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Old May 28th, 2014, 11:32 AM   #1
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Scaling issues

Anyone else's 7Q have really bad looking scaling for 1080 inputs in all modes? Looks like the unit's scaling the 1080p input to the 720p panel using nearest neighbor so every 3-4 lines is just thrown out and edges are very jagged and ugly. I am on the latest firmware and can't recall whether I saw this issue on the previous firmware.
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Old May 30th, 2014, 04:24 AM   #2
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Re: Scaling issues

No one knows about this? I just want to know if this is a bug only I'm seeing.
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Old June 1st, 2014, 01:02 AM   #3
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Re: Scaling issues

I was testing the 7Q at Abel Cine Burbank with my F3 and thought it looked pretty jagged. I was outputting 1080/24psf from the camera.

The in-store demo also had an FS700 set up with a 7Q. The FS700 also was really jagged until I switched it from psf to p. The FS700 was also in 1080 mode. So, in my experience switching to progressive made a huge difference over psf.

Unfortunately for me, my F3 only outputs psf.

What camera are you using Noah?
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 09:27 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Re: Scaling issues

Dear Friends,

As far as I know, this problem is caused when the camera is outputting 1080i, or 1080p23.98 or 1080psf23.98 (or 24) with 3:2 pulldown added.

Many, but not all cameras have an option to allow 1080p or 1080psf output in 23.98 and 24.

Until our next firmware comes out, which will have 3:2 Pulldown removal, please set this option in your camera. The F3 definitely has this option.

If the problem continues after setting the above option, please let me know.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 04:04 PM   #5
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Re: Scaling issues

Hi Dan,

Thanks as always for your amazing support. When I had my F3 plugged into the Odyssey, the Odyssey was reporting 1080/23.98 psf. If there had been a 3:2 pulldown added, wouldn't the Odyssey have reported 60i since the current firmware doesn't support pulldown removal?

I may be mistaken, but I was under the impression that on the F3, the option to add a 3:2 pulldown only applied to the SDI monitor out port and not the SDI A and B spigots, which is what I was feeding to the Odyssey. I'm pretty sure when I was testing it, I toggled the pulldown option on and off and it made no difference to the appearance of the image, so I believe there is something weird about how the Odyssey is interpreting the psf signal. Again, the difference was night and day on the FS700 when I switched from 23.98 psf to 23.98p.

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Old June 4th, 2014, 08:55 AM   #6
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Re: Scaling issues

Dear Patrick,

I will alert our support team and have them run a test. We have a F3.

I have one with me also, but I am very busy getting ready for Cine Gear Expo, in Hollywood, this weekend.

Our booth is S-318, located at the entrance to Stage 32.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old June 4th, 2014, 05:21 PM   #7
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Re: Scaling issues

I have had this issue on the FS700 and F55, I'll try 1080 progressive output. Looked pretty jagged in FS700 RAW and 4K2HD mode as well, though.

On a different note, I was trying to record some tests in 4K2HD in demo mode (haven't bought the FS700 option yet since I wanted to test first) and when I tried to record it would trigger but only roll for a few seconds and constantly cut and roll over and over every few seconds, recording new clips every couple seconds, and they clips appear to be 5MB corrupted files that won't open. Perhaps this is a problem with unlicensed demo mode? I was hoping to be able to test 4K2HD before buying.
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Old June 29th, 2014, 08:44 PM   #8
New Boot
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Re: Scaling issues

Hi Dan,

Any news on these scaling issues? I have to admit that something that held me back from purchasing the 7Q was the jagged appearance of the image on the screen. Because the F3 only outputs psf and not progressive, this great monitor loses a lot of its attraction for me because the image isn't sharp enough to be used as an AC's monitor.

Thanks very much,
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Old June 29th, 2014, 11:34 PM   #9
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Re: Scaling issues

I have the same issues with the Canon C500. Changing the scan mode from Psf to P helped- No mention of this in the manual and I almost returned it when i got it home because it looked awful. There are several issues with this monitor that make it not so plug and play. Kind of a bummer. It looks great and love the focus and exposure tools but... yea i know... next firmware update.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 08:24 AM   #10
Inner Circle
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Re: Scaling issues

Dear Friends,

I have been traveling extensively (on business) and I now have time to answer questions much more promptly.

When a device receives PSF (Progressive Segmented Frames) from a camera, as opposed to true Progressive, there is a choice to be made as to how to display the images on the display.

In our current firmware release, we opted for a method that ensured the fastest possible response time.

While this can create some jagged images, this in no way affects the actual recorded images.

To be clear, this is display issue only, as the recorded images are an accurate reflection of the camera's images.

Based on user feedback, we changed this and this will be in our next firmware release.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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