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Old January 5th, 2011, 09:39 AM   #1
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Time Code?

Dan, Can TC from one Nano be out putted to another?
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Old January 5th, 2011, 04:04 PM   #2
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Hello Dennis,

To answer your Question Timecode can be sent from one unit to another Embedded via the SDI Stream, But maybe my Question is are you trying to loop threw one unit into another? which can be done easily.

Or are you asking about the internal timecode? Which can be set for seed or time of day, but for it to increment, the unit which is outputting would have to be recording.

Without knowing more parameters its kind of a tricky question, feel free to post or email me directly, andy"at"convergent-design.com

Best Regards
Andy Mangrum, Tech Support Convergent Design, Inc
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Old January 5th, 2011, 10:23 PM   #3
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Thanks. I'm trying to have the exact same TC on two or three Nanos without using a lock it box or other TC gen. I thought with the 3D Nano config., TC might have been looped from one to the other via the 10 pin.
Dan has responded off line and confirmed Im buying a TC Gen. Oh well.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 04:01 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Dear Dennis,

If possible, could you provide more details?

You are a camera expert, so please forgive the following questions.

We have not been able to fiqure out why some of the normal setups would not work for you, based on the information you provided in your email.

If you are using two professional cameras, the HD-SDI outputs have timecode.

If the pro cameras can be cabled together, then timecode out of one can go into the second one.

And one timecode source can be feed into two nanoFlashes using a very low cost BNC "Tee".
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old January 12th, 2011, 03:08 PM   #5
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Splitting TC

When you split a time code signal with a t-connector, the 1 volt signal is cut in half. Most cameras have no problem with this, but it CAN be an issue with some, so I recommend thorough testing. A 'legal' TC signal is 1V. 1/2V is not.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 05:56 PM   #6
Vortex Media
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Originally Posted by Dan Keaton View Post
If you are using two professional cameras, the HD-SDI outputs have timecode. .
I think I understand what Dennis is asking. Suppose you have two EX1s each feeding a Nano and you want matching TC on both. How would you jam sync the timecode on the two Nanos? The EX1s don't have any TC outputs or inputs of their own. Is this even possible?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 10:27 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Dear Doug,

Dennis's original post stated that he did not want to use a timecode generator.

Here are the options as I see it
(for cameras such as the Sony EX1's or EX1R's without timecode inputs or outputs):

1. One can turn on both cameras, connect HD-SDI to the two nanoFlashes, then using any timecode source, jam-sync one nanoFlash then the other. This requires one of our timecode input cables.
The timecode source can then be removed.

If the cameras are turned off, then jam-sync again.

But, this does require a timecode source to perform the jam-sync.

2. Or set the internal clocks on the nanoFlashes as close as possible, then use internal timecode on both.
One can use our Time of Day Internally generated timecode on both nanoFlashes.

Or if one has a timecode source, connect the timecode source to both nanoFlashes by using a BNC Tee.

(The LTC signal is similar to an audio signal, and it does with multiple nanoFlashes when using a BNC Tee. The Timecode BNC input on the nanoFlash is specially designed to all this to work. The Timecode Input on the nanoFlash is a high-impedence input.)
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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