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Old November 24th, 2010, 10:00 AM   #1
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Trigger options

First of all, thanks again CD/Dan, for your personal assistance in timely getting me the new firmware with restored Autosave. Worked well on my trip to Africa.

If there is one thing that would make the nanoflash even more valuable to me, it would be an extra trigger option. I usually use the camera on tripod and use trigger option Remote Level or Remote record, with a remote cable. But now and then I do suddenly have to take it from the tripod and use it handheld (actually shoulder with shoulder mount). Using the remote is then troublesome and the record button on the nanoflash is somewhere behind my back, thus out of reach. The only option is then Timecode (the record button of the camera). But when the need is suddenly there to put the camera from tripod to shoulder, there is no time to reset the trigger mode. The solution would be a trigger option for both Timecode AND Remote Level/Remote Record. I wonder if there are more users recognising this problem and if it would be possible for CD to add this option.
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Old November 24th, 2010, 10:44 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Dear Cees,

I am thinking that you want:

If the camera rolls timecode, then we start.
If the camera stopping rolling timecode, then we stop.

And if the Remote Control is pressed, we start
And if the Remote Control is pressed and held down, we stop.

If the camera is rolling timecode, then we do not stop if the Remote Control is pressed and Held down.

If we start with the Remote Control, then we do not stop if the camera rolls timecode then stops.

This has to be very carefully thought out. We tried something similar and it did not work out.

This was with Timecode and the Start and Stop buttons on the nanoFlash.

(The camera was rolling (timecode was rolling), the operater pressed Stop on the nanoFlash, we stopped, then immedately started recording again. Thus, we changed it so that the Timecode was separate from other ways to start and stop the unit.

I am curious. I am assuming that you do not want to just use Timecode Trigger at all times.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old November 24th, 2010, 01:52 PM   #3
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mmmm, it is more complex than I thought. Did not realise the possibility of starting with obe option and stopping with the other. But Dan, you are right. If I start with Timecode, I will stop with Time code (in other words, just use the camera start/stop button for shooting). And if I start with Remote, I will stop it with remote, when camera is on tripod. Indeed I would say, the trigger option that starts the rolling (Timecode or Remote) should also be the signal that stops the rolling.

This 'problem' would not be there if there was a low priced remote cable for the ex3 itself. In that case the remote of the camera would start camera and the nano when set on Timecode. But the affordable remote cables for the ex3 connect to the lens and I often use Nikon still lenses, thus without remote option. The remote plug on the back of the camera itself is only for the USD 2000+ remote device RM-B150 or the USD 4600+, so very expensive, RM-B750. Which are not handy anyway for my way of operating in the field. If someone knows how to connect just a start/stop cable to the camera itself, that would also answer my question.
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Old November 26th, 2010, 10:11 AM   #4
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I have a similar situation where I can see where I want to quickly move from one nanoFlash setting to another where you don't have the wherewith all to go into the menus in the middle of frenetic shoot or if you are on a Steadicam and have to throw the rig out placing you into an exhausting posture while you fumble with the menus (rather than hanging up the rig and doing it).

My suggestion would be to add the ability to hit the arrow keys to bounce from one saved setting preset to another. In the menus you would be able to assign 2 (preferably more) to various arrow sequences. Could either be up and down arrows or left and right.

I know there was a plan to assign the up & down arrows to adjusting the headphone jack. Regardless, I had/have situations where I am moving from one mode to another in shooting where the ability to nudge through presets on the arrow keys would be hugely beneficial.
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Old November 26th, 2010, 10:33 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Dear Andrew,

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

I will check with our engineers.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old November 27th, 2010, 07:01 AM   #6
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Dear Dan,

On the EX forum I have tried to find a solution for a simple remote start/stop cable, connecting to the camera (not the lens). It creates quite some replies, but not a solution for a remote cable. This means that I hope you can be of help with the nano. A combined trigger option as requested would be super, a solution like Andrew suggests (with the arrow keys) would be close to perfect as well.
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Old November 27th, 2010, 10:14 AM   #7
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Dear Cees,

I will check into it.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old February 20th, 2011, 08:18 AM   #8
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Dear Dan,

Can you tell if there is any news regarding this question?

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Old February 20th, 2011, 10:41 AM   #9
Inner Circle
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Dear Cees,

I realize that it has been some time since you made your original request.

We have not gotten to it yet.

Our original plans were to have a selection of custom presents loaded into the nanoFlash, so you can select which one you want very quickly.

We are just not there yet. Also, with the additional of Image Flip and Image Flop we have less room, so we have to determine if this is something we can add.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old February 20th, 2011, 12:01 PM   #10
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Thanks for your reply. Still hope there will be something like a few presets IN the nano (not with the CF card), or any other solution. I believe there have been severel threads that implicitly lead to the wish for easy presets to choose in the nano.
I also believe it would be more logical to use available room in the nano for solutions that cannot be solved in post. I suppose image flip/flop can be done in post, unless it is something else than I think it is.
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Old February 20th, 2011, 12:16 PM   #11
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My .02 cents on image flip --
Though possible to do in post, it is both extremely time consuming and a major pain (re-rendering all your footage.) Furthermore, performing the flip in the Nano eliminates the need to turn client monitors upside down (ones that don't have a flip option) on set.
My feeling is that this is not a feature to lose.
Dave S
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Old February 20th, 2011, 01:30 PM   #12
Inner Circle
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Dear Cees,

Yes, Image Flip and Flop can be done it post.

However, for 3D shoots and for some 35mm adapter shoots, having it in the nanoFlash is very valuable.

Just to be clear, I definitely want us to find room for a few custom presets in the nanoFlash itself.

While we have made it easy to insert a CF card with the custom preset, then select which one you want, it is still harder than just selecting via a menu item.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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