Just a rant about the build quality of these cards. at DVinfo.net
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Old June 10th, 2014, 05:28 PM   #1
New Boot
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Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.

Just wanted to say something about these cards.

1st off I think they should come in a case. Even CF cards come in a little plastic case. The way these are built with exposed pins feels cheap to me. Not bulletproof at all- not great for the rigors of filmmaking. They should come with some protection if it's not being built into the card. At $800 for a 512gb card couldn't you make them more robust physically? Ever hold a Redmag or Codex Capture Drive? Those things just feel solid- well made.

The reader situation is pretty awful to.The interface between the cards and the 3rd party readers isn't solid at all. The route of the problem i think is it's a design that should live inside a computer and not be used in the way we use these cards- in the field- in and out of devices- in set bags- handing off from AC's to DIT's etc. The fact that we need to use 3rd party readers that don't fit perfectly is a disaster waiting to happen. Here's 3 pictures of the poor fitment I'm talking about. I know people are making inserts for the Seagate thunderbolt to aid in the fitment issue but I don't want to have to wince every time we are downloading a card and hope we don't bend a pin or one gets knocked while downloading etc. Cards should be the last thing i need to worry about on set. You can see in pictures 2 and 3 the amount the card can be moved in the reader. Anyway- hope some of this is constructive and not just a rant.
Attached Thumbnails
Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.-photo-1.jpg   Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.-photo-2.jpg  

Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.-photo-3.jpg  
Chris Bottoms is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 12th, 2014, 05:58 AM   #2
Sponsor: Westside AV
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Mount Washington Valley, NH, USA
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Re: Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.

Just get one of my inserts and it will work very nicely.

SSD support for Seagate TB: Westside A V Studios WEB Store

I also offer a free 3D printer file so you can print one yourself, if you have access to a PrinterBot or similar 3D printer. Just PM me and I will send you a link to download it.
Attached Thumbnails
Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.-ssd-support-seagate-tb.jpg  
Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
Westside A V Studios • http://www.WestsideAVstore.com/
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Old June 16th, 2014, 06:51 AM   #3
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Re: Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.

Just a follow up in agreement, the lack of a case for the drives is really really frustrating. And they do seem like drives that are just meant only to be put in a computer. Maybe someone can develop a custom insert for a DVCPRO case that would work? But for 400-800 bucks when I can buy an off the shelf 1tb ssd for 400 I would really like for it to be shipped in something that protects the drive.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
Nick Hiltgen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 17th, 2014, 11:54 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 873
Re: Just a rant about the build quality of these cards.

Agreed - BMD make one for a standard SSD, they also make a 4 port thunderbolt dock.. it seems like they thought about these things in advance.
John Mitchell is offline   Reply

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