #12
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

I'm using identical FS700 settings as I've been using for the last 14 shoot days-

PP7 with Slog2.
4K @ 25p.
Odyssey set to 4K to 2K-ProRes

I'm resuming shooting on Monday- am I safe to revert back to FW 4.10.100 ?

I appreciate the offer to phone, etc., but the ideal solution for me is a well researched written reply which may also be of use to others, cheers!

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Old April 5th, 2015, 06:50 AM   #13
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

I'm going to have to go ahead with the rollback to 4.10.100 so I'm ready for shooting tomorrow.

In my opinion the lack of viewing LUT is a pretty serious omission and so the firmware should really be marked as a BETA rather than a Release build!
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Old April 7th, 2015, 06:54 AM   #14
Inner Circle
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Dear Friends,

No, I was not aware of this problem.

I am aware that we made a change in an earlier release where
if your FS700 / FS7 is not in Slog-2 Mode, then when you press the LUT Button,
we will not activate it, since if S-Log 2 is not present, it does not make sense to apply an S-Log 2 to Rec.709 LUT.

I have alerted our Lab so we can test this.


Are you pressing and holding the LUT button, or are you just touching it briefly?

If you press and hold the LUT button you will not see a LUT,

But it you just touch the LUT button, then we should be activating the S-Log 2 to Rec. 709 LUT.

Please let us know as we want to resolve this.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old April 7th, 2015, 12:04 PM   #15
Inner Circle
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Re: Odyssey7/7Q/7Q+ Firmware 5.10.100

Dear Friends,

I have researched this issue.

Yes, I can confirm that this is a problem with our firmware, a bug.

As I understand it, the S-Log 2 to Rec. 709 LUT is not working in our 4K Raw to HD Apple ProRes 422 modes.

This will be fixed in our next firmware release.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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